Why aussies are so based

Why aussies are so based

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We have a strong work ethic and enjoy socializing with others.
Once you get past us making fun of you for your ethnicity then you can appreciate the fun.

this doesn't age well, its been a bad few years
abortion legal in queensland now, gay marriage, cities are more fucked and dirty than ever

>australians have no cultu-

Strong Celto-Germanic genes and no Jews to pollute them

Low population density.
When millions of people live in small areas, extreme specialization occurs and makes it so that most people don't have to have any idea what reality is.
Our major cities are about as bad as other countries. The difference here is that our major cities are few and far between. The distance between Brisbane and Cairns is similar to the length of England. Our population is less than half of England yet our cities are further apart than their boarders.
High population density results in progress and progressiveness. We have less than 30k people spread over an entire continent.

Giant fucking spiders and fire tornados.

Because we're full.

It's not going to last.
There's a premise of "mateship" and the ANZAC spirit that essentially built this country.
This is increasingly diminished, and on its way to extinction.
Since the... late 90's I guess, this country has become a nation of dobbers (people that will rat you out) for the slightest transgressions. Young blokes can't even do burnouts in their cars anymore without some cunt dobbing them in to the cops.
They take great pleasure in sending the cops after someone, it gives them momentary happiness in their otherwise shit house lives. Have a look at the schadenfreude that goes with any Dash Cams Australia (youtube) video. It's a nation full of petty cunts.

To put it in terms that burgers will understand: take the population of Texas, now spread them out over the entire lower 48. Imagine how nice THAT country would be.

why is the canadian australian?

Good answer!

*sigh* I hate my fucking life.

My friend went to Australia and became depressed because as he explained Australians go straight home after work, there is no inbetween time when you go to a bar or something to socialize. So there was no opportunity to make friends.

youre expected to have mates

The problem with your friend is he's Irish.

You're right about the fading of mateship and the ANZAC spirit and especially right about petty cunts. From what I can tell, it's because the people in major cities feel more culturally connected with the commonwealth of nations than with the commonwealth of Australia. These globalist inner-city twats then spread their culture around the country, and since we are a British colony and a young one at that, we find it all too difficult to resist cultural changes that come from the UK or Canada.

>get colonized by chinks


Brit actually whose family emigrated here.

A migrant's a migrant. 1st generation never fits in.

Vegemite, mate.

Vitamin B has numerous neurological benefits and promotes a healthy brain and mental health.


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>strong work ethic

yeah everyone expects you to work for free

Are the french people in Australia really annoying pieces of shit ?

they steal from supermarkets and think it's normal
also they don't go to the hospital when they get a dangerous infection.
not wearing shoes is also pretty common

Do you know about the Barmy Army? English cricket fans that come to Aus for the cricket or at they used to.
Those cunts fit right in.

So they act like sandniggers...really makes you think

If you think the french here are bad, you should see what the assholes are like in france. I've seen it firsthand and It's horrifying.

We aren't based. We're pozzed out and full of kike values. All Australians care about is money and pleasure. There is no nobility in the Australian people or Australian culture. The white people I see in our towns are the most embarrassingly degenerate specimens of the white race.

You confuse our superficial political incorrectness for being based. We're just like this because we're descended from the white niggers of Europe, who were poor peasants, laborers or convicts.

Australia and Australians are retarded and gay.

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i was surfing a while back and met a few lads out in the water that were backpacking around and boogie boarding around aus,
they were very funny and asked about places to camp and surf spots, fishing and tourist stuff.

>be autralian
>70% of the country is desertic no man's land where you can kill and bury people
>still harassed by abos

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Also sheilas are hot af

But user, what opportunity is there to make friends in ireland? the pubs all switch language as soon as a foreigner walks in. the people are rude and the weather is ruder.

fucking micks man

nutrition makes a huge difference. also thr sun

they're alright when not setting animals on fire

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