Without going for the Big Three (Kike Nigger Gay)...

Without going for the Big Three (Kike Nigger Gay), how would you personally want to shift the evolution of the human race?

I would love to genocide short-sightedness, diabetes and epilepsy.

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Higher IQ, and bigger tits (only for women). Flatsos should be gassed.


I like this idea

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Diabetes? What the fuck?
Definitely Christcucks like you. Keep your Jewish god to yourself.

>Without going for the Big Three (Kike Nigger Gay)
If we could just get those taken care of everything would be perfect.

But I'll play anyway, Muslims and Democrats.

‘The big three’ is stupid.

Education is the best way forward. Any cunt can be educated. I can teach a bird to talk, a dog to save children from burning buildings, and a monkey to answer and transfer phone calls.

If the retards on here got educated instead of imagining ways to help human sub species to go extinct, all humans would be 100% better off.

before diabetes was a subscription industry it was a one in 200 mutation with an estimated time of death 6 years after diagnosis.

let me esplain a lil sumfin sumfin.

a bird builds a nest. a jew steals a dime. a nigger rapes a gal, a nip stands in line. it's DNA, every time~

I hope you liked my rhyme.

The vast majority of diabetes is type 2 which is caused by retards who can't stop shoveling food in their mouth.

Type I, I guess. The modern Western diet causes type II diabetes; we departed from our ancestral diet of animal, dairy and fruit, and even more recently, barley and oats. We now eat oils and wheat.

I thoroughly enjoyed it

why would anyone ever be referencing a "type two" when they talk about diabetes being a bane on society?

addiction (type 2) is a different illness entirely.

Forced genetic engineering of a new generation would be the only way humanity doesn't slip into a dysgenic nightmare. true selective breeding would never be tolerated by society because large portions of people would be ordered not to breed. I think one of the main objectives of something like this should be to make the new transhuman generation all one race aswell to stop racial conflict, preferably all white or maybe even a new race.

Once genetic engineering is safe and affordable the world will turn itself white, starting with Japan.

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I turn myself Japanese every night with only my hand.


do you mean:

for example, already in USA and South Korea there are charities that pay drug addicts to get vasectomies, last I heard the going rate was $300

>why would anyone ever be referencing a "type two" when they talk about diabetes being a bane on society?
>addiction (type 2) is a different illness entirely.
Because only ~1% of the population has type I, whereas in the U.S., it's around 10%.

Also type II isn't caused by "addiction." It can be caused by eating too much garbage, but people get diabetes from eating portioned foods they deem "healthy," but are not, obviously.

I'd permanently remove females' ability to speak.

It may surprise you to learn that I am not a native English speaker, and in my first language Type 1 diabetes is called "Sugar Syndrome"

it's fucking plain as day what they're doing wrong. they are addicts.

as in broca's aphasia? you could probably select for that quite easily. be prepared for a lot of sign language. when you clog a woman's "outlet" the pressure always builds and finds a new way out. thus spake the Lord.

Would 6,000% genocide autism, aspergers, ADHD, etc. fucks that are missing such a huge chunk of their brain that they can't even recognize facial expressions or vocal tone but we keep them around in cubical farms to perform monotonous work. It gives them no dignity to live a life like that and they are just a huge exercise in patience for everyone else who tries to politely exclude them from all aspects of life because they miss 100% of social cues.

Remove the diseases and carriers of tay-sachs, sickle cell anemia, and HIV/AIDS.

If someone tells you an answer that solves your complicated problem really easily, then that answer is most likely lacking substance.

If someone tells you that many of the worlds problems would be solved by wiping out some other people, then I would ask why they think education would fail.

They might cry
-‘it’s too costly’ (but everything is costly right?)
-Niggers can’t learn (then why are niggers today 100% smarter then ones a thousand years ago?)
-Some conspiracy theory where hundreds of thousands are involved and won’t let society move forward (how can anyone disprove the disprovable?)

If someone tells you an answer that solves your complicated problem really easily, then that answer is most likely lacking substance.
If you believe this you're gonna have a tough time ever getting to the truth. More often than not it's very simple.

Sugar does not cause diabetes. Insulin dysregulation, which is caused by inflammation, causes diabetes. Sugar has anti-inflammatory effects. It's why we crave sugar when we're stressed. The same is true for saturated fat, protein, salt and so on. Cultures that eat high carbohydrate diets, such as Pacific Islanders, who get the majority of their calories from potato (taro), and the Kitavans, who eat honey, fruit and starch have a virtual absence of diabetes. Once the Pacific Islanders started eating the Western diet, then they became obese and diabetic.

That's a start but I doubt that you would ever achieve true eugenics using a system like that. asides from pathetic milenials who don't want kids and money desperate drug addicts I don't see many people willingly getting sterilized.

Not to mention some of the less obvious traits like low IQ and adulthood genetic diseases would be a hard to stop using this method.

More often then not massive worldwide problems that span decades are not easy to solve.

A moron might think they are, but that is not important.

>More often then not massive worldwide problems that span decades are not easy to solve
Sure they are (i.e gas all jews)

Case in point.
Killing all jews will somehow magically solve problems in a hundred countries. End all wars, over population, etc etc etc.

Morons think the solutions are easy, but morons are important.

>Killing all jews will somehow magically solve problems in a hundred countries. End all wars, over population.
Yes. Yes it will.

Solve all problems, no. "Solve problems," certainly the Jewish problem.

oh boy here we go. all theory no practical.

post your fat fingers.

If you can demonstrate to me ONE HUMAN BEHAVIOUR that has no influence from DNA....well you can't

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all semites

are you retarded?
those arent even that bad, ok genetical diabetes sucks, but ignoring downies and other mentaly and physicly ill?
Also what about femenism?

The West already implements eugenics. Abortion. Look at the abortion rate for Down syndrome children for example, it’s like 90%. Although i’ve also heard down syndrome isn’t genetic