I just want to tie Chelsea to a chair and start torturing her baby in front of her untill she tells me everything she knows about her parents crimes. I would wip it with a belt, burn it with a lighter, pintching it's nipples to the point of bleeding, scratch it with my long nails tearing the skin off, and cut off its clit for the sake of diversity.
Then after she told me everything I would put the baby on its back in frying pan and turn the stove on high burning the poor thing slowly.
As she's watching in horror I'll be rapping her in the asshole with no lube saying "your parents did worst".
Am I evil pol?
Am I evil?
It deserves pain
yes that is pretty evil.
Also, how is this related to politics?
>t.psychotic Jew
Is it evil to do evil things to evil people?
>the child is innocent
It's jewish
You're disturbed. What would you accomplish by doing those horrors? How would that serve a political purpose if that's your main concern? What do you know about her parents' crimes other than what some people told you?
Those are some questions you need to ask yourself. You're not "evil" just lazy, low IQed, in lack of interaction with females and with anyone irl.
Jow Forums lack of self awareness is hilarious. Why do so many think they know all and are in into national secrets... delusion runs deep.
>Raping her in the ass with no lube
>Thinking that's torture for women
I think you're adorable!
you could one of the bladed dick coverings like from the movie 7, basically fuck a person to death
>*holds up spork*
>lul le me poasting on le board of sarcasm!
Enjoy your Secret Service visit, dipshit.
can't wait
The child is Jewish.
So it isn't evil you kike.
So you are warning the ahead of time to no-knock?
It's loli leather coke shitcher NWO lover.
You could call it Jewish in spirit and not a Christian.
He is The Secret Service
You know.
Nah you’re good bro let us know what she tells you
How does that logic work?
your flag is how it works
Nice false flag, Kike.
just reported you to FBI for threatening the safety of a public figure. have fun OP
That literally doesn't make any fucking sense
thank you
I need to get out of the basement
Nice try, FBI.
Why not just torture Hilary and Bill? Or torture Chelsea in front of Hilary and Bill? You’ll be torturing the only Clinton that is innocent.
The based Nazis believed every jew including babies are evil parasites. killing evil things isn't evil.
дa тoвapищ, кaк мы и гoвopили
Her dad died for her to live.....
Chelsea most likely loves her baby very much so it's a good leverage
Which is not what was said.
>The child is Jewish.
>So it isn't evil you kike.
In the english language a contraction is two words put together ISN'T is a contraction of IS and NOT
Is evil still evil when committed by a good man?
When good men go to war for just reasons, is the evil they commit justified?
Jeez user... That is some high functioning autism you got there.
> look at this literal nigger
he means killing it isn't evil
You are a jew.
Meme flag faggot kys
Clintons: Married their daughter off to the Jewish mob. Friends with the sex-criminal Epstein (Jewish mob, pimped young girls)
Trump: Married his daughter off to the Jewish mob. Friends with the sex-criminal Epstein (Jewish mob).
Kamala Harris: Married to a Jewish lawyer.
Bernie Sanders: According to AIPAC and friends, a self-hating Jew. But IMO just an awesome commie.
Cory Booker: Hmmm... gay?
Asif the Jewish mob couldn't get hotter bitches, she's the meg Griffin of politics
>meg Griffin
It's not about that it's literally about controlling the US government through AIPAC etc., to keep Israel prosperous and protected for eternity. Oh and some shady mob protections and other stuff, I'm sure. Just google Jeffrey Epstein for more info... Basically the J-mob went legit over the decades and got into banking, real estate, prostitution, and other schemes they say...
Dude you're sick.
That's what pain does to you
Thats a great idea Clive, he can sharpen it on your tooth
despite how sick you are males in her family will probably be circumcised. pretty sick and barbaric ritual.
I doubt that Chelsea is privy to any of the horrifying details of her parents’ political subterfuge. She’s a lot like the Kennedy women or Bush daughters in the sense that she’s used like a pawn in their political chess game, hence her being married off to cement alliances with the Jews.
But hey, do you, bro.