Wish i could predict my own death, what a fucking badass

wish i could predict my own death, what a fucking badass.
we will remember your name

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Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/VIP prostitute goes to parties /

I wish there were men in this world

what a fine white slut she was. Damn

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Even lifeless, she is beautiful

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Her from was shit tier.

I don't get it.

for real?
Is anyone even bothering to pretend anymore?
what's next, coup in the us?

>tfw someone who sucks dick for a living is 100x braver than I will ever be


google the name

What's the backstory here

she has a name
google it


Yes, these people are in your country too.

Here's the previous threads which have all the info
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/VIP prostitute goes to parties /

I see.

So a whore died. Cry me a river. Half a million Yemeni children are starving as we speak, get back to me when president deals stops that conspiracy will ya.

And nobody does absolutely shit even though it's now out in the open. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?

Kill yourself, nigger.

So where is the USB drive

>When she tells you she pregnant
Why do africans hate their children, but yet produce so many?

On an Italian newspaper they reported this quote from her (months ago): "I have no intention to kill myself, I will not enter in the drug world, and I will not drown in a bath, so if this happens to me..." Very suspicious..

Why should I care about the death of some random white hoe?

Look up her name, there is way more to it than that.

Allegedly she got to know about a pedo ring in Argentina

The question is who took the photo? No visible bruises, still in make up and the body not being too rigid to be put in a bed side means this was taken right after death, when the body was still warm. And not covering up signals that this was intended to be disrespectful.
Obviously planned.

she's fuckin dead mate
she knew

She exposed pedo ring run by elites and dies of drug over dose after explicitly saying she will not die from a drug overdose kinda suspicious I'm just curious as to why people who know shit like this don't just make everything public right off the bat so they can't suicide you like this

>muh children muh starve

This is standard operating procedure for assassinations. You kill some fucker in a way that's obvious that you did it, but leave just enough plausible deniability so people who don't know the background of the victim will just write it off. Russia is great at this.

The sudden support of Venezuela by news orgs and celebrities makes a whole lot of sense now.

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> hot chick
> sandniggers
Nobody cares when somebody shits in the toilet, faggot.

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A whore that gave her life exposing the people that purchase and rape little children, the same people you pay taxes to and vote for.

show respect

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Came her to post this

>not in 6 pieces
are you sure this was in venezuela?

F is for respect

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I already knew my taxes are paying for bombs to kill children, but thanks for the sacrifice I guess?

TL; DR: A VIP escort suddenly exposed pedo cult activities. It involves, like always, famous people, celebrities, etc.
She was set to testify, twitted that she wasn't gonna suicide no matter what, appears dead of overdose anyways and 0 consequence of course.
For those who wonder how can it happen in the open with no consequence know this. Our govs have totally fallen. They no longer need to hide and they are starting to legalize the shit, or just do it in the open anyway.
Most world govs are part of a cult, and we are no longer citizens, but subjects.
Argentina is a country that has a huge joos population since forever. All worthwile oposition has been slowly eliminated like everywhere else. What remains are people that just don't have warrior blood in them.

mate you're taxes are paying for creepy old jews to buy kids to fuck and kill
and your taxes also pay for the hitmen to keep it quiet

I thought all the nazis went to Argentina why would the joos go there.

people went to jail, she was going for more

I really don't like reading fucking Spanish, even if I can do it. A summary of the conspiracy would be nice anyways, since the articles I found were mostly just 'she ded'.

no one cares
nothing will happen (like always)

it's in english, based satan

Noticing the important stuff I see. Hi Jow Forums

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interesting, do we have any more quotes from her?

Nice body, good muscle definition

Only one result in English.
And it's a Reddit link
Fuck you

A policeman suspected of paedophilia kills himself in prison

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Was referring to the bogan, not you.

You can eat shit kike. Also, I hate your country, not everyone in there, but the EU zergs you host there must be cleansed

do you guys not have chrome?

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Yea, I'm not going to let kikes know more about me than they already do.

Not that many details out there simply put
>be high end escort
>discover peso ring among the elites you are fuckin
>say you going to expose them and shit and you won't be suicididng anytime soon specifically reference drug overdose
>drug overdose you ded
>media silence apparently USB exists where she kept all the info can't find anything about it

>pope pedophile
water is wet

Even if it is true, this is worse than all the mass killings committed with my tax euros and weapons made in my country how? I mean Christ the Catholic Church has been a rape machine for 2000 years, why is everyone suddenly so surprised and upset the rich and powerful do these things? You're gonna have these things go on as long as you have elites of any kinds. The problem is not evil people, it is evil structures.

