Remember this every time you see that stupid Deus Vult meme and the Templar memeflaggots

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Remember my cartoon gaiz

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Based deviantart

shut up OTO kike you have no power here faggot

I don't want to dislike Americans, but when I see this it's hard not to

>Look at this deviant art painting. Remember this every time goy

fucking kek its actually deviant art sourced


>not understanding the seperation of the Old Testament and New Testament
>not realising that Jesus and the Antichrist are the same and the seperation is the body, mind, and soul that corroborates the spoken word.

>Catholics are Christians
>Baphomet the Luciferian Enlightenment (god of post-1650s Masons and Templars) isn't literally a Provencal variant of Muhammad (Mahomet)

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Western Christianity has fallen to heathens and they're trying to do the same to the East. What's new?

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Christian Lore is even less well written than the lore of Naruto

Cite it fag.

this is one of the stupidest threads I've seen in a while

Am I kawaii yet fampai desu ne?

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Well it puts into perspective how Jews that deny Jesus still worship satan. The first atheists were the Jews that denied Jesus as their savior.

They sacrificed him because of their sand people ways and then tried to manipulate his image in Catholicism.

Jesus wanted people to read the bible for themselves. He didn't think you had to follow a religion to be saved. Just enjoy the life you have and respect others as you would yourself.

I heard Jesus awesome liked to drink cum

I guess you didn't read your post before you submitted it. Then again I wouldn't expect much from a person who says such. :^))

My bad, you're correct.

I heard Jesus *also* liked to drink cum

wtf s this jewish meme about drinking cum
first odin, now jesus

Gay people like to associate gayness to anything because they know what they are is disgusting. Go figure.

That's the secret to divine power, drinking cum. Miracle worker and cum slurper practically rhyme

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it's from deviant art you enormous faggot

Yeah I agree

>proceeds to get on his knees, close his eyes, and tell Jesus how much he wants his blessings all over his face

You seem to like talking about drinking cum. It must be hard to always have the urge, ay.

Local kings framed the Templars by saying they had come back worshiping “Baphomet,” a French corruption of the name Mohammed, all for petty politics

Plus Jews probably had something to do at that

Honestly the fact you keep trying to talk about this just makes you a faggot. It doesn't really do much other than degenerate reality.

Congratulations on talking about cum drinking though.

Christ himself stated in the Book of John that there will be several Antichrists in the future, that there were already several Antichrists before his mortal birth, and that there were even several Antichrists living in his day as the spirit of the Antichrist is the rejection of everything Christ (so basically false prophets). How the fuck does any of this Gnostic bullshit make sense to you?

Lul. Everyone knows Christianity was hijacked by the Semite Jesuits whom only practiced Old Testament teaching after killing Jesus.

A trick to remember is there is only 2 sides Jesus and everything else is the devil. Super simple

I have to spread the word of Jesus

It's always been Jewish manipulation.

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>not realizing vicar means representative
Your local state representative is literally the vicar of your precinct

Low energy

I'm not the one who professes my infinite love for another man named Jesus.

Loving Jesus is practically the most homosexual thing a person can do. It's right up there with drinking cum

Spread it harder, brother.

>Jesus wanted people to read the bible for themselves. He didn't think you had to follow a religion to be saved. Just enjoy the life you have and respect others as you would yourself
Jewish lies

So everything that doesn't involve drinking cum is the devil?

Michael Obama was a tranny, so it really fits in with the Illuminati wanting normal people to worship twisted shit

Because the Truth is that all is one. Your individuality is your ability to dictate yourself over others.

If you become too concious about this you become malevolent in trying to manipulate it. The embodiment of evil is dictated by a person completely concious of only their reality and not that of all that exist.

Are you simply a body? Or an environment and how it is reacting. Your ability is determined by nature, considering you didn't choose how you were born.

So when it is stated as such in any scripture it is simply stated that there is an equilibrium to nature that allows divinity to be observed. And that is your free will.

I don't have to profess my love for Jesus. As a humanist I believe that religion is bad and that having to worship is wrong.

All you need is to understand.

So you're saying to obtain truly free will one needs to drink at least a gallon of cum per day?
Absolutely baste and cumpilled.

Literally the opposite of Jewish lies. The Jews wanted to conserve the right to dictate the interpretation of the bible because they were the ones who wrote it.

But understanding the Word is only understanding what it means to exist. You shouldn't have to be told how to live in nature.

>if I keep bringing up cum I win the argument
It really must be so hard to not think about cum all the time. I get it.

Stop giving us Satanists a bad name by associating us with Christians.

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>1 post by this kike

The depiction of Baphomet as the unification of dualities wasn't created until the 1850's, hundreds of years after the Templar.
That image makes no sense.

