I miss it...
Can we bring back the god emperor Trump meme?
Yes, but you’d have to put a Star of David on his suit. Considering he defends Israel more than our country.
Fuck your false kike emperor
Look at how well America is doing under Trump, that is just a slander shill tactic. Read up on the punished Trump theory
Sure but he serves the choas god now. Goy baby blood for blood god. Forskins for his foreskin throne
We aren’t doing well at all, Trump has done nothing to stop the shitskin invasion. He recently signed a bill that would give full on amnesty to most illegals. Kushner is also incharge of increasing legal immigration as well. His plan would be to bring in 3 million nonwhites in yearly.
>But Muh DHS said!
The US government says lies all the time to make sure it’s citizens don’t panic. It’s merely coping. At least Germany can probably save itself. We however will likely balkanize in the near future.
No, not true. Trump will be hated during his time, but loved by the next generations. Just like Abraham Lincoln
40k is very memeable universe, many quality meymeys can be made.
We are pre fall eldar, we need to build craftworlds.
You and the mutts are dark eldar desu
God emperor originates from warhammer 40k, he is basically the peak of human evolution and literally a god at this point
We will never escape the eye of terror with sublight, humanity is doomed
>Forskins for his foreskin throne
Kek I hate to check that
Totally /our/ emperor alright
This. It's Make Israel Great Again and president Kushner is leading the country.