Oldfag here. This probably isn't the place for this, considering the state of Jow Forums these days, but I see enough fucking religious threads so why the hell not.
I recently went through a crisis of faith, of sorts. As a pagan. the long and short of it is, I was raised by fundie parents but too autistic to ever really believe in their magical savior fairy as a kid, calling myself an 'atheist' at the age of, like, 9. I went through the whole edgy phase as a teenager where I was a satanfag, as every occultard and paganfag does. As an adult, when forced to identify as anything at all, I identify as 'pagan'. I prefer not to at all, primarily because most people these days think Uncle Varg and Vikangzbro shit and not, say, Iamblichus or the Hermetica.
It got to the point, though, where no amount of abstract metaphysical mumbo jumbo could make me really BELIEVE in the old gods of Europe. Their cults are a thousand years dead, and all modern attempts at reconstructionism are silly considering what little we have. I'm sorry, an essay on the Iron Age in Denmark isn't holy revealed scripture.
So I got back into reading the Bible. Not because I was trying to 'find Jesus' or any shit like that. Because it was what I was raised with, and I remember appreciating the symbolism as a kid.
And holy fuck, Jow Forums. This shit is a goddamn gold mine.
It's all here. Every last thing the Jews hated and despised.
They were so autistic they recorded it all out of sheer hatred.
Golden calves and sacred groves watered with the blood of sacrificial lambs and Israelite children.
Barbaric priest-kings clothed in white silks stained with the blood of rabbis fed to the temple-dwelling lions of the Goddess of War.
Vast stone temples engraved with reliefs of wrathful angels and nature scenes, of predators hunting prey. Jow Forums.....
Is the key to defeating (((Them))) in their descriptions of the things their God hates?
I was christian, then I left childhood and became atheist, then I longed for spirituality, so i read the stories of the Norse Gods, many dozens of them. I worship Odin, Baldr, Thor and Frey, not because i believe they existed in the real world, but because they existed in the minds of strong and fearless white men in the distant past. That is religion is it not? If you are a white person who is tired of being atomized and lacking any tribal identity, I implore you to read the myths, fuck the historical representations. and fuck worshipping a kike.
To be honest man, I want to give you the benefit of the doubt, but, like
Can you even give me any kind of legit metaphysical schema from the few scattered remnants of stories those >strong and fearless white men in the distant past left us?
Like I said, when it comes to 'pagan' I dropped the Eddas and picked up Neoplatonic and Hermetic ideas years ago. If you wanna talk, like, Veðrfölnir, Hræsvelgr, Dáinn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Duraþrór, that's what's up but you can miss me with that hoky HAIL ODIN Varg-tier shit
No because the retards who they opposed were just as bad. The gods don't demand blood sacrifice and other gay shit. They simply demand we do what is necessary and what is right and we will. Lucifer is a light bearer, not a an enemy, he dwells in the heavens and shines upon us. Fate herself directs our motions. We will win. We are the forces of good user, so become and you too will prosper when the day comes.
I worship the idealized beings in my head just as you do user, this isn't a pissing contest as to who found the most apocryphal deep occult "knowledge". I don't think Choronzon is real, I don't think Kabbalah is real, i don't think the Hermetica is real, I know that people ACT on the things that go on inside their heads, which is as real as it all gets. It shouldn't be about how deep in some nestled matroika doll of magical lore any of us can go, it should be more about what your spirituality drives you to do. and I'll ask that of you, would you die for your beliefs?
Nicholas Fisher
Yeah, I know. The Canaanites. As in, the good guys. The ones OPPOSED to the Israelites.
>I worship the idealized beings in my head just as you do user
The problem with this is that this isn't actual real belief.
I'm looking for real belief.
Most of us here were raised with the Bible, whether we like it or not. Its symbolic vocabulary has been a part of our civilization for the past thousand years.
>this isn't a pissing contest as to who found the most apocryphal deep occult "knowledge"
That you see a legitimate attempt at finding some sort of sincere and transcendent meaning in what few scraps of religious knowledge the last few generations of our idiot forefathers deemed us worthy to inherit as an esoteric pissing contest says a lot about the sincerity of whatever it is YOU 're promoting, m8
>believing Israelite propaganda and lies >this bluepilled >current year >maymayface.png
Jordan Howard
>literally pretends to worship a deity because someone you admire sincerely did so I'm not using some shitty meme here, you are literally larping. You a playing a role of someone in real life, Live Action Role Play.
That's my other big opposition to the usual [B]agan types you see. Even if they sincerely believed in their faith (most of them do not), there's no coherent metaphysics to any of it. I'm a Christian but can at least respect the traditions of Greece and the Near East.
