Kek wills it!

Bernie 2020.

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Kek died in 2017


Imagine supporting paying for another mansion for a 77 year old whose life accomplishment is renaming a post office
Also Jow Forums is dead

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>script get
>it's only quads
Why even bother?

You guys aren't getting refunds this time either.

The absolute desperate state of Bernouts

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Because Reddit is extremely pissed that we managed to shitpost a professional wrestler into the White House while their dried up cuckold king ran off with their millions in donations.
Now they're starting thread after thread about how a narcissistic but well-intentioned dumbass fucks up like everyone expected, and while most people don't care, the transplants from The_Donald sperg out and now it's funnier to join in on dismantling Trump. It doesn't help when Jow Forums posts on other boards, because it means a lot of other boards might dogpile on.

Low energy kike, quads are useless against full 7's. 7 is the most sacred number to Kek

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I'm only voting for people that push Universal Basic Income, that's shit would be funny to watch

Still using kek in 2019

Remember make sure the rope is tightly around your neck before kicking the chair away OP. Works every time.

no chance

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Bernie is a sell out

This is a Yang Gang thread now.

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Give Bernie money.
Match me.
No refunds.
Feel the Bern.
Give him money.

Say goodbye to your babysitting money.

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Say no to Breadline Bernie, Yang Gang 2020!!!!

Based and Yangpilled.

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Kek showed us our power level, that was his purpose, now he is gone. We must do this on our own.


Christs number also. Trump 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old at his inauguration

>pic related:girl behind Bernie at the Kavanaugh inauguration

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Kek is about causing chaos. As of now, liberals are still the establishment. Maybe one day when the right wingers are in charge and leftists are the edgy countercultural ones, Kek will support the left.

when will the meme that Jow Forums had anything to do with trump's election die
russian facebook ads had more impact

Bernie will be Yang gang banged.

Bernie will be your god.

Trump is going to win 2020

>Kek will support the left.

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Kek is about chaos, not MAGA. Chaos gods give no fucks about your political affiliations or racial/economic/whatever ideas, they just want to make the biggest possible mess.

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>As of now, liberals are still the establishment
so much for Trump, eh.


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>Kek is about chaos, not MAGA.


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