Opinion on marijuana legalization?
Opinion on marijuana legalization?
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but if you smoke weed you're a fucking degenerate
Ding ding
I don't smoke weed, or take drugs
Its degenerate and you progressivly become more degenerate in other forms the more you use it.
Im for legalization but I dont think it'll happen, look we have coffeeshops where you can buy weed and its semi-legal they are the only ones who are allowed to sell it.
The government taxes them, so like 20% of all the profit from coffeeshops go to the state, if people were to grow their own the state would miss out. Its that simple.
true, same in Canada
People are lazy and stupid, particularly weed smokers. All of my friends who smoke weed are in a position where they could easily grow a couple plants to cover the cost of their habit but they all just say "I dont know how" or "I cant be bothered, its just easier to buy off my guy"
Opposed to it. Weed is degenerate and possession should be imprisonable, sale and growing it should be exiled to Canada.
Same thing as trump hate. Most people who support it do it dor the wrong reasons
Alcohol is far more degenerate than weed. Fact.
so tired of fags knocking it.. fags cant handle it
it has helped improve my life and has helped me through extremely hard times. growing up, weed laws have tried to do more damage to me than anything else in my life and it is fucking ridiculous. if youre against it, you are a fucking stuck up faggot
D e g e n e r a t e
Want trump to legalize it just so i can see leftists now not supporting weed.
but yes i really want to be able to smoke a blunt
degenerates become what they are destined to be, has nothing to do with weed
Make it legal, but also legalize killing degenerate weed smokers
FPBP, like usual. Burner fags should at least be rendered economically rekt if none of the other compelling reasons not to smoke weed have already
The most I smoked was 1,5g. There is nothing special about it. It feels exactly like getting drunk, the only difference is that it doesn't make people aggressive.
Im bipolar. After 8 different concoctions of antianxietys, antidepressants, antipsychotics, etc... Weed has been the only thing that works. Not to mention the side effects the other options have if they did work
Against it. People should drink and smoke cigarettes like my grandpa who died at 40. And don't even get me started on how wrong it is for a woman to sell sex. I'll just give money to big pharma and Delphine like a normal person, thanks. Victimless crimes are for nigs.
Weed has also helped my uncle become absolutely useless his entire adult life, but mannnn does he feel pretty stoked about that. He's literally blazed through at least 3 decades and counting doing little to nothing besides smoking that shit and piecemeal errands like getting more groceries and whatnot. The disturbing part is he was rather sharp and is very well read so it's not like he was destined to be a brainlet had he never smoked, which is proof marijuana is still a damaging drug albeit with less immediate consequences like with other drugs like opioids and cocaine/crack
This I use weed medicinally and I'll never touch your pharma pills, faggots. But you don't get my weed money because you're too retarded to make it legal.
Medicinal (zero THC/high CBD) weed is legit,but for every user like you and my disabled friend who smokes MMJ after pain pills left him sleeping most of the day 60 lb overweight there are 25 "medical" stoners who seek out the dankest shit they must smoke 5x a day since they are degenerate enough to constantly smoke but too far up their owb asses to just come out and say "yeah I really like weed and want to be stoned most of the day" which would make them just as degenerate but honest about it
It's helpful for relieving pain, but it's a slippery slope into recreational use and possibly addiction.
Sorry about your uncle. But any substance can be abused. The real question is why he feels a need to do that? He may have a deeper issue to tackle like depression or PTSD or anxiety. He'll, just not getting laid. (Sorry, I know it's your uncle but he's still a person.) Maybe those underlying issues can be addressed.
Hell no!
You know what that does to the profit margins?!?!
Everyone here smokes it, the police doesn't do shit if they catch you with it. May aswell legalize and take the profit for the government, better that than in the hands of drug dealers. Even though my plug is a sexy hoe, I would switch to legal marijuana in a heartbeat.
It's been legal in Washington for a few years now and things don't seem that different. Just easiser to get more quality fair priced weed. Seems like a good idea really
What if i say i use it 1-2 times a week amd have a full time job as well as putting it into edibles forblung health and i do have cbd oil but that's only useful for physical pain and not depression or fits of rage like when i find out the DMV tried to suspend my license solely for being bipolar
Weed accelerates it.
unironically good
Americans! Patriots! Fascists keeping it on the down low...and heralds of Kek and rarest Pepe...the time is NOW! Let's end the Federal ban on Cannabis and allow the states to decide for their own!
The low hanging fruit that is #EndTheFedBan420 must be taken, before the scrambling Dems use it against us in 2020! We can turn CA, OR and NV purple if Trump ends the ban...think of the jobs, the tax revenue, and the votes stolen from the young progressive base...
This could be an issue the GoP uses to solidify it's hold on the next few decades...by handing Trump a 2020 landslide and a mandate to create his doctrine! Not to mention winning a battle in the cultural war for the youth vote in our Republic!
Also...consider the views that traditional Islam holds on the ideas of Cannabis use/sale...it is absolutely HARAM!!! They can't stand it...isn't that a benefit for us?
The time is now, before the left uses it agaisnt us...we need a LANDSLIDE in 2020! Go check out @Iwinning2020 to help spread the word. I'm here to WIN! The trade goes on...untaxed. Render unto Ceasar?
