Measles returned to Costa Rica

can we please ban unvaccinated people from boarding a plane?

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Animals have to be vaccinated in order to be transported by plane
why cant we enforce this on humans?
i dont want to sit close to some retarded nigger or other subhuman who didnt vaccinate on a fucking plane with a airborne disease???

the boy was taken to a private doctor after arriving to Costa Rica to inquire about a rash he’d developed. The unvaccinated mother confirmed that the boy attended a school where other students currently had measles. In other words, she brought her unvaccinated son onto a plane and into a foreign country knowing he had been exposed to measles.

Measles is airborne. Not sneeze-and-your-germs-fly-six-feet "airborne" (which is droplet-borne...think flu, colds, etc) but truly able to remain in air currents forhours. Anyone on board a plane with someone actively shedding measles virus will be exposed.

At least he doesn't have autism

Oh look at this massive Faggot injecting his children with extremely toxic chemicals concocted by the Jews. Good goyim.

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bUt wHaTs tHe AuTiSm rAtE?!?

these people need to be charged with bioterrorism

>French family
9/1 Odds say they're niggers/mulattoes

I caught autism and Down's Syndrome from un-vaccinated people.

Thank G-d I my child has received all 72 vaccines to prepare him for this nasty world!

This. The nigger/arab/subhuman family was too retarded to vaccinate their child and flying back to their country of origin (costa rica) to visit their family

I hope the french government bans unvaccinated people from boarding a plane

you want to sit 8 hours next to someone in a plane who has airborne deadly disease? Measles stays in the air for 24 hours even after the person who has it left

at least you dont have autism i guess. Oh you probably do

Who cares about what you want. Just make your own airline, bro.

Haha funny sponge boob meme, upboated

I'd fly with a private jet only if could: Too many subhumans nowadays boarding plane. Airtickets are too cheap.

Why arnt the vaccines working? You vaccine shill kike!

Bitching about money. Jew detected!

> measles
> deadly
I love this propaganda that you Pharma faggots propogate. Lies every fucking time

If you are vaccinated, then why worry that someone else isn't? Won't your vaccines prevent you from getting the disease?

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Do as I say, not as I do goyim

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kys you hillibilly
you anti-vaxxers should be charged with bioterrorism

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Measles isn't a dangerous disease, so no need for histrionics. It's much more dangerous to go outside without a helmet or leaving a bath-tub without a safety harness if we go by statistics. In other words, calm your hysteria woman.

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Swelling testicles may seem like a good idea... Until it makes you infertile.

it leads to pneumonia you moron. you don't want to have pneumonia, even as a healthy adult it fucks you
t. went through it as healthy person
it fucked me up badly

funny your graph goes until 1984 only
with the anti-vaxx movement, the measles outbreaks are getting common again

pls KYS

Most measles cases doesn't lead to pneumonia. But pneumonia too is no big deal. Just stay in bed and keep warm, you'll be just fine unless you're completely immunodeficient. Don't be afraid.

>But pneumonia too is no big deal
its one of the most common causes of death in the western countries. So yes its a very big deal

Name the unvaccinated family, spread their name. Let’s use call out culture and humiliate these idiots so people know who did it and WHY.

It's a very, very common ailment most people have sometime during their life, so that's what's driving those stats up. Can't vaccinate against it either. But even so, old people have to die of something and pneumonia isn't the worst way to go. If you're not old or immunodeficient in other ways you'll handle a pneumonia just fine. No reason to be hysterical about pneumonia, calm your tits.

there's vaccines against pneumonia

Ok, I see they've come up with that. But whatever, pneumonia is still one of the most common ailments in western society and only very old or immunodeficient people die from it. It's not something to be afraid of.

Lol no
Just like there isnt a cure for bleeding

Just like most bleeding, the best cure for pneumonia is just letting the body handle it.

> believing the (((CDC)))

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What's up Faggot?

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but only the unvaccinated would be prone to the disease so why do vax cucks give a fuck?

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> hides behind meme flag
Show yourself schlomo

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You must be a pussy then. I got pneumonia in the dead of winter in boot camp and they just told me to sleep it off.

They can never respond to this question. Gets them every time

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Many tropical countries demand vaccination documents for entry so in the future we might see other states adding similar requirements so these freaks stop spreading their infections all around the world.

>who cares just deal with the measles anyways even though this can easily be avoided

it's called herd immunity you fucking retards. i used to be anti-vax until i actually did some research. anti-vaxxers are all retarded hippies. kys

>costa rica
Yeah, I'm sure it's unvaccinated white hippies/yuppies that are the cause of it there... Definitely not third worlders, or contemporary slave trade from the middle-east/Africa.

It doesn't get anyone.They are certain parts of the population with medical conditions that don't allow them to get vaccinated. The herd immunity provided by a vaccinated population protects them since diseases can't spread. When herd immunity is comprised by dropping vaccination levels these people are at risk. Did you skip biology class or are you a homeschooled retard?

Head trauma can be easily avoided by forcing your kid to wear a helmet every time he goes outside. That's much more dangerous statistically than measles, so I hope you exercise the same level of hysteria when it comes to that. Otherwise you're one inconsistent lady.

herd immunity is a theory, and a considerably flawed one at that

Can we ban memeflags so you kikes can't fool the newfags?

No need to worry about people who can't get vaccinated. They have severe genetic flaws. It's not a bad thing that they don't live to reproduce, and they're so few that there's no reason to expose healthy people to risk by preventing harmless diseases for their sake.

Good, that would fix nigger overpopulation

There are dozens of medical conditions which lead to surpressed immune systems that make people prone to die from common infections that are not genetic illnesses. Organ transplant patients for example.


