She wrote article herself...
I can't even....
Feminist future
She didnt write the headline, thats the Editors job.
Wtf Poojeet? Sage
I'm glad I'm a wizard and I have a pillow waifu.
> Thank fuck, that was a near hit.
>Busy with WRITING career to cook, clean, or fuck
>betabux Timothy allows It
Wypipol at it once again
Brits...the ultimate cucks
Typical bong couple. The mans a cuck and the woman is an ugly selfish whore.
I bet she is banging someone else but footing all bills on this poor guy
There's no journalism anymore. The media is just full of activists and bloggers.
The husband just gets off on being humiliated or something.
>yet another “choose MGTOW” thread
Go fuck yourselves Kikes
What is the purpose of such a wife? You might aswell literally just live with a random person. Though the random will do their share of house tasks
Its "Choose Wisely" thread
I don't think of myself as being especially demanding of women, but damn, how hard up does a guy have to be to marry someone like this?
Bet she wasn't like that when he married her.
Or maybe he thought he could change her
It's not like he's awful looking either. Sex once a decade Jesus considering he pays for her too he'd be better off on his own, probably wouldn't take a decade to get a date
Just fucking cut your balls off at that point
As if you ever even had a choice you filthy Poo
sexbots and artificial wombs are right around the corner lads
And they Wonder why there is a market for sexbots
Shut up burger, At least my future wife is not riding pack of niggers
My future wife is getting BLACKED, your's is pooping in the streets, Ahmed's is getting raped by her uncle, Tyrone's is high on crack, Diego's is selling herself to American sex tourists. Etc. We're all losers here, Pajeet.
so hes only 4 more years to get laid
>Bong "men" allowing this to happen
god you fucking cucks are pathetic
Omfg, if i knew that man irl I'd slap him in the face and fucking man him up. I'd tell him to fucking leave his feminazi wife and go fuck a real woman
Jeez dude you sound tuff as fuck
he is probably gay
Bull fucking shit. Put a 6'8 Chad in the house with her and she will transform into a 1950s housewife in about 15 seconds. Her husband is obviously just an unfuckable beta.
The level of psychopathic naracissm in western women makes me shudder.
Kek, I know where this place used to be.
> 2013
> pajeet vpn
> i can't even
fuck off and die, reddit.
Her husband hasn't left her? Shes not even attractive lol. Britts are one of the few people I dont judge for importing bitchez, British women are ugly and have shit personalities. I even get why britts join Islam for better women.
Wouldn't really make a difference once you're that far gone
Just goes to show hipsters have been betacucks all along to those too young to have noticed it at the time.
And here my wife is begging me to cum in her and make a baby.
the poor child looks worried in that pic
He's going to drop her for some Indian 25yr old in a couple years.
Hello darkness my old friend
fuck off pajeet
And he doesn't look like the sort who could get a shag elsewhere.
Poojeet are you on Twitter? I'm looking at a Twitter that retweeted this article and the trans sprinters article recently
LOL at the deeply goncerned kid
Dude looks pretty based to me man. Bet he hosts a dope boardgaming group.