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Hippity hoppity get the fuck off my property.

Boy I sure do hate niggers.

Aw yeh :3
Probably a better alternative

GAS ALL ABOS EMU WAR NOW!!!! -epic style -





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Its not a civil war if they are foreigners

Hnnng mommy

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But the news calls them african-australians

fucking THIS.

Yes the news also says tampons stained blue in the pussy

You recon security is hiring?

about 4 minutes in to the first video they interview some well(enough) spoken negress
“it’s the color of my skin”

we need to stop this narrative that we hate their skin color. it’s the actions by a group that just happens to have a certain skin color.

Might get my seccy licence and move to melbourne said they're making 500 bucks a day watching that guys residence.

did you see that sausage-lipped baboon-headed fucking sudanigger?
these fucking apes are on the wrong fucking continent.
Soon my friends, soon it will be time to start pulling triggers on these fucking niggers.
Fuck niggers.

"The African Australian community are afraid they are being targeted by Caucasians due to the colour of their skin." Typical (((news))). Start off by admitting their is a problem with the Sudanese but quickly switch camera to a 15 year old negress scared to leave the house (apparently) and blame it on all white people. Fuckin hell I am just sick of it. If niggers have a propensity to act like niggers that's alright, but a white male who protects his family or friends they are monsters who want to kill a 15 year old girl with a baseball bat.

dear god, what the hell is this creature?

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victoria/nsw? definitely

rest of country: lol good luck being able to find any job at all

a dindu

the future Australians goy and isn't that great :)

This is what happens when you let South African ''''whites'''' in. You become South Africa

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>smug anime garbage
>false information
yep, spotted a fuckwit.


Kill it with a baseball bat...

That's the definition of a sheboon; nigger, if you prefer.

Good. More of it.

It's even worse than that. Negros prey on White Australians and then the msm makes out like they're the victims

why did you let these people in? you already had aborigines and you didn't really even like them very much. so you've got all these people from the Sudan now? total madness. no good could come of it. at least make them settle in Northern Australia where there aren't a lot of people




>pays 1k per day for armed guards
>botox girlfriend that's 30 years younger
why doesn't he just move to a better neighborhood? his meth business seems to do fine

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She has a giant head yet she resembles a shrunken head

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It's not a civil war. Local residents are just taking a practical leaf out the book of the Oz political class who have armed guards (at the little Oz Taxpayers' expense) protecting them from the real consequences of their immigration policies. Unlike the little local Australians, the Oz Political Elites also live in exclusive gated communities with armed to protect their precious families from the consequences of their actions on the local Oz working class, and the high possibility of local vigilantes aiming their rage higher up the social hierarchy. Rampant hypocrisy is the order of the day among all our political elites and their precious blood must be spilled becos of it for any real change to take place in their thought processes. Violence and fear is the most effective tool against the ruling class, not just for them.

You wont believe it but it was Jews

You guys need to handle that problem before it gets out of hand.

Lmao at bogan in vid though. How'd he score a wife like that and can shell out a grand a day for security though. Anyone this is a microcosm of what's happening, by design to all western and majority white countries.

This is what they do, look at Africa.

Violence isn't a means to an end, it *is* the end.

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>they're coming in packs

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flaggot gets it

>Goebbels claims Jews will destroy culture
>warned Nazi party members of an alleged international Jewish conspiracy to destroy western civilization.

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I love how they interview the whites, and they are all angry and just want niggers to stop causing trouble.
Then the media cut to this fat nigger cunt, playing victim about being scared around white people.

The media are stirring shit up on purpose. They want a fucking race war.

he's obviously a criminal. these sudanese are probably moving in on his gang's turf

I got the impression a few houses are paying them to protect multiple properties.
Security Guards barely get minimum wage, no way it costs 1000$ to hire 2 of them, to patrol one house.

>They want a fucking race war
Makes for great TV ratings and advertising revenue

>They want a fucking race war.
i hope you give them what they want. just get your guns and start killing them while you still outnumber them

It would make more sense, in fact if a group of houses hire them it probably wouldn't cost a lot per house.

Not just Goebbels, but British war-time leader, the Right Honorable Sir Winston Churchill here:

International Jews
In violent opposition to all this sphere of Jewish effort rise the schemes of the International Jews. The adherents of this sinister confederacy are mostly men reared up among the unhappy populations of countries where Jews are persecuted on account of their race. Most, if not all, of them have forsaken the faith of their forefathers, and divorced from their minds all spiritual hopes of the next world. This movement among the Jews is not new. From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilisation and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing. It played, as a modern writer, Mrs. Webster, has so ably shown, a definitely recognisable part in the tragedy of the French Revolution. It has been the mainspring of every subversive movement during the Nineteenth Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.

There is something seriously wrong with the International Khazar networks

Grow a pair of balls and bash the cunts while you are still a majority, then go after the poos and chinks

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The media have been doing this for the past 6 months.
>Report starts with whites, angry about being constant victims of nigger crime/violence
>Show footage of niggers in groups, harassing whites and even other races of people
>Blatantly admit its not safe anymore with Africans around
>Cut to African woman
>She ignores her own communities problems, plays victim, and says she is scared of white people
>Nothing changes, a week later niggers attack more people
>Media rinse and repeats the above. Don't even bother to call whites "Racist" anymore because they know it doesn't work.

