

Attached: 105665954-1546959775388rtx6jhvu.530x298.jpg (530x298, 29K)

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>no one works at ICE now that u have wall blumpftards

Doesn't look like a very comfy drop on the other side

>using siege equipment to scale walls
Woah it's almoast like you need armed personnel defending the fortifications. It's not as if this has been the case for thousands of years. Leafs are truly the worst posters.

Well I mean, they can pull the ladder up...

You'd need rather a lot more skill than the average shitskin to avoid becoming an hero

Hahahaha haha this is pure cope.


Attached: mexicans training to defeat trump.webm (720x405, 2.37M)

No one’s dying from that low a jump

That's obviously a fake photo. No ladder goes up that high.

it's fucking sand at the bottom achmed

tumble and roll motherfucker

>British IQ

It's American gladiators for illegals, we should televise this shit to fund the wall. Make a series of walls, with each one being more difficult. The illegals who make it over get citizenship, the ones who don't make it through are simply left.

inb4 COPE
Israel has a BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL but not for u GOYIM

Attached: wall btfo.png (584x718, 526K)

>using siege
>A fucking ladder
Is this a luxury in your shithole. Even beaners can buy ladders.

Looks like an 18ft wall. Imagine the 30ft new sections in all their glory.

this is also an option

Attached: wall saw.png (800x633, 560K)

mexico is way ahead of u

Attached: mexico trump wall.png (500x348, 105K)

You would with American healthcare

>unironically being this dumb
You do realise ladders were use to climb walls for thousands of years. I know your country has no history so you are uneducated on the subject, but still stop embarrassing yourself.

>No ladder goes 20 feet high

Attached: homedepot.jpg (1330x513, 53K)

for sure, multiply height in white shirt guy x3 and definitely closer to 18ft v. 30ft

are mexicans really this retarded?
theres literally a door you can go through to come in to america and you don't even have to sneak through just show your passport and boom you're in
like nigga just go in through the door
>mexican intellectuals

An overweight Brit may break his kneecaps.

Sand, or hardpack desert dit?

Oh look wall version 1.0 has a few issues... let's build wall 1.0.1 with concertina wire. We don't tear down houses because some ants find their way into your house... We don't throw out linux because version 1.0 sucked and had bugs.

^It's you

Meanwhile one of the actually proposed walls at nearly twice the height.


Attached: pri_56347328.jpg (480x720, 44K)

Attached: afl.jpg (554x554, 46K)


trumpcucks btfo



%50 chance of death dropping 12 feet, %100 chance of broken bones. exponentially increases the further you fall

Why not just toss a rope over the other side and put a pulley on the top? everyone going down on the other side will pull up someone on the mexico side.

Juan, you think you can make this your national sport down there?

Attached: 1550299726674.jpg (1200x630, 241K)

lol dude they can just climb to the top, sit there and pull the ladder up

did trumptards really not think this was a possibility?

>british IQ

I'd say just have a few hundred drones with missiles patrol the border instead.

Enjoy your broken legs paco

>use legal passport
>have to return to Mexico
>come illegally
>everyone feels sorry for Jose
>no one reports him
>gets free gibs and gets to vote in elections while on a under paying job
>rubs hands

Now you know why

Do you idiots fail to understand that it takes much more effort to scale a wall than it is to just walk across? Imagine all those pregnant women trying to do that. Plus you could station guards on top of the wall.

Show me an example of someone managing that on slippery desert dirt (notice how many people there are at the bottom needed to hold it).

6 as opposed to groups of 200+

At least there won't be masses like the caravan running across.

>German humour

Wrong fence jackass. The modern one has the 5 foot steel plate.

The caravan wasn’t real, it was all manufactured right near the midterms to spook retards like you out to the voting polls. Luckily you’re a leaf so we have at least one less retard over here who didn’t fall for that shit

The wall isn't going to stop some young shitskin and his shitskin friends. The wall is mean't to stop cuntzwella and her 35 children from getting over. This is where boarder patrol comes in, to catch the young shitskins and his shitskin friends.

Those are Americans. Mexico doesn't have ladder technology.

Explain the new ones.

people solved this hundreds of years ago by pouring burning pots of oil on these types of invaders

Attached: 1543182688444.png (1152x646, 669K)

You can still put a ladder down you fucking retard. It's not quicksand and most likely it's packed dirt.

There isn’t one.

>The wall is mean't to stop cuntzwella and her 35 children from getting over.
You realize women and young children are typically part of large caravans set up by traffickers with the means to get large groups over small natural obstacles?
They were never on their own in the first place.

This should slow them down and give border patrol time to stop them.

