How can this guy's arguments always be so full of logical fallacies yet liberals still eat it up?

How can this guy's arguments always be so full of logical fallacies yet liberals still eat it up?

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He feeds into their biases.
"White genocide isn't real because obvious bullshit reason #271"
The liberal hears "White genocide isn't real" and goes YEAH

That’s just a drawing of a skull wearing sun glasses.

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>generally on solid grounds

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>White genocide isn't real, but let me tel you why whites being a minority is a good thing
He's just a propagandist using white guilt tactics.


fag OP assumes we all know his e-celebs i guess

If libtards would be capable of using logic and reason, they wouldn’t be libtards in the first place.

He literally has a video talking about Trayvon Martin being innocent

It's because every single right wing media fuckhead is dumb as shit, so it makes him look smarter when in reality he's just repeating the same simple points.

Same thing with Destiny.


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Luke Ford streams are high iq

> if the immigrant population rises at a geometric rate while native population remains fixed there will be six billion immigrants for every uk citizen
> this is a deliberate conspiracy to destroy the white population for unkown reasons
> probably the jews though, since they already control the world
> this is a logical and reasonable position to hold
Don't let me stop you jerking each other off though

That was the most pathetic and gay strawmen I have ever read on this board. And there is A LOT of pathetic and gay strawmen. How on earth can you be Australian, cunt?

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Liberals think with their emotions. Very subhuman

not really. he attempts to appeal to logic rather than emotion like other leftists typically do, but his logic ends up being really faulty and his arguments don't make sense.

>Some random YT eceleb hiding behind some totally radical pseudonym and picture I suppose
Literally who? A certain herb goes in options.

Who is this?

> how dare you put less thought into my ideology than I have

They are desperate for content, it's as simple as that. The problem with the Left and competing with the politico/philosophical/e-eceleb regurgitating Jow Forums threads is that this sort of content only succeeds when it is (a) logical (b) empirical. That now rules out 99% of the Left wing talking points. So all that is left to do is either aggressively slag each other off (purity spiral) or build endless strawmen to ingite in leiu of anything empirical to actually get their teeth into. The fact that that tranny has made a tidy patreon living out of setting fire to strawmen is evidence enough that the Left is utterly famished for content.

So not only can the Left not meme, but they cannot into talking head e-celebrity for more than five minutes. And it's all because their ideology has abandoned empirical reality. God forbid you find a lefty who talks about job security or workers compensation, eh? You could make a fifty episode youtube series on that topic alone. Yet to do so you'd have to admit that a lot of changes made under the banner of the Left have in fact been detrimental to indegenous populations, and lefties would rather drink bleach on cam before they even came close to doing anything like that.

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But jews admit they want Europe to be multicultural

Just because they start with the same letter doesn't mean they have anything in relation to each other.

>tehehe, look at my retarded post! how cool I am! feel stupid yet?

Welcome newfriend

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Why did Ben steal the Jow Forums merchant face?

lol they're on the same level as """right-wing""" skeptics who make fun of SJWs. People just got bored of the same center-right bullshit being repeated all the time so now it's hip and intellectual to watch these "alt-left" idiots. Even a lolberg such as truediltom completely owns them. Same shit with the three arrows.
If YouTube wasn't so heavily censored it'd immediately go full fash, just like every internet community that has absolute freedom of speech.

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Its not like smart right wingers will risk getting doxed and having the international media attacking them. Its not worth it for a small patreon that can get banned.

He's not liberal. He's a socialist.

Non arguments

Why wouldn't Jewish people want Europe to be more inclusive? They've been persecuted minorities in Europe for over a thousand years. If they're really masterminds hellbent on destroying it (a conspiracy for which no motive is ever given) they're sure taking their sweet time.

He's not a socialist, he's a liberal. Socialists are marxists and revolutionaries, Shaun isn't a marxist, which means he wants welfare capitalism, not a true overthrow of the system.

Who gives a shit what the Jews want if it's detrimental to everyone else? If their goal is an atomized, deracinated society purely for their own security and comfort, they can go fuck themselves.

It's amazing that they gave such a hatred for the one group in history (white evangelicals) who is actively slobbing their nob. Their neurotic paranoia is going to be their undoing.

>the Jews
A video of a single woman is not "the Jews".
>If their goal is an atomized, deracinated society
Oh and I guess these genius Jews apparently think in the exact same terms as white nationalists and somehow won't be affected by the multicultural dystopia despite living mainly in western countries lmao.

Jews lived for fucking thousands of years as the "outsider" you fucking dingus. The dystopia you describe but(glad you recognize it was such) is their ideal environment; ever wonder why they're attracted to cosmopolitan locations? They literally parasites. You're clearly inadequate to this depth of discussion, go suck Jewish cock somewhere else.

good post

Because they're literal fucking drooling, soiling themselves, Stretch Armstrong loving, pants down around their ankles at a urinal AUWAAAUUHGUGWAAAHAHAAAAA retards.

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>Oh and I guess these genius Jews apparently think in the exact same terms as white nationalists
Kike, you got us ALL wrong.
>kill all kikes
>kill all niggers and spics in white nations
>leave spics and niggers to their own devices in their own lands
>retake Constantinople (literally and metaphorically)
>probably just wait for China to die off, cuz fuck those anti-human communists and their abominable gene pool
>the end
We are NOTHING alike.

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scare mongering for the marxoid terro cult the kikes control as a mechanism from the "cold war" era...funny the left is all sex degeneracy and pretending faggots have any competency or virtue or mental acumen they don't....missiles systems weren't developed by satanic faggots or ever operated by them bt were hijacked by JPL which is a waste of funds and the most corrupt, stupidest, reprobate welfare queen of judaic "propulsion" outside of Lockheed...

Because it's not real

>rational wiki
user, rational wiki is literally Communism Manifesto. Just open Che and Pinochet articles and compare them. Che murdered more than 10,000 people, Pinochet murdered 3500(1500 of which were leftists terrorists killed on the streets). But only Pinochet is a bloodthirsty dictator, while Che is good, great and a freedom fighter.