Circumcision without consent should be illegal

circumcision without consent should be illegal

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>elaphant trunk dick


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>anteater phimosis dick

Just join the other thread which actually has a decent looking peen.

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moloch needs foreskins en masse. dont question it goyim its for your health!

What does dick cheese taste like? Asking for a friend

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how is it bad?

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like cantal

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Great thread Moshie

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of course the gringo knows shit about basic hygiene

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You just wanted to start this thread so you could:

1.) Post porn.
2.) Fulfill your sweaty dick skin fetish.

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God-damn that's nauseating.

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You do know that soap exist, user. Oh wait, you are half Mexican anyway.

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chick on the right looks like pic related

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>Triggered cutfag
Lmao what's it like to basically be halfway to tranny?

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it should be, everyone knows this. But lets be honest, youre not going to do shit about it

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Post any more of those preverted pictures, and I'll blow your head off you prevert.
Col. Bat Guano

It's ok to be mad guys, heck I would be furious if my parents had me spayed like a common animal

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Imagine being so cucked by the j*ws you UNIRONICALLY defend genital mutilation and having just 30% of your original penis sensitivity. Being a cutcuck is why Amerisharts get erectile dysfunction and need viagra in their 30s.

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>having a sandpaper dick

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nah my kid is getting circumcised. hes not dealing with the chance that if he accidentally gets phimosis he literally cant pull his tip out of the skin. and those are the best case scenarios. plus I be Christian. You dont get to dictate our choices with law. You dont get to dictate our lifestyles with law. Especially when you obviously arent mentally or emotionally capable of handling your own opinions gracefully lol. see yourself out.

Can you reupload the videos on /gif/ after this thread gets deleted? I want to fap to them later.

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lmao she missed the dick

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