Why do people take these neocon clowns seriously? They repeat the same talking points countless other gatekeepers do. >Da Democrats are the REAL racists! >Israel isn't being supported enough! They need more money >Never question who runs your country's government, goyim! >American and European Nationalists are bigots who don't speak for right wing politics
I'm sick of these videos always popping up on Youtube Ads. I'm convinced they're nothing more than to prevent whites from ever taking the redpill.
They are though, I can't go five seconds with clicking on a Youtube video. Only to see these faggots constantly shit talk people who want closed borders.
>topic is about blacks or some other minority group >narrated by some poc so funny and happens every time
Chase Cook
>professinal >kepper intentional mis-spellings to make anti-gatekeeper memes seem liked they're all made by low-IQ mouthbreathers cointelpro kike, fuck off
Josiah Anderson
They're great and only agitators try to undermine them.
Angel Ortiz
Some of their videos are actually good (Tucker on illegal immigration, some black dude on why blacks in power do jack shit to help blacks in general)
Luke Cox
You shareblue shills are out in force today
Juan Fisher
>They're great and only agitators try to undermine them. >Dennis Prager is literally financed by the Koch Brothers. Hmmmmm
They constantly pander to shitskins, Always bringing up some minority host who's paid to talk about the democrats are supposedly "racist" even though said type of person is usually against immigration.
Barley 10 replies in and I already have memeflags constantly shilling against this topic. You guys are extremely mad about your bluff being called out.
Calm down Gukian user, you got shit to do in your country
Benjamin Nelson
The leftists hate Prager. He is the voice of reason. Listen and decide for yourself.
Jacob Powell
It's sad to see the day the drugs finally start deteriorating the libertarian's mind. So much promise, so little results.
Nathan Hernandez
Fuck off leftist scum. Conservatives are lost children while leftists are out real enemy. We will gas you.
Parker Thompson
Watch their video on the rotshchilds, they literaly portray them as saintly, good-hearted charitable people, and the guy doing the vid can barely hold his laughs, its hilarious, the whole thing is serious, but it looks like a parody.
Neocons, neolibs, and bipartisan cucks are all kikes.
William Gutierrez
You need to go watch more epic vids of ben jewpiro owning libtards. Need to give more gibs to israel!! ISRAEL IS THE WHITE MAN..- UPS I MEAN WESTERN CITIZEN GREATEST ALLY!
Owen Hill
Seething MIGApede
Juan Morris
Comments were running 20:1 against aid to Israel and most of them sounded like Jow Forumssters.