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Well, that accounts for maybe 0.001% of the population so I hardly see why they should be an argument for anything.

Whoa, totally epic narwal bacon bro

Measles returned to Costa Rica? Neck urself "eurofag". Measles has always been PRESENT @CR and it has never been eradicated.

> imagine being this retarded and not knowing that you can spread viruses and diseases even if you are vaccinated
It's called viral shedding you retarded Faggot

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You need vaccines to travel to Africa, but there are no vaccine requirements to travel to Europe or the US.

Let that sink in.

The whole hysteria about the immunodeficient people is just crazy. They are a few outliers with a severe handicap. It's not rational to reform an entire society to cater to them. If you have a kid that can't survive something harmless like influenza, it's your responsibility to keep that kid away from society, perhaps in a plastic bubble or something. Not society's responsibility to make sure your dysgenic little sperg survives. What fucking levels of entitlement some people have.

>What fucking levels of entitlement some people have.
It's only going to get worse as we reach further levels of intersectionality and social justice

Why are you bitching about some dude not being vaccinated when you are, schlomo?

I thought they already did that for international travel.
Is this not a thing?

Because maybe he want's to fly with his new born baby that is too young to be vaccinated?

>Threadly reminder

37 people died of measles in the whole of Europe in the first half of 2018. Among the dead are mostly the elderly and useless imports.

Yeah, if you're leaving the country. See

>homeschooled retard
picrel, you absolute faggot.

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BS. It's from the MILLIONS of ILLEGALS

These diseases are coming up big because of the 3rd world migrants who are not vaccinated, and the blame is being placed on the fringe group of anti-vaxxers, who (((coincidentally))) are all white.

Try to enforce it on me and I will shoot you in the fucking face.

No one gives a fuck.

It's rabies. That shit is 100% fatal if symptoms start showing up.

You sound fucked up bad

Maybe he should stay at home with his infant then if he's so terrified it's going to perish by sniffles with lottery tier odds. Or maybe he should man up and stop being a faggot and stop bothering normal people with his hysteria.

>rabies 1 in 1 death rate
>measles 1 in 5000 death rate
Totally the same, goy.

Why wouldn't they vaccinate babies? Are you saying there is something dangerous about them?

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Probably not a good idea to take a baby that young on a flight and vacation to Costa Rica. Anyway, even if the little one catches it, it should survive with plenty of food and water.

Do you really want a world wide pandemic on our hands?

Your children will be fine goyim

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No we should cleanse the earth of shitskins to prevent this.
> thinking vaccines caused drop in mortality from diseases

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>no evidence not to use
Did you even read this?

Shut the fuck up you fat nigger.

There's already a "world wide pandemic" on our hands. Measles ravage through the third world like clockwork. And it's true that measles have a very high mortality rate there, almost 0.2%, because of their jungle-tier designated shitting street hygiene and healthcare. However, in the western world you don't really need to worry about that, because mortality rates are way, way, way lower.

So calm your tits and don't be afraid. If you get measles you'll be fine.

>world wide pandemic
Like Zika. And the Swine Flu. And the Bird Flu. And ebola. And TBC.
Fucking hell man, we've been wiped out by a new disease every year the last decade.

the jew doesn't like to say god, remember that, they have to say g_d

yeah but it's red pilling the fuck out of anti-vaxxers
(I haven't anti-vax cousin it is now 1488 over migrant diseases)

What are you talking about? Lots of places require proof of vaccination to travel to or from. Just add measles to the list. It's not breaking new ground.

But remember we couldn't ban people with AIDS. That would be unfair.

>red pilling anti-vaxers
hey guys, if we use their terms and make jabbing kids with mercury 'based' we can get them all to poison their kids.

snake oil salesmen are heavy in this thread

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user, you're misreading. What he means is that anti-vaxers are getting wise to (((trickery))) in other areas than vaccines, not that vaccines are the be all end all of healthcare.

Funny most kide get rosello aka 6th disease but nobody freaks out. Similiar to measles. My son just had it. Had to breastfeed him non stop for 2 days. Had a fever, now a rash and is healthier than before.

Mumps chickenpox etc were normal childhood illnesses before kike vaccines but pushed so women dont loose time off work and women formula feed aka poison.

Synthetic life syntheric npc people

No. Why didn’t the Costa Ricans all get vaccinated? Your health isn’t my responsibility

breastfeeders or gtfo

Which women and men use in Tums for antiacid, cook on it... if women do cook haha, use it in their deodorant, in baking powder, in formula

Jews are trying to kill us..

All of this adds up more than average ppm allowed for safety

If I put /s will that help you understand my pic better?

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People who vaccinate are the weak race.

Probably because everyone else on that plane was vaccinated.

Vaccines are generally dysgenic, yes.

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See It's true

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How do you think small pox was eliminated in the West, just by being more hygienic?

In all likelihood.

This has been the situation in Australia since 1998. We eliminated domestic measles transmission, but ever since have had imported cases that ignite outbreaks that eventually die out due to a combination of high measles vaccination rates and increasing measles immunisation of the sub populations in which the outbreaks spread.
Increasingly, the introduced cases have been anti-vaccination dopes.

Strange how some diseases still persist whiles others have gone by the wayside.

Yes. It's almost like different diseases are different.

Haha, yes its like some disease mutate at a much lower rate and so the immune system can be immune to it long after immunization.while others require vaccination more often to maintain immunization, but you weren't thinking about that instead trying to make a sophomoric point that lead to evidence of the practical application of vaccines.