The FBI is doing its part to help us all stay fit!
Why have you not downloaded it yet goy?
Have you downloaded the new FBI fitness app?
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Half of Jow Forums needs the app considering they are all: fat, lazy, republicunt incels.
I hope you guys enjoy prison, especially when Trump gets indicted.
Lol this is great. Almost got me
>It's real
Someone download it, I'm curious what their idea of fitness is. Skimming over their twitter makes me feel like applying again with how low-effort everything looks.
Do you not see the things you have to give the FBI access to?
Someone download it on a friends phone.
The feds can already pull your phone records without a warrant so it's not like they need this
Yeah but it might autoflag something that gets them looking at you in the first place
I unironically would trust this app more than Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Whatsapp, Google, Youtube or any other social media app.
If FBI wanted to hire me I sure enough wouldn’t be running around doing stupid shit, Tf am I signing up for some rookie NYPD job chasing down crack heads and lifting old ladies across the street? lol if I’m hired by any government agency it’s because perception is an equation to me and so are people emotions. Although I’d never help the fbi cuz it’s funny to watch them suck dick lul
>Implying Jow Forums likes (((Trump)))
lol what a zionist
Hire you?
They want you to download their fitness app that gives them access to your phone and everything you do online.
kek do normies really download shit like fbi apps
I think they might ya know?
Can confirm, over 1 billion people use both Facebook and Snapchat.
apparently around 30,000 people downloaded it
I just want to point out you guys are all naive. FBI fitness app is unironically a good thing being offered for free, but more importantly- they, and many other groups, companies, even other nations, already can watch you without your "immediate consent".
guys calm down, they just want a workout buddy. it's not healthy to sit behind a screen all day.
>30,000 people downloaded it
I would really like to believe that there are 30,000 programmers out there that wanted to try and look at the code or something
But more likely people are just retarded.
I think this may be the case.
The terms of service are pretty fucked, literally says they will search your data and if they find anything you will be charged.
Remember, Antisemitism is illegal in America.
>The terms of service are pretty fucked, literally says they will search your data and if they find anything you will be charged.
What the fuck? Is there a link to the TOS?
>giving glowniggers access to all the files in your phone
>giving glowniggers access to your location
Do people really fall for this shit?
They show them in this vidya but im not game enough to get the actual terms of service
Couldn't make this shit up
What a fucking meme. I guess it is the FBI, although for .00001 second I thought maybe they had released a piece of software that would protect your data from Chinese hackers.
But instead they just released legal Spyware.
Imagine living in a world where people install spyware on their own computers....
I can't complain too much, my friends all use Facebook, Snapchat AND Instagram.
Meanwhile, I just use FB and Discord. probably the worst of them all. Sadly, it's almost impossible to keep in contact with people if you don't use at least one app thoguh
This is true, people won't msg you back on your phone.
What's the matter goy? You aren't hiding anything are you now? hehehe
Can I just get a map app on my phone without the Israelis getting my entire friend list and constant location?
What could possibly go wrong?
prison? i was planning on dying in your arms when swat tries to rescue you, faggot...
that law itself is illegal and i will shoot ypou faggot now what glownigger