Despite being like 0.1% of the world population they defeated Nazi Germany, the mightiest and most disciplined, most fanatic war machine in human history.
They destroyed entire empires for 3000 years. They're the most powerful force on our planet and will stay that way for a very long time.
If you can't defeat them, join them. Grow up user. It's over...
nazis were jews, so they were defeated, user. its easy to defeat the jews, in fact its easier than you think--- you just needed to conquer berlin. the only jews that were left in the world after the slavs steamrolled the germano-jews in WW2 were the Rothchild bankers Hitler personally released and sent to USA, and the jews in hitler kept in safety in western europe.
USSR, UK, US, etc. fire bombing and btw Hitler was a Rothschild an agent to take the fall survived he did his duty helped found Israel control through Switzerland the mass slaughter for the second time the european peopls who rejected judaism
Do you think all those millions of white men would've fought each other back then if they had the internet? Could you see american and british white men firebombing Dresden again?
The information war rages on and we are winning as is evidenced by the sheer amount of shills on here
Liam Garcia
well we can still murder individual jews i guess, lets go for a walk
Evidence? Why hasn't there been a single pro nazi movie if Hitler was working for the jews?
Ryder Long
>schlomo is on the defensive
shut it down.
Robert King
it starts by banning infant genital mutilation of baby boys, then destroying the birth certificate system, followed by having countries print their own money again without a central bank, and lastly banning blood donations so they all die from tay sachs and porphyria complications. All of these are plausible and doable the only thing stopping us are the governments and their agencies who protect the system at all cost
Logan Johnson
>why doesnt jewish owned holywood make a blockbuster summer movie explaining how hitler was a jewish plant?
You're the shill, Chaim. Show the evidence Hitler worked for the jews or gtfo
Christopher Gray
>Show the evidence Hitler worked for the jews or gtfo
WW2 and
Chase Campbell
I said pro nazi, where Hitler is portrayed as the good guy. Why is there not a single pro nazi movie in existence? Why does every single institution condemn Hitler?
Michael Wright
jews will snap long before that. the pressure alone will kill them, we don't even have to lift a finger. the rest, will be karma.
Kayden Bailey
>he expects jews to make movies admitting to their tricks
how totally fucking retarded are you.
Nathaniel Bennett
WW2 was started by the allies, Hitler offered peace with Britain 5 times. They let the rothschild go after being paid the largest ransom in world history
Christian Perry
Not fucking admitting their tricks, just a pro nazi movie where the germans are the good guys, there's definetely a market for that. But instead they portray the nazis as categorically evil, why is that?
Colton Adams
What about "They Live"?
Nicholas Martin
You're fighting this all wrong Goy. The ONLY way to destroy a Parasite ie: The Jew is to starve it.
Don't buy their crap or give them any money. It's not as hard as you might think. Just takes a change in mindset.
Cooper Stewart
WW2 was started by the germano-jews, user, check your facts.
>They let the rothschild go after being paid the largest ransom in world history
lmao, got citations for that imaginary nonsense?
hitler released the jewish end game boss for a bag of shekels, schlomo, just fuck off with your jewish damage control.
Luke Gray
Watched HELLSTORM last night...I had no idea the world treated Germany so badly in WWII. I'm genuinely sorry for what my country did. One question...why did the world hate Germany so much? Was separating from Jewish banking and Jewish influences the main thing? Was it just because they were becoming strong and showing the world how well a country can thrive without Jews?
If we boycotted Jews...what would that look like? What products?
Luis Price
the jews have jewed to much, eventually it will backfire. They are race mixing at super high rates, their own communities are full of degenerates and faggots and the diaspora is so divided. Also, people are waking up to their dirty tricks thanks to the internet and social media.
Unironically based & red-pilled. The Jews are the true master race and you guys are too blinded by jealousy and ressentiment to see it.
Asher Brooks
You’d have to boycott money
Oliver Watson
You're the jewish shill here and anyone with a brain sees that, "germano-jews" lol, it was started by jewish bankers period
Connor Brooks
no citations for your imaginary nonsense, then, schlomo?
>it was started by jewish bankers period
the germano-jews, yes, you're finally getting it.
Ian Wilson
The war was orchestrated by jews, they wanted the war to consolidate more power, hundreds of millions died in ww2 and the soviet union combined, white people and that was fully intended and planned
Jace Thomas
The Jews ain't every day Jews bro. The Jews are the ones that stay white. That stay in control.
The Jews who mix race they're cattle like you and me. Like how Soros treated his fellow jew
Cooper Brown
Germans are not jews Chaim, try again.
Jordan Gutierrez
>Nazi Germany, the mightiest and most disciplined, most fanatic war machine in human history Biased much?
Josiah Cruz
>You can't defeat the Jews. >If you can't defeat them, join them. Grow up user. It's over... The battle is much more inward than it is on the out. They could control the news, but they cannot control your soul - it is something that must be freely given. The only debt I owe is that to my greatest teacher, Pythagoras.