Kayden Thomas
Joseph Parker
Yes. Thing is, all the old Gods, European as well as the Sumerian ones you're talking about are quite real. The methods for communing with them are well described in occultist literature. So it's not really a question of "believing" like you're talking about, or like christcucks talk about. Christcucks aren't spiritualists, they're materialists. This was probably your mistake, trying to parse the spirit world through this materialist lens. Which is what materialists like Varg is doing as well.
Thomas Ross
>I went through the whole edgy phase as a teenager where I was a satanfag, as every occultard and paganfag does. lie
Easton Lee
How do you communicate with them, I must know, user. Give me books, please.
Hunter Taylor
You're a Christian, eh?
You mind if I ask what it is about that religion that answers the big questions for you?
I found out long ago that the only meaning you get in this life is what you make for yourself, and I took inspiration from those that came before, but I know that meaning is not given but generated. If you think you'll find answers in the past, all power to you, I'm more for emulating the past than believing in it. I'm still an atheist, left brain dominant so there's that. I want to see community, strong and powerful brotherhood to survive the coming dark age.
Carter Lewis
Jews are never Christians
describe briefly an example of how to communicate with "them" and which ones specifically you are eligible to communicate with. give names
Connor Reed
>no amount of abstract metaphysical mumbo jumbo could make me really BELIEVE in the old gods of Europe.
That's because they aren't theoretical gods to ponder about but living forces to interact with and use to your advantage. Mutual advantage in fact. You simply failed, that is all.
Enjoy being devoured by YHWH in life and after death.
bro you guys are fucking retarded this is what the satanic elite and all the musicians do just look at this youtube.com/watch?t&v=HUHC9tYz8ik do you not see a woman possesed by these archetypal emotions and gods .... in the shamanic tradition you absorb and integrate these gods to work on their karma or harness their power but the work has been completed by christ and this is idolatry
like literally pizzagate level shit military intelligence mainlining DMT to channel information. high level polititians on acid and mushrooms killing babies for moloch ... WAKE UP LOL FAGGOTS
Jayden Fisher
And, like, by all means dude. If I'm just being blackpilled af feel free to brownpill me on the Odinic gnosis.
What makes it so funny to me is that you literally think you're communicating with ancient demons of the desert when in reality you're hearing voices in your head just as the Christians do when they pray, it's the same mechanism
Is it so hard to live in the modern world and see clearly what we have learned over the past 2-300 years? Or do you think the kikes will spare you because you worship the same demons they do?
Kevin Thompson
the phoenecians descended from canaanite families, and eventually settled a colony called carthage. read what the romans said of them and their sacrifices to cronus, or baal hammon.
a brazen idol with outstretched arms. children placed on the burning hands. the children warping and shrinking in the heat would fall through the hands and into the fire. legend said the fire would cause the babies faces to contort into a grimace, the sardonic smile.
the elites still worship that so-called titan. a demon
Why are Christians retarded. If only all ya'll were like Jay Dyer.
Julian Barnes
This guy gets it. Don't you get it? The fucking kikes we are fighting are the ones worshipping those old Canannite gods. The foreskin mutilation, the pedo spirit cooking bullshit, the bull in wall street. Those gods need to be smashed utterly into damnation. They must be damned by all people and all gods on Earth. Real Israelites don't exist anymore and if they are around they are not jewing the world.
I suggest looking deep into Hindu and Buddhist teachings. Look into the ancient Vedic texts. For the non normie religion is about emulating the God or Gods of your choice. It is about trying to reach Godhood yourself so to speak. Christianity is fine for this, don't get me wrong. We must destroy Moloch and their lot.
Jaxson Cruz
I am denying it and the church of Satan was literally founded by Anton Szandor OyVey. "Satanism" is just Sabbatean Judaism rebranded as "check out this hip new religion, goy! so edgy!" And it's certainly part of the occult culture of your establishment at this point, but not even Paganism. And it obviously has absolutely nothing to do with the spiritual world of our ancestors.
Okay to be honest man this post sort of made me wonder if the schizoposters are onto something about fuckin bots posting here.
So which is it...Do kikes worship demons, or are the demons all in their heads? Your two points there are so thoroughly contradictory I almost can't believe you're a real person.
I merely imagine a cultic image of a god, like a bust, and ask him or her to do this or that and the results are quick to come. I use the Greek pantheon.
There is no grovelling involved in any way or at any point. These gods live within us, are us, and we are them. We are mutually dependant. My victory is their victory, my pleasure is their pleasure. It's all so very pure, simple, and unpretentious. There is no sin, no guilt, no bullshit talmudic cobwebs - only living gods, for I am alive as well.
Need marijuana? Ask Dionysus. Need money or a good bargain deal? Ask Hermes. Need sex? Aphrodite. Wisdom? Athena. Victory? Nike.
