Humans develop self-consciousness around age 4, so before that they're really just ugly animals...

Humans develop self-consciousness around age 4, so before that they're really just ugly animals. So if slaughtering animals is legal, abortion should be legal up to age 4, no?
I want to be consistent in my beliefs, so please explain why this would not be the case.

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and this is why atheists go to hell

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But it's just like slaughtering an animal, just explain how it's rationally more wrong than eating meat, I'm asking, not stating.

If killing kids was bad then we'd ban mothers from doing it. Your conclusion was correct (legalise infanticide) but your premise was false (babies don't feel pain)

Clearly by this comment you're just a delusional vegetarian type trying to bend the minds of people who enjoy killing healthy animals to obtain nutrition and enjoyment and killing unhealthy babies to obtain financial stability and genetic integrity.

I didn't say babies don't feel pain, I said they aren't self-conscious. Fucking trees feel pain, I'm not suggesting to stop chopping trees. Only that self-consciousness determines whether or not you can kill something.
We know killing apes, felines, parrots, ravens, ... is wrong, but cows, chickens and pigs are not self-conscious, so killing and eating them is okay.
Human babies are the same, so logically it should be okay to kill and eat them too. I've asked a thousand people but nobody can give me an actual argument why it's wrong.

Hell doesn't exist

Humans only become fully developed at age 25. Therefore killing anyone younger than that should be legal.

Self-consciousness is what matters though. That is what divides higher from lower creatures.

>trees feel pain

you belong in a trash can

Define self-consiousness. Babies can recognize themselves in the mirror (unless they are black).


You're absolutely right. Judt like Tards should be euthanized on the spot at birth. Too bad 80% of the country is trying to make themselves look good by making it look like they stand up for the weak and trying to make it seem like they care for tards, but in reality its just useless cattle draining resources for the rest of us

I am self conscious, but who's to say you are? Maybe I should abort you right now.

Wat?Elephants pass the mirror test and they get slaughtered all the time for ivory.What made you think self-consciousness is what matters?

It’s a paradox we can’t resolve. Our “values” proclaim that the Individual is the highest priority of just government. Which works pretty well when you live on a continent that is wide open for exploitation. In a world where technology is reducing the real value of the individual either as a warrior to defend the nation or as anything but a useless consumer or “values” become a hindrance. We need a technological breakthrough that increases the carrying capacity of our world or a massive conflagration to once again increase the value of “The Individual”.

How about you dont reproduce and kill yourself because your mother neglected to kill you.kthxbai

Keep telling yourself that and it will.

I have memories before 4 cunt just because we haven’t fully developed “consciousness” or so (((they))) say doesn’t mean I’m not a young vulnerable human being.

Using this "self-consciousness" as a criteria for whether something should be killed is obviously too much of a problem for you. So I insist we just use a different method. Anything that is not white is not human therefore you can kill it whenever. Gas the kikes, race war now.

>Humans develop self-consciousness around age 4

Maybe niggers. I have memories from age 2. Maybe earlier.

Have you ever had a kid? I call bullshit on your little theory.