Concurrent Satanism isn't anything comparable to actual Satanism. Look into the Kaballah or the teachings of the Talmud. It's essentially Satanism.

Don't be silly, you can only win arguments by drinking cum, which is why I keep losing.

I'm just trying to follow the ways of Jesus, the most based cum gurgler in the history.

Thats just the Vatican, learn the difference heathen. They will be judged.

Pardon, in the history of humanity.

You both should get together and share cum drinking stories.

It seems natural. :^))

>Judaism is essentially satanism because I hate Jews
Why do you have to use the word "satanism" at all? Just call them what they are - Jews.

What exactly is evil in the unification or whatever are its perversions?

It's completely unnatural, but all things are made possible through Christ, for example, blowing cum bubbles

I didn't say I hated jews. I simply put information in front of you that denoted such.

But yah, fuck kikes. :^))

The templars were betrayed by the Pope because he was related to the King of France, who owed them tons of money because they were the only Christians allowed to engage in a form of banking.

Baphomet is a meme. Templars got hard Jew’d.

I just can't fathom what your day looks like. Aside from constantly thinking about drinking cum.

I spread the word from the good book

>Look into the Kaballah
Predates the Incarnation technically so it existed before Jews killed Reason
THAT shit is super Satanic though

>right goy look at deviant art and ignore tha fact that christianity and judaism share scriptures and beliefs. Ignore the fact that a jew called saul of tarsus created kikianity. Ignore that jews shill christianity more than the holocaust using media and schools. Ignore that the passion of kike was nominated to three oscars
How does it feel to have zero dignity, christkikes?

Keep replying to me you fucking bot pussies. I enjoy your vernacular of always wanting to drink cum.


His day looks like the day of Christ our Lord and Savior - studying His ways in consuming as much cum as possible to become closer to God.
Are you trying to sway him off the rightful path? Are you a heathen? You should repent and swallow some blessings, brother.

>believing in one of the oldest meme conjured by some greedy French faggot to get Templar gold

So you admit Jesus is your lord and savior?


Of course, the Holy Scriptures contain the detailed amounts of blessings that should be up my bum and in my belly daily. How could I not follow them?

Well I'm glad you consider Jesus your savior. It must be great, huh. :^))

>if I keep denoting cum and Jesus maybe he will quit.
Maybe we can cum to a conclusion here.

Oh, all the cum went to my head, I meant to say
>the details on the amounts

Yah I can tell you have cum for brains

I can't cum without your close proximity, brother. The closest of proximities is required.

It's only right to try to follow the image of Christ.

Yes Russia-kun you were always kawaii desu.
G-gamba-te! B-BAKA!

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>Thinking about other men drinking cum this much

Keep talking about how you like cum. It's really just an awesome conversation.

Arigato gozaimasu, Japan's distant relative.

Yah. I can't believe they are talking about it this much. Are you going to join in too?

Never forget.

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But Jesus loved it too, why are you implying that it's a bad thing to be like Him?

So did Jesus, he loved cum so much, that he created tadpoles in it's image.

Word is he could save your soul through a straw...amen

That's just you connotating that because you know it's wrong. Way to project though.

Oh you did your first prayer. I'm so happy for you. Blessed be He.

This thread is an example of fighting off rabid kikes. Take notice newfags.

No, cause I'm not gay. You have fun, literal christfags.

It's in no way wrong if Jesus did it. You're a blasphemer and in dire need of the Holiest of waters - cum.

Oh but all that cum talk. Are you saying being gay is wrong?

Wow. Homophobe.

Your only fighting off kikes because you want all the cum for yourself, greedy, just like a kike. Jesus died so everyone who could drink cum

Yes, newfags, the only correct way to fight off kikes is to accept Jesus and drink cum.

I said (((he))) knows it is wrong. Not I.

Maybe learn to interpret english before you dictate meaning. Cyka.

But you have been talking about drinking cum this whole thread. :^))

Are you butthurt yet kike?

Aw poor little schmuck can't be mean anymore.

Oh my are you speaking the language of my people? You should come to our Orthodox church and partake in cumdrinking sessions, brother. After all we follow the one and only Christ, the mighty cum bubble blowing savior.


My butthurt is always soothed by Christ's rimjobs, those are the most delightful when His mouth is full.

Wow never said that. Work on your reading comprehension my dude. Just cause you like to have anonymous conversations with other men about cum, doesn't mean that its wrong, I just don't enjoy it as much as you. And thats ok, takes all types to make the world go round, even bubble-blowers like yourself :)

Out of cum already?

Are you going to expose more of your imagination to me? If so keep talking about how you like it.

It totally proves me wrong :^))

38 words is too long for him. If its longer than 14, he isn't interested.

This is how you piss off kikes.

this is the more autism than all of Jow Forums wrapped up in a bag o dogshit.