Female version of Jow Forums

What would it look like?

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itd look like a barron waste land after they finish arguing about whatever the fuck theyre done comparing each others lives

Just go to lolcow and see for yourself.

tumblr in 2014

Lolcow? I'll check

females bully each other way worse than males do. They just don't bully physically.

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no it just appears way worse cause woman are over-sensitive exaggerators
fuck me are you old enough to be here?

Looks trash
>Pic is from there.

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The /ot/ board is mostly where they discuss their feminist bullshit. They have a constant Man Hate/Pink Pill thread that you'll probably find interesting.

Fingerbox thread?

>virgin kiwi puts women on a pedestal rather than seeing them as the cunty virtue signallers that they really are
They shame each other for conformity which means in modern jew morals they shame each other for not being degenerate whores. So if you want your fempol then just imagine women being bitchy to each other like they are everywhere on the internet and insert whatever morals you would assume fempol would have.

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hating on all the faggots who import savages that rape us and harass our children

That pinkpill thread is breddy gud

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theyre also very dramatic. and assume more than they should

it would look like /leftypol/

Looks like they ban anyone who disagrees no matter how polite and eloquent the argument -- irredeemable garbage, as I suspected.

On lolcow they are bitchy to each other (the site is basically dedicated to women making fun of internet personalities, most of whom are women, hence, lolcows) but they're not as bitchy to each other as you might think, no more than we are to each other. The real difference is that it's a heavily moderated safe space where men, or even just posters they assume are men, get called "scrots" and instabanned. They have no conception whatsoever of the free exchange of information strengthening one's own understanding of their own beliefs. They don't understand that iron strengthens iron. And so they just try to ape Jow Forums but with very heavy moderation, which shows, because their views come off as weak and untested drivel.

So it's basically be r9k for white women?


If your arguments can't stand without censorship of dissent, you lose by default.

The whole thing would be lefty pol and one thread of /rightypol/

that website is a goldmine. also fuck this image for being 10MB with "embeded images and other crap I gotta strip. Fucking women and their total disregard for file size.

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Wtf, everything is about muh holes. Should i really be surprised. Women seem to lack the ability to disconnect logical thought from their natural instincts of reproduction. Combined with poor self control, their entire lives end up being about chasing that next dopamine rush from the cock carousel.

it already exists
Jow Forumstrufemcel

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Wow. I'm lost for words.

Dude, you just inspired me to dig my finger box out of storage. Can't wait to get out of work to find it.

Tonight's gonna be rad.

What is this image?

>muh pooty
Say "muh pooty"

It works, it has a good ring to it. It sounds like caveman speak (which operates as a gate to the next redpill). Muh pooty.
Muh pooty.

Muh pooty.

It would look like twitter

It's on telly and it's called Loose women, user.

>What would it look like?
Just go to Tumblr and you’ll see.


Boring as shit kek.

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>women get catcalled
>they don’t like it
>women get treated like men and he totally ignored unless they show merit that justifies a response
>they don’t like it
What do they even like?

Something like this.

Attached: tmblr.jpg (646x490, 36K)

And this.

Attached: fempol.jpg (620x873, 52K)

Nothing from you.

10/10 would browse

wow. women are terrible.

all they really do is talk about themselves, gossip, and men.

Not a single discussion about anything outside of their solipsistic delusion. I mean, I'm redpilled as I can be and a legit 30 year old boomer, but seeing it like that, it never gets easier, lads.

So its our fault for being born as heterosexual males.
Way to fucking go. I've been redpilled enough to never take women seriously fully ever again.

So, like it is now?

>What do they even like?
Their decisions to be made for then by men they approve of.
It's not complicated.

I asked a rhetorical question not for you to try to blackpill me


It was a joke, retard. Actual good answer is

I don’t get it