how can i make small boobs more appealing to my boyfriend? i'm halfway between an a and b cup, but i wish my breasts were larger so he could play with them and lay on them, etc.. What would a guy like in this situation, are push-up bras appealing? Are small boobs a big issue? I don't know if theres a way to hold them in a certian way to make them more supple
Regarding boobs
I personally love that breast size.
My gf has a's that transition into b's when I spoil her with too much desert.
Plenty of guys enjoy small bubs these days.
But hows the ass?
As a guy i prefer big boobs but if you like someone you usually like most of there physical attributes too so dont be too hung up on them. If you push your shoulders forward it will make them seem larger/stand out more
>how can I make small boobs more appealing to a man
Put them in his mouth.
The vast majority of guys don't care as long as you aren't concave. Small boobs stay perky longer and really big tits stray into being gross very quickly.
Flatter tummy will generally make small boobs look better
But then if girls hung up on dick size are size queens, then guys hung up on boob size are size kings
I think you’re just insecure about your breastses
Honestly I wouldn't worry about it. Especially if you have a nice sized ass
There's nothing you can really do lol.
Just work out your body though.
I don't mind small tits at all. If your bf is with you he probably doesn't either.
You should probably just ask him if it's just your own insecurity. Plenty of guys like small boobs. He might be perfectly happy.
^ this
>I think you’re just insecure about your breastses
Yeah i agree with this user, don't be too ashamed of your breast size if anything. It goes both ways cause some boobs are way too big compared to the rest of their body. I wouldn't try to fret too much about it.
unlike small dicks small boobs appeal to many.
small dicks were the object of worship in ancient greek :(
Ancient Greeks maximum cope
it's fine if you want your prepubscent dick admired by old homosexual men I guess
small boobs and an overweight body is disgusting. small boobs and a skinny figure can look good, look at asians for inspiration
Small boobs the same like small dicks are related to bad genetics. Youre no mom material in hes eyes. For primal sex it doesnt matter, but if he wants a family then your genetics have major role even if its subconsciously.
I feel repulsed by big brested women and waifued a 75b cup, dont fearmonger her insecurities further user
you will be always inferior to girls with bigger boobs
Sorry user
I was envisioning a morbidly obese woman for a second there