Its actually harder to do it alone. A large group can dig a tunnel in less than an hour or just carry and lift up two ladders.

Obama leaf is that you?

>you could station guards on top of the wall.
Is he gonna stand on a 2 inch wide ledge all day?

Attached: DWyRNafU8AE9M3a.jpg (1200x1000, 190K)

Do you even know how border patrol operates?

So a wall would slow them down and give border patrol the time they need to stop them?


I'm for the wall but couldn't they just use explosives, or dig underneath?

Absolutely and unironicly BTFO
at least the Israeli company who built Trump's Wall made a lot of Jews rich!

Attached: 333B449A-E8EF-43E8-83C6-8C3E74C61B94.png (326x643, 181K)

lol no they're just waiting their turn to climb up

This is an aweful thing to say. You need to embrace the MAGA love.

lmao nice

I can't even begin to describe how retarded you are.

We aren’t allowed to kill them with explosives yet.

Digging is very time consuming process and easy to shut down once found out. Explosives attract a lot of attention.

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Are you talking about landminds? I think we’d have to tell them first.

>Digging a 4 foot deep hole is a time consuming process


Mexicans Ninja Warrior

Are you literally retarded? A wall this size would need deep foundations.

Attached: 1550066971939.jpg (750x753, 57K)

Make them need to do that. With any luck, a bunch of them will crack their skulls =)

This actually shows the scale of the wall. Looks pretty decent. Didn't know it was actually that tall.
Didn't someone try climbing it and broke their leg .

>%50 chance of death dropping 12 feet, %100 chance of broken bones
absolute fucking bullshit, I've landed distances higher than that without more than a sore heel for a few minutes, even as a child. we used to jump off a staircase behind our school for fun and the top of the railing to the ground was about 15 feet.

Learn how to land properly you fat fucks, try not breaking the fall with your face.

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The Mexicans can use minesweepers if we plant land mines. It wouldn’t slow them down one bit.

>Implying it doesn't go down up to 10 feet
>Trying to dig a tunnel in sand without it collapsing

Yep and all these were dismantled this week in CA. Like Ann Coulter said, Trump's Presidential Library should be made out of these

Attached: 1550593050262.jpg (986x1024, 76K)

it's coping by definition, they're coping with the obstacle of a wall by using a ladder.

>Canadian education
>Learning how to measure properly
Pick one

Just use automatic turrets and mow down anyone who comes close. Or better yet, put nuclear waste around the wall so that anyone who passes through it would get lethal dose of radiation.

Attached: 1549427898238.gif (512x287, 2.57M)

As if there's not 300 miles of unprotected border + tunnels for women and burritos to cross.

>some can climb over the wall
>some can cut through the wall
Solution: no wall at all.

The absolute state of the left.

Have you heard of tanks and hazmat suits? That wouldn’t slow the Mexicans down one bit.

We should put metal spikes on our side so they can have a comfy way down.

what's wrong, no argument license?

The correct tense would be future, not present. Do they not teach you basic English classes in Britain anymore.

The current fence being tested doesn't go deeper than the average adult height.
Consider the lack of funds for an immense amount of section it's unlikely they'll afford something bigger than the first picture,

Sure as fuck slows em down though huh. I’d rather than have 20 spics who can climb ladders than 20,000 spics that waltz across the border and drop their anchor babies to forever use my tax dollars for all eternity.

why are spics so determined to come into my country? it's so fucking infuriating.

Not understanding that when these pictures are taken, 99% of the time border patrol is sitting right on the other side waiting to arrest them. It's double-jeopardy getting this shit on film, if the news airs it and they didn't report the crossing, they're automatically deemed complicit in the crime and on top of it can be charged again for every time it's aired. Imagine being this ignorant, yet still literate enough to operate a computer.

Attached: 1549939372941.png (640x360, 116K)

>The average mexican illegal has access to a fucking tank
Why do they want to come to the US then?

They want to take back land they lost in the Mexican American war.

>0.01% of the Mexican population can climb walls

Attached: 35252523423465.jpg (282x415, 20K)

The coyotes use them to smuggle them in

I've never understood the wall. If we wanted to solve illegal immigration we'd arrest employers with a history of hiring illegals and require proof of citizenship for government aid.

>using tanks to cross the border
You can just glass the entire country by that point. Hazmat suits don't protect from gamma radiation.

Attached: 1549868221481.jpg (723x599, 55K)

>99% of the time border patrol is sitting right on the other side waiting to arrest them.
If they had enough time to reach them before they took the 1 minute needed to climb to the top, they didn't need a wall in the first place.

>American logic
Common core was a mistake