Rate me, and be brutally honest. What can I do to improve my appearance? I don't smoke weed, by the way

Rate me, and be brutally honest. What can I do to improve my appearance? I don't smoke weed, by the way.

Attached: IMG_20190106_210416.jpg (2448x3264, 1.57M)

Start smoking weed. Everybody already thinks you do.

Cut your hair to a respectable length and clean up your facial hair

Yeah I think cut your hair, shave and start doing doing some exercises.

>Cut your hair. Get a short-medium length this. Rock the wavy look.
>Lose the facial hair. Mustache isnt working bro.
>stop doing mushrooms. Your eyes are all pupils. You are tripping balls.

Trim/shape brows just a bit

Maybe do something else with your facial hair it looks a bit off. I think its hot when men have a trimmed beard.

Also you look kinda stunned in this pic lol but yeah your hair is great you have clear skin and nice features from what I can tell.

Me again you're eyebrows aren't bad or anything just thought id suggest it to try to see how it looks

i dont do any kind of drugs. i have no idea why my eyes look like that.

i've shaved a couple times. was thinking about letting my facial hair grow out, figured it just wasn't fully developed but honestly i don't see it working out so i'll probably just keep it trimmed.

Take this from a guy who can grow a beard. That male pattern baldness on your face looks like shit. Keep it clean shaven. You pretty clearly can't grow a proper patch. Might not bother most people but I can't stand seeing guys let their uneven little hairs hang on like you're doing.

Your hair needs a trim. I don't know what you need to do with it but you look like a fucking bum and I get the impression you're using it to hide some weird ears or head shape. Either way it's better to look clean cut and kinda odd than nappy.

Actually it just hit me; take that shit on your head and make a beard out of it.

ngl you look really fucking weird. you're going to need to max out personality

I'm not going to lie if you got a hair cut, styled it a bit, got better fashion, and didn't shave like a homeless person you'd actually do pretty good with women. Also, exercise and nice teeth never hurt so those are easy +'s

if he shaves he will look like mexican zuckerberg

I'm not sure how I'm supposed to feel about that.

You look like that one guy from princess bride

shave and get a hair cut. then your appearance will be average for a healthy man your age, which is good.

What the fuck was his name again?

Okay. I shaved for now. Does it make a significant difference? Obviously the hair looks less than presentable but I plan on getting it cut soon. I also put it in a pony tail though not sure how I look with it, though.

Attached: IMG_20190106_223708.jpg (2448x3264, 1.79M)

A lot better actually
Keep the hair desu. It has personality.

Shave your fucking head what the fuck.


Go clean shaven, cut your hair 2-3in max length.

You look like a woman now. You need to cut that hair bro. You are too young for long hair. You have a lot of young-looking, feminine features, it doesn't work.

It’s really a matter of opinion. We’re telling you to shave your beard and cut your hair because we want you to conform with what is fashionable to us.

What really matters is what looks fashionable to you, and maybe what looks fashionable to those you will actually interact with in real life.

But, yeah, you could probably use a hair cut. Go to a really good barber, not just any one.

Does that make me a trap?

Also, it’s like I can actually see your face now. Maybe with your hair out of the way, your head will be visible.

Why everyone is saying to shave? I'd say to have a longer bear.
But definitely if you shave then cut your hair too

Way more epic, but tie the hair back my n word let’s see it

If Danny sex bang never met his arin :(

Sr Pelo?

Cut hair and shave beard please.

Yeah get a nice trimmed beard. Long hair and trimmed beards are sexy. And your hair looks good. Nice dark curls

Looks a lot better already, get the hair salon and mby ask for their advice don't be afraid to spend a little bit of money to get a decent hair cut, people at proper hair salon could cut your hair to fit your head and face shape perfectly, and they be female or gay most the time and will make you look attractive

I feel like you should definitely poll girls if that is your target gender for dating, and also not Jow Forums

You’re really cute, OP

Attached: C13CBB44-7A31-4E0F-955E-34C495C88DDB.gif (543x415, 1.03M)

What the fuck I thought you were a painting

Taking the "beard" off was a huge improvement.
Start lifting weights. You look like you need to gain some mass.
A haircut would be ok. Also, try to clench your teeth softly, it looks like they're not together inside your mouth.
Get someone who can help you with posture.

OP. I am not joking right now. I am deadly serious. Have you considered that you might actually be King Charles II of England? Or his son sent through a time vortex into the modern day?

Attached: portrait-of-charles-ii.jpg (337x450, 31K)

That really puts the "painting" comment into context.

ty :)

Try to look ”angry” all the time. Your eyes are round and wide, try to narrow it. Give yourself a reason to be mad all the time

Cut your hair and start smoking weed, like all the time, because your eyes are big and creepy. You want to be high 24/7 so you look more relaxed and less like a serial killer.

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Too skoopy for me!!

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you look like a renaissance portrait.

>all these fucking posts about his hair

Fix your tongue posture my dude

Attached: cheekline.png (394x476, 159K)

Uh...which is the correct one?

Obviously the first one lmao.

In reality, a single image is not a good metric for someones attractiveness. Different angles and lighting can have a person go from a 4/10 to an 8/10. There's a website called photofeeler.com where you can actually have strangers rate the attractiveness of your profile picture(s), and it's very helpful for tinder.

Take pictures in natural light, and fuckin smile. Test your pictures. Bam, you're way ahead of the game. You look okay btw but obviously this isn't a good picture for a dating profile.

Infinitely better. But some of your hair has to go next - but no buzzcut please, keep it at mid-length.

I think your eyes look fine, but not with the long hair curtain around them.

Needless to say - get Jow Forums. Muscles always look good on men.

Should you ever have money to spare, you may consider getting a nosejob. Emphasis on MAY - your nose is a bit wide, but thanks to the shape of your face you can easily pull it off anyway IMO.

could prolly pull off the russ look

Attached: russ.jpg (650x975, 137K)

>cut hair to shorter length but not normie short
>work out and get t o n e d
>stop wearing disgusting walmart clothes

I've never been able to pull off a smile for photos. The only time I really smile is when I'm laughing. Is this an art in it of itself?

How do you know if you can't pull off a smile? You'll have to take a lot of practice pictures and shit, and test them. I have a tripod that holds my phone for this. It is kind of an art, but also you just gotta try and retry.

They've done studies and people simply can't judge their own pictures attractiveness. It doesn't work. Something about a different part of your brain being activated when looking at a picture of yourself as opposed to someone else.

Cut your hair and grow a bared .

Go full Spaniard. Also this: