What did Tariq mean by this ?
What did Tariq mean by this ?
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What's funny is that he is absolutely right that there is a conspiracy to feminize men but he's too full of racial resentment to realize it's happening to literally everyone
Is this the pig graft guy?
I'd gladly give the niggers Arkansas and Mississippi for an ethnostate as long as they fucked off and never bothered whites again
The most important thing you can do for yourself is keep your own life in order. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, to the greatest possible extent, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? And if you can't achieve such basic things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to make a difference in the world, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a real difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunities that most people born on this planet don't. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people, in real life. That's very important. Never let anything from a screen take away from your real life.
>What did Tariq mean by these?
They wuz Kang and now they iz Kweenz,
Fuck I agree with Tariq. What the fuck is happening? We finally spiraling into the abyss or what?
>implying tariq isn't undercover /our nig/
These niggas look gay as fuck plane n simple i aint want my kids looking up to these gay niggas.
Yeah give them Arkansas simply because it has a gay nigger tier name.
>spelt Kansas
>pronounced Kansas
>spelt Arkansas
>should be pretty simple to pronounce right? It's just "Kansas" with an "Ar" in front of it
>It's pronounce le Arkansaw lol xD
Give it to the niggers so they can at least name it in a way that makes logical sense and doesn't trigger my autism - "Dekansas" or something.
Shits played out.
Those South Park dudes wore dresses to the oscars like twenty years ago.
>What did Tariq mean by this ?
He's genuinely confused by this shit. Perhaps he's worried the deep-rot of Europeans is setting in to what he sees as 'his' people.
>He's genuinely confused by this shit. Perhaps he's worried the deep-rot of Europeans is setting in to what he sees as 'his' people.
He's not confused. He knows that the kikes are behind this.
>play terrible games, get shitty prizes.
Guess that's what he gets for having the Jews on his team.
His people are being gayed so they stop procreating
>his team
What are you talking about?
Tariq, you single digit nig, Jews aren't white.
Between nogs like Tariq and Jesse Lee Peterson, I think we can actually work with these dudes for a two state solution.
>not Darkansas
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
I-is this the way to wake up niggers to (((them)))?
Daily reminder Tariq is obsessed with white on black homosexual domination, and it permeates all of his tweets and all of his “takes”: fear and resentment of submission to white male aggressors
Now if only we could get them to understand (((who))) is doing the emasculation. Getting niggers to get the JQ would throw a monkey wrench in their whole operation.
Dave Chappell is shitttttiing his pants over this
t. Arkansan
You know how they always like to put "De" in front of otherwise normal western names so they can sound more "fancy" or something.
team diversity.
What, you thought increased representation in politics and the workplace was a favor?
ALL Gentile peoples must unite against international Jewry.
it's pretty fucking funny desu...
>nigger faggots
Oh fuck you kike. The shoah is coming and nobody has time for your bullshit. All zionists will be genocided.
>This destroys the tranny-lover
>finally spiraling
Wut. We havent begun.
Americans have literally been trained to cheer for their noble savages the moment they are on screen
underrated post
I'm sorry, who?
For I think, the Jew, is u
>inb4 no u
>His people are being gayed so they stop procreating
wtf I love Jews now??
Yeah I get it but a state full of darkie jigaboos should be named Darkansas.
Tariq needs to wake the fuck up and start pushing his fans far right. He thinks all whites are like the progressive degenerates.
Only Jews watch the oscars
I dont know why I find this so funny. Maybe from dealing with ghetto niggers nothing gets them more fired up that suggesting theyre gay.
tariq we all know you post here you jumped up nigger
Yup. You're a fucking zionist shill. How sad and pathetic and worthless your life must be. You hate the world because you hate yourself. Don't worry. Humanity will do the job and silence you once and for all.
No no no, obviously this is just fragile white masculinity.
a lot of (((white))) people
Just wait kraut. Once the african migrants leave frankfurt and head to bavaria it'll be the beginning of the end.
He's incorrectly assigning blame.
But Goy, think of the milk!
Do you really want a world with no khazar milkers? I know you Yanks love dem tiddaysss
Nah it's time for Judgment.
you could have a nigger in a diaper and white liberals would all flood social media with mass amounts of virtue signalling.