Oh well the media can appease a tiny community of blacks, and continue to lose ratings.

the only time any Australian can be civil

its Melbourne. The rest of Australia doesn't care about these faggots.
I hope the blacks burn the place to the ground.

Yea we finally get a taste of em, first we had our own niggers (not abo's they just stayed in their shit wholes and when not drunk were nice) which were Bogans a class of lower tier whites with usually and most likely some abo in them and they were and always were a problem since they would mug you but it was never crime rampant, then we had the Cronulla riots in early 2000s and now we have actual genuine niggers in Victoria.

Until MSM and their now obvious agenda is dealt with, nothing changes.

Throwing in the poor crying poc abo is what emotionally brainwashed npc's will respond to.

Here a security guard, the type of person working at the mall, and an armed private security team, like in the video, are very different things. the private security people would be payed much better.

>he's obviously a criminal
Did you not notice the flag?
Or the haircut?

Think of the ratings and clicks. Plus, the reporters on the ground would be seen as fearless covering the evil racists trying to hurt those underprivileged youths.
The media is the enemy of the people.

The pollies will just supply them buses to move on to the next town once they're done with Melbourne

>Civil war
Implying darkie subhumans are citizens to begin with

Australian = White North European

I think it's just pathetic some of the attempted defenses. You *always* get it from these dickless, beanie wearing, bearded tossers who want to be like "yeah well we get bogans and they're like, bad"

Can't remember the last time we had gangs of bogans bashing the fuck out of old people.

So you can own a gun in Australia as an armed guard for hire? I bet after work, he has to lock that thing away and never use it even for home defense.

>They want a fucking race war
Only gooks, wogs, niggers, lebs and cucks don’t.

Only thru violence we can purify Australia for generations to come

So do I start carrying a knife around?

You have to have your own groups of people willing to mob when the word gets out. It is the only way good people have survived history.

We aren't allowed to defend ourselves.

>was in road rage incident 6 months ago
>guy ran over to my car and started punching me.
>I got out and punched him twice
>he ran back to his car and sat there till police arrived
>I get fine for "fighting in public"
>Police completely ignore me and the other witnesses saying he started it, and I simply defended myself.

Fuck this country.

The bogans and rednecks are the good guys though. Always have been.

what flag? and what about his haircut?

I wish we had cops like the US that shot niggers first asked questions later.

Get a knife, bin that life. When seconds count, the police are minutes away.

So in Oz you can use a gun to defend someone else’s home but not your own?

>African Australians
>South Sudanese flag on this apes desk.

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i thought you meant the bogan. why doesn't the guy move when he could afford it? hint: it's because he's involved in some sort of local crime ring


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Don't ever mock us for having guns ever again Bruce.

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Bet you didn’t wish you do that gun ban in 1996 eh?
But in all seriousness, niggers are deadly and have no concept of danger so be incredibly careful around them at all times

This guys channel is comedy gold thanks user, he is the Sam Hyde that doesn't expect you to pay.

absolutely based

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You can tell she is such a fucking fake and the worst par is the dindu isn't even native to Australia have the aboral or commonly known as the petoral

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South fucking Sudan
These fucking kikes are flooding us with south fucking Sudanese
Never forget who did this to us

So you're not already?

they came back with only 40 nigs? you faggot australians would be eaten alive in any urban center in the US lol only 40 nigs you are like baby

you'll evolve to that level as the need for it arises

I do mean the bogan, his haircut gives away that he's a fucking degenerate criminal.
Maybe he's not moving because something about blood and soil, but what would I know.

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Can you hire a guard to shoot anyone who touches you while you try to convince people to solve their problems with you in a better way? Can it be anywhere or only while hired to protect your property?

I just moved into the city from the country and didn't really expect it to be so bad.

as soon as women got political power they started importing 6"3 sudanese chads to cuck the 5"8 inbred anglo natives, yikes

>being proud of how many fucking niggers we have
Are you a tranny or just regular gay?

>the absolute state of that smug face
I wouldn't be able to debate this shit.
Time for arguments is over and all that.

>have no concept of danger
Well, thankfully for them, if anyone reacts to them violently, the police will be right there to sort them out!

i just enjoy the fact soon the rest of the anglosphere will be on the nig ride with us, if only you non burger fags knew how bad things really were

>I just moved into the city from the country
...Why would you do this?

unfortunately university.


Typical mentality ill subhuman amerimongrel

How many niggers do you Aussies currently have? I heard that there are quite a few chinks over there but never heard of them causing problems as niggers. Also are any other ethnic groups arriving in big numbers, Muslims, pajeets, spics, etc?

the Chinks don't live near the Sudanese, only whiteoids are that stupid. Chinks are mostly upper middle class and upper class too

Indians mainly. They drive taxis and use our alleyways as toilets. They're even worse then the french.

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You've made a terrible decision.
Hope it works out for you.

Angela White's scene with Mandingo was amazing. I hope she does one with the king Julio Gomez.

God bless Mel.

Chinks don't cause the same tier problems as africans. Africans are still tribes, chinks operate as feelers for the CCP back home, paying for our politicians and puppeteering our economy, because boomers see dollar signs.
Niggers aren't that smart... But neither are whites. We celebrate some death-skin coming here and becoming a lawyer, who use to be a child soldier.


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>the Cronulla riots
I watched a documentary about this. Apparantly white people were the bad guys

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>1 lie by this (((titposter)))