>A HORRIFYING mass grave of more than 1,000 Jewish men, women and children shot in the head by Nazis has been unearthed at a building site in Belarus.
>Discovered with gunshot wounds to their skulls, the victims' remains were buried in a pit located at a building site in the city of Brest on the Polish border.
>One account said they included “men, women, and children, all with gun shot wounds in their skulls”.
>Previous mass graves were found in Brest in 1950 - >when some 600 victims were re-buried at Trishinskoe cemetery, and in 1970 when 300 victims were re-interred at Proska cemetery.
So uhh, about that Holocaust didn't happen thing, whats the deal Jow Forums ?
Tricky nazis shooting Jews with Russian guns. At least they made sure that all their "jude" stars stayed on for future identification.
Leo Wright
So, how did they find out they were jews. Or that they were killed by nazis.
Nathaniel Green
Of course it didn't happen. We all know that Hitler was cucked by the jews, that he loved to kneel down and suck on that semetic cock. That's why he tried to conquer the holy land for them. And after he failed because he was a weakling basedboy faggot, he created the holohoax so that the allies would complete his master plan for jewish domination.
Jaxon Martinez
How they know they're jews do the have jew written all over their bones or what
Cooper Rivera
Ow much more room is there in the hole? Asking for a friend.
Evan Collins
They can determine who killed them based on ballistic analysis I have no idea how they determined they were Jews, maybe the extra Cromagnon DNA
Blake Torres
How do they know it was the Nazis and not the Soviets?
Alexander Myers
well i'm not saying they did dna checks but uh you could say that european jews have jew written over their bones
Zachary Reyes
Those polish death camps sure were terrible, really horrible what they did there
Nathan Myers
How do you know they were jewish and not just dissenters?
Jacob Sanchez
How do they know those are Jews? Did they find nose bones?
Colton Harris
Mason Richardson
So that's 2100 accounted for.. Where's the rest? Far cry from the 6 gorillian. Also, how do they know they are Jews?
William Flores
Communists killed a few people? who knew?
Jack Bell
You just committed a crime
Oliver Carter
Is it actually a crime if it’s just a VPN LARPing?
Ayden Johnson
[Laughs in boycott of Israel]
Lucas Sanchez
So what like 1,500? Peanuts.
Hudson Barnes
>Also, how do they know they are Jews? They don't
Brayden Rodriguez
Hey! That's almost .2% of the total Holocaust!
Justin Adams
>people directly kill people? People freak out. >people die because a foreign govt like the USA dicked some other country over using stealth warfare? People don't notice, don't care. Ladies and gentlemen, the average American citizen. I'm not opposed to war, I'm opposed to rich niggers using lies and deception to wage undeclared stealth wars.
Jayden Harris
Aiden Hernandez
the bones should have viable DNA left in them and checking whom the bones belong to would be trivial.
if they haven't mentioned it I'd assume they did do the testing and it wasn't conclusively jewish
Jose Jenkins
BREAKING NEWS New Katyn Massacre Victims Found Suspected to been executed by the ebil nahtsiis
Charles Cooper
more commie victims credited as nazi victims, in any case, that pit represents ten less years of wearing degeneracy inflicted on some poor nation hope they find 6 million more
Gavin White
Fuck off commie
Ethan Morales
my house just flew over a building site.
Dylan Butler
How did they know they were kikes, did they find a stash of yamakas? or can you now magically tell one pile bones apart from the next by kvetching now? I call bullshit.
>My weekly shopping list is essentially a massacre. wut
Jace Harris
In the worst case they were treated as everyone else germans were fighting with Its repugnant that 27000 europeans were killed in the same place but only the 1000 j*ws are referenced in the titular and only at the end of the article they tell you that 27 times more euros were killed FUCK J*WS
Carson Harris
Because the nazi's also did Katyn.
Jayden Bailey
What they made us do to our cities and peoples is the real holocaust. Entire European cities that existed for half a millennium or even more wiped from the face of the earth in one day and night of bombardment. Yet you should never forget who the real (((victims))) were.
Elijah Brown
read the article. because they know they were from the Brest ghetto, which was liquidated as part of a larger operation in Oct + Nov 1942. your hilarious knee jerk response to call bullshit without even reading a word is telling though
Isaiah Ortiz
>So uhh, about that Holocaust didn't happen thing, whats the deal Jow Forums ? It's not jews.
Each time a mass grave is found, the jews will claim it, and then it's mysteriously dropped, when it turns out it was dead goyim.
Christian Reed
here's an interactive map of all the mass shooting sites of Jews in eastern europe if anyone's interested yahadmap.org/#map/
Nolan Butler
More likely they didn't do any testing and are just claiming they were jews because muh nazies. Most likely polish who were killed by USSR.
Gabriel King
The main argument is that it was exaggerated, and Jews / globalists did it to themselves to gain sympathy and permanent immunity to all things social and political.
The holocaust is a complete joke if they wanted to kill them they wouldnt have built expensive concentration camps for them with swimpool, maternity room , threatre, dentist .... instead of using a single bullet They were interned like japanese in usa for the fear of traition and their links with comunist the plan was too expulse them of germany
im confused, the commies were shooting jews now? i thought the commies were jews? is that the strategy now? >show me mass graves.. hah you can't, holocaust confirmed hoax shows mass graves >prove stalin didnt kill them, hah you can't holocaust confirmed hoax
Henry Walker
Even netanhayu said that hitler didnt want to exterminate the jews only expulse them
uh oh the fake infographic spam begins, denier gang in full cope mode and if you knew anything about ww2 or holocaust history you would know that in the USSR they didnt bother with camps, they just shot them as the army advanced extermination camps where for the Jews in the rest of Europe that were already in captivity in ghettos or work camps across the Reich or its allied nations
Bentley Smith
>Because the nazi's also did Katyn.
no. Katyn was done by the soviets. But the nazis had their own list of 10.000 members of polish intelligentsia to liquidate.