Hunter Reed
Keep in mind that the documentary has a clear slant towards one side. In history these kinds of things happened all the time.
Ryder Hill
Lol get the fuck out shill.
John Hall
Didn't Carpenter shit on those who perceived the movie as anti-jewish?
Dylan Williams
>In history these kinds of things happened all the time. No they didn't.
David Miller
No. It was stronger than either the Soviet Army or the American Army.
It just wasn't stronger than both COMBINED.
Jaxson Scott
You'd have to go back to living like your grandparents did. I am and life is wonderful.
Brandon Foster
of course they are, did you miss the last 2,000 years of human history? pretty difficult to NOT call them germano-jews, considering every single evil, famous jew you ever heard of was... a german.
Even today, almost 100% of the worlds jewish population has german names and german ancestry.
Jews are a separate race, it doesn't matter what names they have and you know this Chaim. This isn't an argument you can win, the whole german vs slav was also a jewish propaganda tool
Hunter Carter
Lol 3/10
Jack Roberts
I don't want to defeat anyone. I only need to shed light on the zionist evil for justice to take place.
Zachary Wright
Your posts gave me several brain tumors Seriously GTFO Janusz
Luis Brooks
Let us examine this allegation rationally. For context remember Stalin enjoyed some 4 times the industrial output of Hitler. And about 7 times the cannon fodder. So a war of attrition was stupid. Their own doctrine insisted the seize command and control ASAP but they sat there looking at Moscow and lost 10% of the Army killed or captured at Stalingrad. Then another 10% in the Courland. Then they wasted time and resources on Sebastopol. Hitler actually had a good chance had he taken Moscow as his highest priority very quickly and then pivot to the West. No eastern front, no humiliating defeat. They forgot to follow their own doctrine.
Aiden Collins
Because keeping the moral high ground is the single most important aspect of mass mind control.
Thus jews, through their eternal victim status are able to control the masses of the world through propaganda.
Brayden Kelly
and yet, our kikes were worthless peasants, while any time a jew crossed the german border, you immidiately gave that jew a golden throne, a university, keys to your city and whatever else you can give, was immidiately given to the jew.
Like i said, throughout human races history, even single jew you ever heard of was a german.
>Jews are a separate race
yes, the germano-jews race.
>it doesn't matter what names they have and you know this Chaim.
of course schlomo, im sure that if every jewish banker was named Kowalski instead of Deutchenshekelberg you would say the same, that names dont matter, at all.
Piss poor damage control from your part. Try harder.
Matthew Brooks
Again. Geography is always the reason. Ideology is always the excuse.
Jeremiah Reed
Don't you have any hamburgers you need to attend to dipshit? After 6 months of war Germany destroyed half of their fucking industry idiot.
Dominic Butler
Had they followed their own doctrine they could have won.
Leo Lewis
>JIDF thread No. 25234234234234243
Evan Anderson
Instead they got mired in a war of attrition they could not win. Normandy was just the final nails in the coffin.
Jace Morales
Lol you're a funny jew if you think anyone is going to hate germans for being jewish or vice versa. Slavs, germans, nordics, anglos etc are all part of the white family and have to unite in opposition to white genocide, any incitement of infighting is the words of a shill.
Caleb Brown
So the war in Vietnam was about expanding US territory?
Ayden Reed
Don’t know any Slavs. For some reason I always thought they were sort of like Mexicans. Close but no cigar.
Josiah Rogers
>you think anyone is going to hate germans for being jewish
of course, most of the world already does. well, at least everybody east of the german border, the western losers are beyond help at this point.
Hunter Martin
except that the jews have bred me to be an ammoral degenerate and now i know who is responsible for my status as status is to me the same as no status. good job kikes.
Wyatt Ross
Initially it was a dick measuring contest with commies. When it turned into genocide Americans got a little squeamish.
Jason Smith
>(((join them))) Sage
Parker Jenkins
...and even half destroyed they still had over twice the Industrial output. If they had focused everything on destroying the countries command and control as per their own doctrine they could have won.
Tyler Walker
Operation Barbarossa was delayed because of the Italian invasion of Greece which messed up the plans to take over Moscow
Owen Clark
But think about it. There have been several historical “paradigm shifts” that have remained largely unexplored as potential causes of almost all strife for centuries if not millennia. “The Land” was felt to be the valuable asset once and Nobles owned “The Land”. Then smart people realized the actual resource on the land was “The People”. See what an important transition that is? Instead of nobility owning the land, Government owned and “took care of” the people. So suddenly you get the French worried there are too many Germans, the Germans worried there are too many Russians. Rinse. Repeat. Then Germany revolutionizes the entire concept of war. The combination of a new concept (Qualitative Advantage, technology becomes more valuable than courage) and “Lightening War” making fixed defenses forever obsolete. So suddenly technology becomes more important than population size. Technology renders all prior notions of war invalid. We are still sorting this out and no one knows what the repercussions are or what the “next big deal” is gonna be.