It's that fucking simple. The Jew god was always silent and unhelpful. He simply will NOT help you because he wants you to be miserable. All his religions (judaism, christianity, islam) are dependant on personal misery, pain, disease and violence towards everything (yourself included). Fuck that and praise Apollo, for he brings mental clarity and psychological health.
Justin Rodriguez
I delved into some Satanic/Occult literature with all of the spells and summons. You know, that Pagan European Occult wizardry, all that fun stuff.
the jews (or fake jews really) will be gone before the end game user. it will be the nwo, and they take everyone as long as he sucks satan's dick. the khazars were only a means to an end for him, they were never to see the fruits of their "labor" in the first place. neither will america btw. you guys are too far gone and ww3 will take care of that.
Gabriel Cox
So do you mind explaining to me how you reconcile your thoroughly Judeo-Christian phobia of "Canaanite pagans" with practicing a religion that has no such ingrained arbitrary bias?
Are you telling me you're actually some kind of weird backwards philosemite?
However I am interested: Why have you given up on Neo-Platonism? What's the urge to worship a Jew as the Lord of all of humanity? What was missing?
Elijah Sanchez
do your meme deities actually SPEAK to you?
James Morgan
Nice memeflaggot
Nathan Carter
talmudic kikes absolutely worship demons, the illuminati, knights templar, freemasons, knights of malta, they all worship devils, blood sacrifice is their modus operandi, the masons want to build the "master race" to rule the world
I don't believe any of this shit actually exists, but THESE PEOPLE ACT ON THEIR BELIEFS, so in that sense, this shit is real, because physical human beings act on these beliefs physically
Occultists are generally verbose faggots so it's better if I just tell you without all the bullshit and save you some time. The key in this is intention and impressing the subconscious. The first you get from willpower practice, like meditation. The second is ritual, which is what most such literature will describe to you, like Solomon's stuff which is a decent starter. But you don't really need all that bullshit, because the only purpose of ritual is to impress your subconscious. Make it big, make it emotional. Larp it up hard because there's nothing wrong with larping. Religion is larping. Sacrificing something important to you is good, most such entities appreciate such a gesture.
You will get a response, most likely when dreaming, but you'll know the difference. Be respectful, but don't go overboard. Be very mindful about what sort of bargains you make. Gods lie all the time.
William Reyes
1. I didn't "give up" on it. It's still how I see the world. Thing is, that's all it is. Tt's just a metaphysical/cosmological structure. Not a daily devotional practice. When it comes down to daily spirituality, something to actually feel connected to something greater than myself, I can't find anything more in Odin than I can Jesus, Buddha, or Krishna.
But that Baal guy. I remember liking him when I read the stories by myself as a wee lad.
>What's the urge to worship a Jew as the Lord of all of humanity? What was missing?
Yeah lol not looking to worship a Jew as the Lord of all of humanity.
Actually, this is an interesting point you bring up.
To us here in the States, the OT is a HUGE part of "Christianity", even more so than the whole actual "Christ" part, so when I say "the Bible" I primarily mean "The Tanakh and also I guess some of that Jesus stuff too"
Also the problem here seems to be that Americans lean onto the Norse pantheon for some reason, which may not work for them. To me the Greek pantheon makes the most sense and I have an emotional resonance with it since earliest childhood.
I've never used the Norse pantheon to a great extent, and I'm not sure they're interested in me. The graeco-roman pantheon seems much more approachable and friendly.
>Americans lean onto the Norse pantheon for some reason, which may not work for them.
>Americans lean onto the Norse pantheon for some reason, which may not work for them.
Dude this is basically totally my point.
Courtesy of my Biblical upbringing and the public education system, fuckin Zeus, Ares, Baal and El are even more believable to me on the level of personal emotional, intellectual symbolic significance than, like, Ing and Donar
Alright. So, should I pray to the High God, Odin, or just the patron god of whatever I'm interested in? What if I don't know what I'm looking for and just want guidance?
Christian Gonzalez
Reminder that christian values are >kike worship >pedophilia >illiteracy >misogyny >homophobia >ignorance >brainwashing >hate of spirituality
Mason Wilson
>retells the Baal Epic >lOoK at mY nEw reLiGioN gAiz
The last time I checked, knowledge, sex, money, health, victory and so on are real and tangible. My gods cannot but be real. The Jew god however is empty. He's merely a devouring maw.
And no, they do not.
Mason Harris
so do humans, apropos of this post
you should be old enough to know you are larping the whole thing, even in your dreams. imagination is a hell of a drug
Brayden Cox
He has been told from childhood by (((schools))) and (((media))) that kikianity is the truth.
Easton Parker
You are too bluepilled to understand. Look at what happened to the Israelites when they went to cannan and then look to the Khazars. Look at the subversive fucks of today, installing their blood thirsty and power hungry religion secretly into our societies. It is not obvious at first glance. Look for the Bull, take note of where it is accross the earth .