Tariq is /ourloonynigger/, whether he knows it or not. If you’re browsing, you pavement ape, I propose an alliance between us to purge the country of (((them))) and all other immigrants. Blacks with evidence they have been here since the slave trade can have their own ethnostate in the south, or return to Africa. All other shitskins immigrants have to get the fuck out.
Tariq is Chaos which makes him /ourguy/,
this image is bad because those propaganda girls are actualy 10/10... but they are not jews but russians who falsely claimed to be jewish to get asylum in israel decades ago.
i am bavarian and they are already here and german girls of all ages are hooking up with them while retards like me are going to work
Weird I was just thinking about this and came to Jow Forums for the first time all weekend to find a thread on the front page. I think it's fucking ironic and hilarious, how black people act so fucking weird too and we're not allowed to comment on it, they're even commenting our reaction too it. They're the ones happily dressing up like women.
It's funny when you look from the cuck-shaming perspective. They try to make white men look pathetic but they need to wear literal dresses to the award shows they need to win just to feel better about themselves. It's the symbol of pathetic.
It's a cool dress though.
I thought that was Shaq on the right for a second.
life imitates art the picture
>those propaganda girls are actualy 10/10
Nah bruh.
Oh shit sorry bro. Wish I could tell it'll get better but it wont. It really really wont.
Are they comedians? Comedians occasssional do the cross dressing thing for laughs.
lmao u srs? your women are fucking disgusting fat slobs ugly acne face anglo cunt? australian women are one of the worst of white and you call those poster propaganda girl not 10/10? retarded meth user shitposting cunt XDDDD
>is this the way to wake up niggers to (((them)))?
No they're too stupid to tell the difference between Jews an Whypipo
Stay salty you fucking proxy kike. You're inbred rats and the propaganda girls only make people hate Israel more.
No they're non binary gender neutral androgynous gays
thanks but ive already accepted it. its liken that yuri bezimov shit where he talks about being stuck with people and you not being able to do shit because they are contaminated
ahhahaha your women are fucking niggers everyday you white trash trailer park living burger eating autist, stop drooling over yourself in your wheelchair autist and smash your head against the wall disgusting acne face shy nerd virgin
You can just say faggots. That’s all the nuance necessary.
Didn't Dave Chappelle mention this shit too?
White people, more like Jews, cat ladies and gays.
> muh based black mangs
fuck off nigger loving civicuck migapede
Based Russian Czech porn producer
You’re retarded. This post is a perfect example of how you and Tariq are the same person with one word removed.
Fucking Christ you so called “right, left” mongoloids are so oblivious.
Yes black people act weird too, even Asians and Hispanics and everything in between have trannys and fags.
Most black people are traditional and conservative themselves. But you both think the fact that there are white or black cross dressers is because there’s some secret agenda to make your race weak. It’s because YOURE insecure, there is no secret agenda moron.
There is no secret agenda to feminize men of any race. Sometimes some countries have good times which creates weak men, sometimes some countries have bad times which create strong men.
>aspie projection hitting new levels
Who the fuck cares about niggerfaggots anyway?
>ahhahaha your women are fucking niggers everyday
same goes for slavic girls. your youth is hooking up with niggers like the rest and once outside your home nation eastern european girls are the biggest coal burners (or prostitutes)
get real your country is literally a giant brothel for the west and east (chinks literally buying women)
>fuck off nigger loving civicuck migapede
You realize that all your D&C identity spam on Jow Forums falls on deaf ears? The end of Zionism is at hand and people like you will be purged so we can have world peace.
>Monkey wrench
Yeah there's a whole sub-genre of Black Identity conspiracy theories that somehow manage to avoid noticing the existence of Jews
Yeah I'm srs bruh, the actual propaganda slits were like sevens, eights. You think too highly of women to give away ratings like that so easily, pussy-pedestal worshipper
Niggas gettin woke
>chinks literally buying women
maybe stop believing asian masculinity shitposting you little chink loving autist 10 cm dick and kys.
The day will come when Tariq joins our side
Is anyone bothering to mention (((them))) to /ournigger/ Tariq?
>have good times which creates weak men, sometimes some countries have bad times which create strong men.
You need to stop using this overly reductive meme like its some astute observation.
what's wrong? are they suffering a bit of fragile masculinity?
Thanks Uncle Jordan
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