Jason Campbell
Or the Allied landings in Italy, but yeah. They got distracted. Sicily is closer to Berlin than Moscow. I still say they should not have gotten distracted.
Jack Adams
dude, allied landings in italy were YEARS after barbarossa started.... by the time the first Allied soldier landed in italy the germans were losing hundreds of miles of the eastern front per day.
Do you have any doubt we could have killed every single gook over there if we had had the will to do so? But, see, this is one consequence of “The People” no longer being the ultimate resource for war. Once a war was expected to yield booty at least some of which was supposed to be the enemies people. Since technology and qualitative advantage makes those people obsolete there is no reason to keep them alive. So qualitative advantage has made the entire concept of “Chivalrous warfare” obsolete. We are still trying to maintain some dignity for our soldiers but even that is just an echo of a time gone by.
Jaxon Rodriguez
>Even today, almost 100% of the worlds jewish population has german names and german ancestry. Source?
Jonathan Morales
Kursk. July 1943. Sicily. July 1943. Really? Why did they waste time with Kursk?
Asher Gomez
Buy fair trade products. I think merchants dont like honest pricing.
Cooper Morales
I could be wrong but I do believe if the Germans had taken their technological advantage, those Tigers and Panthers, and thrown everything at Moscow, encircled and then leveled it they could have ended the Eastern Front. They would have to leave a small army of occupation but remember, Hitler did not see the indigenous people as an asset. In fact, they were a liability. The fewer of them there are the smaller the army of occupation needs to be.
Henry Perry
t. Buttmad toilet cleaning rape baby
Camden Scott
....... Kursk was years after barbarossa started, user.
Juan King
Watch er ist wieder da
Gabriel Cook
>I could be wrong
every sentence in your post is wrong, sorry
Matthew Ross
Think of it like fighting three guys in an ally. Do you just hurt one at a time? No. You kill the first one you can and then the next one. Fighting to hurt your enemy is retarded. You fight to kill your enemy and it is most merciful all around to do so very quickly. One should at least consider this mercy for your own troops.
William Myers
My point exactly. The opportunity to smash Moscow quickly had already been lost. They departed from their own doctrine.
Jacob Barnes
>Despite being like 0.1% of the world population they defeated Nazi Germany, Warburg funded nazi Germany
I wonder how different the world would be today if sumerians executed that schizophrenic jew abraham before he created (((the tribe)))
Jordan Garcia
even if the germans in some miracuolous turn of events would manage to level moscow, it would do nothing else but piss the russians off even more---- dresden and the great-rape-fest of 1945 would seem like a warm-up.
B-b-but Germany could have won if they just did this!
No you stupid faggots there was no way they could have ever beaten Russia. They already got BTFO before they even got to Moscow. If they reached it, it would have been Stalingrad on steroids.
The real problem was Germany's severe lack of OIL. Without it, they were destined to lose.
Also despite the propaganda, Russian tanks were far better designed for all out warfare than German. They were low cost, simple to produce and often superior in many aspects to German tanks. Most German tanks were extremely hard to make, expensive, and ended up being inferior to American tanks. You'd be lucky if your Tiger made it to the front lines without breaking down.
Tyler Price
Stfu ausie
Matthew Sullivan
Which is why the Russians lost 200 tanks at Kursk and the Germans lost 5. They say we always “fight the last war”. And it’s true but your stupid to not learn from your enemy. Fact is throughout the entire Cold War the US relied on and won on just this. Qualitative advantage. Our M1 Abrams were severely outnumbered compared to the Warsaw Pact’s T-72s. But our entire doctrine relied on “Qualitative Advantage” and the premise we could take out T-72s ten to one. We got a chance to test this years later against Warsaw Pact Equipment and doctrine at Messina Ridge. Look at the result. Cold War Russian Generals committed suicide.
Jackson Gomez
Speaking of learning from the enemy. Ask any US soldier about “Combined Arms Warfare”. Want to know who invented it?
The Russian raid from Sebastopol on Ploesti was after Barbarossa had started. When you are in a knife fight with three guys in an ally you want to kill quickly.
Austin Anderson
not arresting, releasing. its literally the opposite.
Nicholas Hill
They could have won if they'd pushed for Stalingrad instead of moscow from the beginning, if they had captured the oil fields there. Or even better, won the battle of the atlantic in 1940 forcing Britain to negotiate peace
Sebastian Morris
if the iraqis had exactly the same equipment as USA, the result would be the same---- total obliteration of shitskins. You dont expect competent warfare from inbreds, user. In fact, you gave hundreds of Abrams tanks to the Iraqis and they seem to be losing them just as quickly as they lost T-72's.
Incompetent niggers will always be incompetent niggers.