Lesbians More Likely to be Fat Than Heterosexual Women, Study Finds


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no shit

My cousin is a dyke and she told me that lesbians do it so men find them unattractive.

Rent free.

It's logic for you?

It's more a matter of fat bitches being lesbian due to no men wanting them.

Soros is behind the tranny movement

>Three years ago, a Supreme Court ruling paved the way for gay marriage.
>After it, the mainstream media had one question: What was next for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender movement? They had, after all, won the big fight. In addition, many corporations had adopted policies barring discrimination based on sexual orientation, and two of America’s most watched shows at the time “Modern Family” and “Glee” featured openly gay characters.

>“I really do believe [the Supreme Court ruling] is the domino that is going to tip over the rest of the dominoes,” Wilson Cruz, an LGBT activist, told CNN at the time. “Do not get in the way of this train, because it will run you over.”

>To ensure things ran full-steam ahead, billionaire George Soros, through his Foundation to Promote Open Society, dedicated at least $2.7 million to the cause that year, according to his tax returns.

>In 2013, Mr. Soros‘ gave GSA $100,000.
>The Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Community Center also received $130,000 from Mr. Soros that year.
>The Global Action for Trans Equality (GATE), headquartered in New York, received $244,000 from Mr. Soros.

>Mr. Soros also gave $525,000 to Justice at Stake, a group that’s looking to promote diversity in the courts for people within the LGBT community.


Give me a JUST haircut and fucking shoot me already!

They have to consume some substances more in order not to mutate in femin demons.

These are always kind of amusing until you realize that it was probably government funded.

Explain a lot of things.

they don't have to deal with hetero beauty standards, makes sense to me

>She said: “We know that sexual minority groups are more likely to be exposed to >Ypsychosocial stressors, which impacts on their mental health and their health >behaviours such as smoking and alcohol use, and which may influence their health >behaviours such as diet or physical activity.

>“These stressors include homophobia and heterosexism, negative experiences that >are experienced by the lesbian, bisexual and gay population as a result of their >sexual orientation identity and are known to be linked to health.”

And it's all our fault.


ah yes 'lesbians'

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This makes me sad. Lesbians are/were my fap material and I liked imagining them as hot schoolgirls not fat lumps

Because most of them have body issues, self-esteem issues, and are deeply unhappy.

Most Women who self-identify as Lesbian are victims of childhood sexual abuse, rape, or crazy sketchy male role models in their life. They're Lesbian by choice and distrust and hate Men, while Lipstick lesbians are true feminist carpet munching homos.

Good. The path to satisfy my fat fetish is almost complete

The ones I hang out with aren't fat. They're all alcoholics though- even so they're all more reliable friends than my bros. They're the best friends I've ever had. If you haven't been 'mothered' by a group of lesbians you have missed out big time.

>unhappy people under stress are more fat than happy people
wow such a huge relevation majority of Jow Forums totaly could not relate to

Isn't it more that they don't feel the need to impress men?

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They study funny things.

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Fat Women More Likely to be Lesbian than Thin Women, Study Finds

Are you saying it's choice?

No, being fat is 100% genetic. It's not because they eat 20 pounds of processed crap every day. However, race is a social construct, and thus doesn't exist.

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Yea debian users are very fat, i use arch btw