Carter Thomas
"at the time" are you retarded? none of this was controversial. they didnt start killing them until 1941 mass shootings, then gassings. before that they hadn't decided what to do yet
A grave holding 1000 people is not "a mass grave" that you are expected to show. You're expected to show a mass grave containing 200 000 people at the least.
Also, nobody denies that commies were shooting jews. It's a fact.
And it's proven many mass killings done by commies were blamed on nazies.
Samuel Cox
Belarus getting hit by the extortion racket
David Lewis
>uh oh the fake infographic spam begins
"Oy vey goy! This is fake because I say so! OBEY ME! LOVE ME!" T:scholomo
Jonathan Reyes
There is nothing fake about it only all the data is publuc And yeaaa you nazis wont waste time building expensive concentration camps if the only reason was to kill them , its evident that they would have been relocated once the war was over like was the case with japanese in usa Only a moron would belueve in the holofake at this point
Easton Evans
>Most Brest jews go missing since ww2 "where are the corpesed? holohoax!" >mass graves appear in Brest "b-but how do we know they're jews???"
Do you stormniggers have amnesia, or are you just massive hypocrites?
Owen Edwards
that first part is just too retarded to respond to so this is the cope now? it was the communists? what if there's Einzatsgruppen records of their operations in the area, then you will just call them fake right? thats stupid. you just make up your mind right off the bat and will make any excuse to defend your fake position. why are you even having this debate
Christian Perez
the commies shot everyone faggot anyone who was not a good cog in the wheel including greedy kikes that hoarded shit especially dumbfag
Connor Watson
The zionist wants nothing more then the instability of the unified peoples of the world. Not the jew, nor the cuck, nor the "nigger" or the "spic" is the problem. It is the zionist. Don't infuse hatred and truth.
>that first part is just too retarded to respond to
No it's not. You can also show me 2000 graves containing 1000 people and I'll start CONSIDERING that the holocaust might have happened in some form.
>so this is the cope now? it was the communists? what if there's Einzatsgruppen records of their operations in the area, then you will just call them fake right? thats stupid. you just make up your mind right off the bat and will make any excuse to defend your fake position. why are you even having this debate
There are proven cases where communists blamed nazies for their own genocides. Especially when those "Einzatsgruppen records" mysteriously surfaced from communist archives decades after the war.
They better take in a million negros and semites quickly before everyone thinks they're Nazis.
Angel Mitchell
Stupid Nazis. If they had just called them “reservations” everything would have worked out fine.
Leo Edwards
yeah they shot specific people in small groups all across the USSR, on the spot or in their prison system, not thousands of men, women and children all from one village. thats just a genocide. you're retarded and you dont know anything about history
Jayden Brooks
>Photoshops photo
>Pretends that it was used by Historians to prove the holocaust
>Uses it for your stupid meme
The third, fourth, fifth (specially the fifth), and the sixth photos are clearly faked and I bet you it was from you edgy nazis. Goddamn, you people are fools. You guys always like saying how Jews are deceptive liars when you fuckers photoshop photos and then pretend that they were used by holocaust historians. I have never seen these photos. Also, the nazi guy shooting the Jewish mother is a legit photo.
i dont know . that level of mental gymnastics must be out of bad faith. it doesnt matter what evidence you show them they will try to think of some way that it wasn't Germans. if all else fails they'll just change the subject or accuse you of being jidf rofl
Oliver Morales
pic made me kek
Joshua Lopez
In Yugoslaiva (which was never part of soviet union) a correspondence was given to WEST-germans between Dr. Harald Turner and Karl Wolff. Turner was stationed in Belgrade during the war and wrote quite openly about successfully liquidating jews with a 'delousing van' and separating jewish civilian prisoners from serboian inmates and shooting them.
Ian Ortiz
Tranny OUT
Nathan Wright
Because there is none everything is fake as your memeglag
neck yourself retard what are you 22 y/o old latte sipping commufag lol die faggot
Alexander King
pic related is the actual door. that one is probably to the bathroom of the reconstruction at Krema 1 (remember, the Nazis either blew up or dismantled the main Kremas 2,3,4,5 for some reason before the Soviets arrived) another case of fake propaganda being used to push this hoax theory but user will not be phased. user doesnt care that he's being lied to by his own "side". user is still convinced it didn't happen. figure that one out
Oh so now they just shot them instead of paid millions to set up gassing camps? Why didn't they just do that to all of them?
Honestly though how do they know that isn't a commie mass grave, which are far more common?
Alexander Morales
mass killings retard oh mighty history major faggot do you suck your fathers lil pecker with that cockhole or are you a nigger who doesnt have a god damned father
Gabriel Moore
only a moron would believe that you could fit 6 million Jews in the amount of camps the Germans had, already filled with non-jewish prisoners. you dont know shit about anything. you also dont know the purpose of the camps, the reasoning behind extermination camps, and you're just coping hard because if you admit that Jews were being shot this "resettlement" theory is complete bullshit