All generals must be go

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i wonder if he feels a little gay when he starts masturbating

That's the wrong hand damn it

that tattoo is on the wrong arm, or it should be mirrored
imagine fucking up this royally


no those are plumber hands. if ur not a plumber you wouldnt get it

Holy shit. Hope thats not his dominant hand.

Just imagine having to watch that Mario while jacking off.

>gamer tats

This seems illegal with all the copyright laws


You know what needs to go? YOU FUCKING ISRAELIS. Thank God your judgment day is coming. Thank God you're gonna die.

Then we can have world peace.

>if ur not a plumber you wouldnt get it
I am a plumber, and I don't get it.

>everything is illegal
>europe memeflag

Ontopic, rolling generals are cancerous.
reddit zombies inhabit them.

hmmm. maybe youre new. did you just become a plumber?

Who jerks with their dominant hand? That's for using the mouse

Lots of slide threads. Wtf Jow Forums. This is like /b/ and /soc/ with a dash of Nat soc going on.

>inb4 never good etc

and while i understand the gimmick, this orientation is generally considered to be upside down

fixed it

Attached: fixed.jpg (360x640, 69K)

Two right hands, brilliant

plz save /ptg/

Attached: (((ASHITOFTHEJEWS))).jpg (2000x667, 264K)

those were separate issues and you fixed neither

no shit

>really miss the Obama generals desu

Jesus Christ, Europe

i almost spit out my drink LMFAO

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This is fucking retarded

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straighten those fingers a little bit