Check out End the Fed Ban on Marijuana-let the states decide (@IWinning2020) twitter.com
#EndTheFedBan420 #PurpleCA #TaxRevenue #JobsNotMobs #SingleIssueVotes #landslide2020
He's had severe ADHD since he was a teen which renders him unemployable and qualifies him for disability, but having known him my whole life long I have seen the compounding effect 30+ years of weed have done to him. Ironically he does quite well in the getting laid department in how he stays indoors on the merits of his dick alone (he gets taken in by women who let him loaf 24/7 for free, so long as he puts out for them, I shit you not) plus with the absence of the wear and strain of 30 years of employment my uncle looks no older than me (I'm 38) while being 54 years old
I'd say you have bigger problems than when/if you can smoke weed legally. There is likely better treatment out there for your conditions, but you won't dare consider any of them since they aren't all edgy/cool like smoking weed is.
I think you are unwittingly perpetuating a negative feedback loop in your body smoking weed to quell your "fits of rage"
>Have raaaaaage
>Smoak weeeeed (unlocking latent psychosis/fucking with dopamine/serotonin/5-HTP levels)
>Feel good brooooo*
*Until unlocked latent psychosis/neurochemical skewing c/o THC makes your fits of rage/anxiety attacks/depression even more of a recurring problem which you attempt to soothe yet again with more weed and....you get the idea.
only intellectuals smoke weed. if you are against weed chances are you are a filthy degenerate alcoholic
I'm for complete legalization, should be certain rules applied.
-You can be drug consumer or have health insurance. Nothing inbetween. If you happens to be ill, you'll pay full price for services rendered. Paying people should not be your security net while you enjoy your daily trip.
-All crimes committed under influence should be punished FAR harsher.
-Drugs shall be purchased in your preferred apothecary, on drug permit issued by your doctor. Drugs must be made in high grade quality and purity and must be affordable. (This is not a problem, heroin is relatively cheap to make)
First years might look quite bleak, but final outcome is very desirable.
-All addicts will die out eventually, by ODing on high grade stuff.
-Criminal underground will lose its ground, they cannot compete with regular industry.
-Finding dead junkies on park benches or bus stations is very nice deterrent. People will see consequences first hand. Nothing scares kids better than corpse found on the playground.
-Degenerates will perish in range of few years.
It's actually been observed that most people with an I.Q. score over average have bad habits; weed, cigarettes.
THIS PIC says it all. My coworkers got me to start drinking for first time in years. And i ended up making myself drink more than i could handle, ended up puking, and felt like absolute shit the next day when i woke up.
Marijuana, however i always smoke that shit, from a JUUL (to be more discreet) and than i go for a 1-2 hr run around the park trails near my house. Never do i get a hang over, puke, or do stupid shit.
I will only drink Wine from now on. Fuck alcohol, Weed is much better for people like me.
oh and i make more than 100k, dont live in over priced shitty city. And have no college degree so fuck you and your smack talk. I went fromm being a janitor to this.
All the people saying it’s degenerate are mindless fucking retards who just parrot the typical Jow Forums opinion.
It should be legal. Government has neither reason nor right to make it illegal.
Sometimes the day after it would make me. Like a hangover but patience and explaining things some people wouldn't understand that a child could would get me pissed
I've heard many people say this but for me it's the opposite. I'll get more paranoid. Especially if I'm out doing things in public. Even when I get talkative and loosy goosy on alcohol, if I smoke after I'm drunk, paranoia sets in
I think the thc portion plays a weird role with the mind. I understand what you're saying, I've admitted to myself being addicted because of my own problems. My friends then become silent on that part when they smoke more than me and it's annoying. Not even for medical reasons
Anywho. I got my dad to smoke it whose got deteriorated discs in his spine and takes strong pain meds for it. He hasn't drank liquor or smoked weed in 26 years. Around the time he had to take his pills I offered a bowl. Seemed happier and we joked about some TV show but it was nice. He mentioned he could still kind of feel the pain but a bit numbed. Said it almost felt like it was mentally blocking pain receptors
Shoot all recreational drug users, the drug trade will disappear on its own.
Just have it like alcohol driving laws and working machinery. I've heard people say they do things better on it but not all the time. Same with a buddy of mine who picked me up when he was shit faced but drove like a damn pro. Better than me when I was sober
Well that would be like 80% of the population of your country now wouldn't it Nigel? How many of your 'mates' smoke cigarettes or drink pints
It depends man. I've met successful people and we're sharp on it. I've also seen smart people like my bro become half retarded from a semi decent grade weed that he smoked half a bowl of. Everyone's chemistry can be different
all drugs should be legal desu
For, but I wish it didn't devolve into 95% pure THC resin that retards consume. That was never what any of us meant.
you do this every day with Jow Forums and TV you fag boy.
I bet you could not leave for 1 day.
I put weed on same level as alcohol, but I dont want to legalize it because weedfags are retards with their bro-science and if you disagree with them they feel personaly attacked and become toxic, they act as weed is their god.
Lol this. I used to act like this while on it. Stopped smoking so I could get a job and realized how my friends acted. Smoked after and the same feeling was creeping up on me so I stopped.
I thought it would shut them but it made them more insufferable.
This. That culture is fucking stupid, but I have hope that Australians on a whole are better tha- never mind.
Should be decriminalized on the federal level, legalization should be left up to individual states/districts/regions, but those who use it should be socially shamed.