I'm a young high school leaver aged guy (over 18), I have a girlfriend around my age. I love her and we are pretty serious. However, she has liberal opinions and her brother is a filthy faggot with a boyfriend and she has fairly liberal opinions. Most girls these days are brainwashed by Facebook Instagram and mainstream media. How we red pill our girlfriends or atleast get them to accept conservative ideas and realize society is degenerate. Thanks
How do I red pill a normie liberal girl?
You should let the brother and his boyfriend pound your tight little boi hole.
fuck off filth
Give up your anus and you might have a shot
ridicule and violence
Why'd I bother asking on here. Just as many degenerates hiding out here as anywhere else. Go neck yourself virgin
My advice to you is don’t get too attached to this chick. You’re almost certainly gonna break up and it’s gonna hurt really bad if you get attatched. Shit with girls doesn’t get serious until you’re like 24/25
If you're alpha enough her natural inclination will be to follow your political leanings just from exposure
Do it gradually and youll have no trouble at all
Do the old pump and dump, she isn't worth keeping
You asked here because you wanted validation and pats on the back from yoyr other redpilled buddies on how to change your girlfriend's opinion because you can't make an argument coherent enough on why she should
Get her a flash drive full of Jow Forums pictures.
Show her Jow Forums as well, becuase you want her to know truth because mainstream news is satanic ritual abuse stock, standard, bare minimum.
That's my hope. It's been like 8 months and she's still very "I have my own options".
That's an idea. Thanks
Get a based amish girl, not this white trash.
No I asked here becuase I want ideas. Smart people know when to ask questions and seek help.
We've been going out for 8 months and she's like a 7/10. Piss off
and I rejected all of them
1. She must be attracted to you and respect you, thats most of the battle..
2. you must have good talking points on all subjects memorized..
3. you must be confident and sure of yourself when you talk about this stuff, dont lose your cool, NEVER look embarrassed, being funny also helps....
4. If she finds you confident and attractive she will eventually agree with all your opinions..
5. when you break up she will go back to being retarded...
I will tell you but first you will have give your boi pussy.
Thanks. Good advice :)
This happened to me and I ended up becoming more left wing as a result. Yes, I know
>hurrr retard cuck u got pozzed
I won't bother trying to justify my long term political shifts over several years in just a few posts, especially on a board that is essentially a right wing hugbox. But just be aware, OP - you are probably above average intelligence and might think as a result you've reached some sort of enlightenment by being "redpilled", but Jow Forums really doesn't have all the answers. Women can change you as easily as you change them.
>redpilling wahmen
General rule for convincing people of the truth is to simply start by talking about the most fundamental principles and analogizing to the most inoffensive things possible. If she says that gays should be treated equally to us, don't bother arguing with that specific point because she will have several other ideas justifying it and another several ideas justifying each of those ideas. You may be able to refute each idea but it will be quite tedious, arguably rude and seemingly confrontational, so not a good idea. Instead, when she mentions equality, wait a few hours for the idea to not be at the front of her mind then strike up a conversation about how corn chips are better than potato chips, or some other mundane shit that she will disagree with you on. Once you are casually arguing about your favorite snacks, state fundamental ideas like how when things are inherently different at all, one necessarily surpasses the other in some way and to some extent.
Get her to agree on the principles when applied to snacks, and leave it at that, maybe be a bit playful about it for the next hour or so, make it a fun time to remember. (if you can't convince her, just try again with a different core idea and a different inoffensive topic and repeat until success) Once you've done that, bring up the same idea on different occasions like what take-away to order for dinner, or where to go for the day, and remind her that she agreed with you about the chips so she should agree with you on those other simple things. Once she agrees with you on those simple things by default, start talking about some of the less controversial things on the news. You should find that, depending on whether or not she already had an opinion on any specific topic, she will either form an opinion on the spot that roughly aligns with yours, or not take long to go "yeah, I guess you're right". Don't expect her to agree with you on everything, more often than not is enough.
Once you're confident with that, it should be easy enough to outright introduce her to your ideology and have her give it some thought.
whatever you tell your gf is essentially public knowledge because she will tell everyone. so watch yourself.
you live by your ideals and dick her good.
I'm pretty sure the way to do it don't take women's opinions seriously. They're almost always skewed by emotion and irrationality.