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n a h

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Because if you read marching to zion, you would know that Herzl considered Argentina, specially the Patagonia, as posible place to create the jewish state and as a backup place in case things go wrong in the middle east.
Coincidentaly, the south is full of them. There are some towns with economic zones that are mostly in hebrew with no spanish translation.
This is also the place were all joos take their vacation after the military service. They come as "graduation" in units with lieutenants in huge numbers to the patagonia argie and chilean both.
There have been Chilean officials denouncing this as a ploy to take terrain data. Some even say that most fires that happen in the south are caused by these joo tourists.
I think the only city in the world with more jews than Capital Federal would be New York.
I can see exactly how they operate btw, and it's the same everywhere.
5 years ago the head of HHRR of my company was replaced by a Jew. Now, more than half the company, specially high up places are Jews.
It's always the same story.

You have to go back

>muh starving children
>muh catholic church
Literally regurgitating mainstream leftist non-arguments.


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It's like...like killing your opponents to death really works.

the difference now is ease of access of information on a global scale
we anons plus the feds are reigning these sick fuckers in they'll be exposed or killed it's inevitable at this point

You think whoever has it wants to die next? See, the USB drive could have damning info, and get released, but would anyone do anything?

He is obviously a sandnigger.

didn't have that one, damn. thought there were only 2 released photos

>ALL of those other fucking sensationalist headlines
Yellow press tier

Thank you, I suppose they will never do a proper investigation about this like literally every time..

she was a sephardi jew

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No, it won't do anything. The state can't prosecute itself so, this worldwide network won't stop with legal procedings.
Either the people of the world declare war to them, or it will continue to get worse.

Btw, the girl herself was jewish.

Too soon...

I hear the current pope has actually done more to resort and hide child-abuse in his ranks than the last.

Well she was a dumb slut for not havin a contingency plan to release her evidence upon her death. Waste of a great body

Did you not read the part about the USB drive she gave to a friend

This has happened previously, and the officer exonerated after death.

Doesn't look Jewish at all though. Doubt (((they))) would kill one of (((their))) kinfolk

If things dont start to change by 2020 Im going to start killing people.

Fuck this digusting kiked up world.

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This is why I hate the MSM.
Catholics been diddling kids for ages but are reluctant to publish stories. They can't keep getting away with it.
Her mistake was not telling the authorities or CNN even.

well... you can doubt it, but she was a jew, buried in a jew cemetery yesterday

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too soon

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This is just like the Dutroux case all over again. Kinda surprised to see zero vigilantism in such scenarios.

They don t even try to hide it anymore

>Lead inspector on a Parisian paedophile ring killed himself with 2 bullets in the head the night before the trial of his life.

>parts of his skull disappeared before the autopsy

>police concluded it was a legit suicide

>evidence for the trial is lost on route and never found.


> (OP)
>The question is who took the photo? No visible bruises, still in make up and the body not being too rigid to be put in a bed side means this was taken right after death, when the body was still warm. And not covering up signals that this was intended to be disrespectful.
>Obviously planned.

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>Another journalist she had accused of pedophilia on the airing, Luis Ventura, had uploaded an image of her dead body shortly after she killed herself on Twitter, and then promptly deleted it afterwards.

They killed her and are bragging about it.

it was a cop who was fired yesterday

what is this? a picture for ants?

Why wouldnt they? Brainrotten normie NPCs will do literally nothing.

If it's causing problems...

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Thats what they do in england, not venezuela. Learn your geography.


To create a nigger you need not only to birth it but grievously mistreat it

Anyone have the uncensored version

Cause the meme of self hating jews is just that, a meme.....right?

It was all over here last night. Check archives. Shouldn't take long.


Had to be right after. They say when you die your bowels let go of whatever's in you.

Exactly, my guess is the people try to blackmail the abuser per se, and try to get money, rather than wanting justice.


Safety culture has created a world where people willing to take action are fewer than previous generations.
This is an all out thing. They planned for everything because the atack was on all fronts at the same time. It didn't matter if one or two failed, the armor of the west was full of breaches anyway.