Jason Ramirez
Thing is man, I think that might be the case for most Westerners.
Tbh dude the only true, sincere believers in Thor and Odin I've ever met are Latin American Afro-caribbean syncretic folk ritualists that pray to "Mr. Barbaro" and "El Nubero" i.e. Thor and Odin by way of Spanish Visigoths
In Heaven, you will have no free will. You will not be allowed to grieve or even miss your loved ones that have gone to hell. You will be forced to do nothing but sing hymns of praise to Yahweh for eternity. If you refuse you will be burned in a fire forever on a metaphysical plane of pure torture.
Interesting point. I've always had a draw to the Sumerian and Greek pantheons myself, but the Norse one isn't really represented in our culture outside of Thor or the more modern Vikings shows.
Julian Jones
Well, for my part I did a pretty general thing to start with. Focus and ritual. I just made a general plea for guidance to whoever would listen, naming several such entities I felt some sort of relation to. If you like Odin, then go for it, but Odin is a very strict guy who has little patience for those who don't meet his criteria. In general I personally have had much more luck with the old Sumerian gods, and to some degree the Greek ones, they seem more positively disposed to people with some character flaws. But yes, you should focus on the ones who evoke an emotional response for you, because that will help in your ritual. Make it honest, make it impressive. The results will amaze you. Materialists have no idea.
Logan Stewart
"Real Satanists" are whiny LARP cunts. What I want to know is.... Why does Jow Forums act like promoting Baalism is promoting Judaism when the entire point of the Jewish religion is rejecting Baalism?
My blood sacrifice to Odin will be yours then. Zero tolerance for pussies who think the way to please the gods is Semitic shit.
Gabriel Hill
Look for the bull built today. The things installed in the modern era. I just suggested Hinduism, the Brahmin is not evil.
Austin Allen
Real satanists are pussies who try to invert the gods. The Lucifer, Odin, gave us light and gnosis. How is that dark? Slaying shit? Fighting and slaying isn't dark. We'll show satanists what dark is. White Jews.
Luke Adams
Alright, thanks very much, user. I had a similar post right before yours. I'll try it.
Luke Nelson
Canaanite religion is the only true faith. Worship Moloch and Baal, you will achieve anything.
Robert Bailey
So you're basically picking and choosing in order to support your point?
Bull is sacred to Hindus. Nandi is the vehicle of Lord Shiva.
Carter Mitchell
P much this
Adam Stewart
>"Real Satanists" are whiny LARP cunts. They're not Jow Forums is a christian board, meaning cousins of judaism. They are pretty bluepilled about religion. You don't know who are real Satanists tho
Nathan Phillips
I agree. Ishtar/Inanna in particular is great in my mind.
I'm not sure why the Norse pantheon is so... silent to me. It could be 100% racial, but I really don't know. I'm not denying it as much as nothing occurs.
Amusingly I think black voodoo gods would respond to whites as well. Needs testing though.
Henry Gutierrez
Well, I am not going to hop onto the bandwagon and declare all of the old testament as evil Satanic Jew stuff. Although there certainly is some of that in it. Amalekites for example, or praising God as he stacks the corpses of Israel's enemies and so on and on. But the fact remains that it is not our bloodlineage and a foreign tradition. Also true for buddhism, which I respect very much.
I can see why you would see Neo-Platonism as lacking the ritual, religious aspect and devotion. As long as it remains a pure object of university study. But as far as I know: there ARE those aspects in antiquitiy. Aren't their ancient sources you could consult them on?
Alexander Gonzalez
It's not difficult to get started. But of all my advice I want you to keep in mind what I said about being a bit moderate. Always keep in mind that these entities, whatever they are and whether they are external or internal complexes, they have their own agendas and they do lie when it suits them. It's easy to be impressed by miraculous events and the like, but you must cultivate a somewhat stoic and blase attitude towards it, because it's really nothing special in the larger scheme of things. Good fortune!
Benjamin Young
What do you think about the Abrahamic God or Christ? I've always had a sense of the power associated with Christ, but not so much with Yahweh.
Jeremiah Fisher
I mean honestly, almost nothing of paganism was truly lost. Hinduism is the Indo-European religion.
However, if you're into Christianity that's cool.
Eli Morgan
Satanists are easy to pick out they call my gods theirs and then call them "dark" and tack on extra magickal mumbo jumbo. There are many flavors of satanism. The most cancerous in my experience are O9A. They trick young lads like yourself into falling for their thinly veiled spiritual egoism/lolbertarianism. They don't care about the gods. They don't truly worship Lucifer. They are posers who want to push their edgy beggar philosophy as a proper way to ascend.
Chase Barnes
Try drawing Her sigil and put it under the pillow for a night.
Gavin Scott
>I recently went through a crisis of faith, of sorts. >As a pagan. No shit