Anyone here ever have a pullout baby?
I dont mean u were high and drunk and came didn't relaize, i mean pulled out and it still happend.
Pull out baby
A girl I went to high school with had a kid because she and her partner thought it was a good idea.
That doesn't answer if it was a.pull out baby lol. I'm with a 19 year old who everytime we see eachother we go 4 or 5 times and I cum twice, i alwayd pull out in time and piss inbetween so theres no cum in the precum but im still terrified.
I tried bareskin and skyn brand condoms.which i heard were best but just cant use them, I feel nothing with them on. Never had to use them before her and once when i lost virginity.
If it counts for anything I pulled out many times like over a hundred (Same Partners) and never got a girl pregnant
Yes it does? They had an unplanned kid because they thought pull out as their birth control was a good idea
Shit man, I must be sterile or something
It's so weird that some people say no its never happend and others say I know alot its happend to. Im just scared. I really like thisngirl and its the happiest ive ever been but i just cant have a kid rn.
Do it and have her take a plan b then after
just don't make a habit of it cause that shit is pretty harsh so be a gentleman and pay the thirty bucks yourself for a night of condomless sex
30 bucks everytime we fuck is insanity.
Every time you have sex, there is a risk of pregnancy. No birth control method is foolproof. The only way to ensure that you don't have a child is to not have sex.
She would die if you did that. Like I said it's pretty harsh. Maybe once a month. twice at most.
Why isn’t she on birth control?
She tried a few kinds 2 years ago and said all had horrible side effects, she said shes willing to try an IUD but that may not be for another month or so. She just broke up with a guy she was with for 2 years and said he always pulled out and she never got pregnant but I also know shed never abort outside of morning after( which only work for 3 days post i think) and minimal for preggers test is 1 week i think..
Bro any chick you only fuck once a month will leave your ass.
Why aren't you using condoms until you can both be STI tested?
once a month without a condom dipshit
wear a condom the other times
I guess im just assuming shes clean and i know i am too so why do it. Shes not a tinder date ive known her awhile.
I litteraly can't, I can't do it. I guess i'm destined to have baby then if she still conceives. Its cool tho ill just kms. Fuck that lil nigga.
It doesn't matter how you know her, there's always a chance that anyone who isn't a virgin has STIs. For all you know, she could have something, whether she knows it or not. Stop being a fucking moron and look after your sexual health.
Well rawdoggednher like 30 far so i'm already fucked
Go and get yourself tested, get her to get tested, and only use condoms until you do.
I'm more worried about a kid. And that only 40 people.tops have ever fucked on Jow Forums.