Guys this used to be all fun and games to me too but there is truth here and we are going into territory that WE will...

Guys this used to be all fun and games to me too but there is truth here and we are going into territory that WE will all regret. We must support the cable news channels

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Notice how those Jews gave Hitler the longest nose out of all of em because he’s the only one who stood up to the jew. Projection by jews at its finest.

Attached: 9271978E-EDA2-4C35-97A2-195E0BCB59E2.jpg (330x450, 36K)

Here is noted alt right neo-Nazi George Washington criticizing the press.

Attached: OG_fake_news.png (1364x401, 274K)

The news isn't against the government they are for one side and against the other. If they were against both parties and actually held them both accountable then they would be for the people. But yes, pretending to be objective while pushing bias and lying to the people makes you enemy of the people.

Attached: ascutal.jpg (500x501, 43K)

>They had to write the names of each dictator
This speaks volume about the average IQ of their readers.

>absolute state of low IQ mutts

Ahaha. tard

where abe

Everyone in this piece of shit cartoon, except for Nixon and Trump, had total control over the press.

Attached: OP.jpg (338x500, 76K)

except that trump said the FAKE press is the enemy of the people and he is right

Attached: 847368753648756345.jpg (3160x2882, 1.71M)


Little detail, see how the chinks have the least caricatural elements? You can make whites look retarded but chinks? That would be raycis

All those guys are fucking awesome

of course the artist actually puts their names next to the illustrations, as if it isnt obvious who they are. the art is good but they must always hand hold and insult the viewers intelligence
>left cant meme

FACT: The press is the enemy of the people


Braindead amerimutts wouldn’t recognize anybody besides blumpf and hitler

but none of these guys were objectively bad
and if you look at their track record they support the press, as long as it's in their interests

>We must support the cable news channels
Yeah you're right I guess. Lets all cut our dicks off and have interracial butt sex with dildos and get AIDS lmao.

Does the artist have no confidence in their art that these famous people need to be labeled?

Most people would recognize Hitler and Kim too.

The sky is blue.
The enemy is evil.
We fight for our livelihood.

just coz someone says something doesn't mean shit.
>implying the press pre-computers is anything like "the press" post-internet

>4 socialists, killed millions of people
>1 president who kinda spied on journalists
>1 Russian dick who killed maybe dozens of people idgaf
>1 autocrat who is seeking peace after handed a country he is the absolute sovereign
>1 president who says mean tweets on Twitter

These men are all equally reprehensible i see. Truly the jews of the holocaust would shed a tear if they saw how badly first world editorial cartoonists had it

Trump is right though. Maybe all those other guys are too?

I think he likes writing letters. Cuz the pictures are actually really good

Thomas Jefferson's second inaugural address, John Adams Alien and Sedition Acts. The first three presidents hated the lying press. A dishonest press that distributes propaganda is the enemy of the people.

Attached: 1545435009717.png (527x409, 27K)

Stalin, Mao, Castro, Putin and Kim don't control their press at all. Stalin regularly held debates in the press. Its the USA that has paid for and controlled media, Amerilards aren't allowed to know anything that goes on outside the USA unless the capitalists want them to.

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Fuck off. Nixon did nothing wrong.

Roos going ham fpbp.

That’s not a real person.

I thought my eyes were deceiving me.

hey faggot a free press is me linking an article about talmudic satanism on facebook, NOT a jew owned and staffed propaganda organization with a fancy budget

they forgot the lying part, of course

you actually believe that shit don't you faggot?

>giving hitler a jew nose

Ok scholomo fuck off


>1 post by this ID

0/10. kys, shartblue ass wipe.

If you don't believe that western media doesn't have a narrative more slanted than my wife's eyes in favor of a certain small, rootless, international clique and against western civilization then YOU my friend are the low IQ moron.

Criticism of the establishment should be protected speech. Mainstream media must be held accountable for the propaganda they produce to propagate the narratives and agendas of internationalists.

The press is the enemy of the people, because the majority of them either have dual loyalty or no loyalty to the nation, just like the politicians and corporations they safeguard.

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Bloody ironic that this cunt puts Nixon on here, who was eviscerated by the press for crimes which weren’t even close to what Hillary did. Kind of proves Trump’s point.

Hitler, Stalin & Putin love(d) the press though..

where is the lie though ?

The kike press is the enemy of the people.

>More slanted than my wife's eyes
Is your wife chino really as cute as I hear?

> Press lying for years
> Also the Press: "believe us!"

>Nixon, Putin, Trump
Typical uneducated mutt meme

"Hey, where's my pic? I spied on journalists, too. Do I get another award?"

Attached: v475769067194708427495.jpg (634x910, 136K)

I have always been exempt of all of this, and I have always been above all of this.

Attached: 1538862006438.jpg (640x635, 39K)

Well if Stalin, Mao, Hitler, Castro, Nixon, Putin, Kim, and Trump agree on it that’s good enough for me

Ah, the leftist mind. Nixon and Trump are the equivalent of Stalin and Mao (who are conveniently forgotten in other arguments). Fun and games indeed.


The Russians are the only section of the mainstream media that still has integrity and respect while still acting trolling.
Western media by contrast reminds me of some sociologist college girl who bought fake glasses to look intellectual despite being the furthest thing from it.

I have difficulty to grasp how stupid you have to be to believing this.

Attached: F2ADA23E-0C08-4E97-98AA-A221A126AA5B.png (1487x1279, 1.97M)

>you're dumb because you don't know who some people are
This speaks volumes for your IQ.

Yes, that means that education is shit if they don't know most influencial people of 20th century.
They are dumb as a rock.

Facts don't matter to the leftists because they think they're the moral compass of the world.

Not just lefties. Most Americans think that way.

All of those people, except Trump, actually controlled the press. Low IQ meme is stupid.

Ocasio cortez literally said this.

Leftist corruption is actually quite intimidating

Attached: alexandria-ocasio-cortez-facts-morality-lol.jpg (500x607, 85K)

Castro spoke against Israel so many times so of course the (((cartoonist))) would put him there.

Because centering the speech bubble and slightly merging them was too hard?

Oh yeah, did you figure out who that hot librarian girl is yet?

How dare you put Hitler beside those jews
And that's a rather Hebrew drawling of the führer

This. Obama and Clinton have admitted to doing worst.

Hy, y нac в Paшкe вcё eщё ecть Haвaльный и кaнaлы типa Дoждя и Paдиo cвoбoды, или кaк тaм eгo

How so?