It's down to 30% kek
Captain Marvel
This board is filled with propaganda
20 threads on /tv/ about it, now you fuckers start spamming your garbage here.
Fuck off, i don't give a fuck nor should anyone.
Gossip tier shit thread
Fake news. Its 29%
Fuck off shill
>another Disney shill thread
they must be scared if theyre already firing up the excuse machine.
no one fucking cares
Who fucking cares? It's probably going to be a great movie. Deal with it
You know who cares? The producers. They gonna learn about get woke.
>Avengers Endgame 10k user ratings
>Captain Marvel 40k user ratings
yeah totally no review bombing here, this is a very worthwhile thing to do that will totally own those libtards and not play into their narrative of you guys being angry manbabbies
She looks so bad even in those trailer thumbnails lol
>theres more reviews therefore they arent valid
>review bombing
>cant’t leave reviews on a movie that hasn’t come out
What did he mean by this!
Why are they pushing this feminist narrative so hard? If you have to go out of your way to make movies that make women look strong and independent then you're only pointing out and highlighting your own insecurities that you have about your own perceptions of women in society as downtrodden and weak.
So, how much money did it make ??
When it's this disproportionate yes, pretty much. But feel free to keep your intellectual dishonesty and pretend otherwise.
What do you mean by 'going woke'? As far as I know there isn't anything woke about the movie.
Do you really think the movie will flop because Larson wants niggers on the opening night?
So this, is the power of toxic masculinity
>As far as I know
Whats the problem with this movie actually?
because the MC is a female?
>Movie is hyped up with antagonistic advertising.
>Surprised when people respond negatively.
It was advertised with the intent to piss off potential viewers therefore potential viewers are saying, "Fuck you."
brie larson said some stupid shit. also some people acting like this is the first female lead superhero movie
When are these comic book movies finally going to die ?? It's been almost 20 years with non-stop movies like that.
>guaranteed box office blockbuster, barely any advertising, because it's a foregone conclusion
>even the trailer is a normie event
>people waiting to see this film
>some people post the obvious "want to see it" for some reason
>movie no one wanted, being pushed hard by Disney and SJWs everywhere
>advertising includes "grassroots" gofundme campaigns to make Disney even more shekels
>actress shits on most of the desired audience
>tons of people post the unpopular "do not want" despite being told they are bigots for it
>will get the standard disney shilled BRILLIANT!!! reviews regardless of content
fuck (((disney))) and fuck this abortion, no one cares
Talk shit, get hit. This whole libshit madness is based on the premise that they're the ones setting the standard for entire society. Thus, in their warped world, being oppressed is a source of power in a weird way.
Everything they do is based on the notion that when they scream "you're oppressing us", we're going to stop.
What's happening with increasing frequency is us responding with "oh, absolutely, and we're only getting started here".
This is basically what happened to Brie Larsen. On some level, she probably knew she made a shit movie, so she tried to score some easy victim points by pre-emptively bashing the patriarchy. What happened instead is people shitting all over her because nobody likes being forced to empathize with assholes.
It's even more apparent when you notice how these fuckers tried sabotaging Alita even though it's actually a good movie. It's refreshing to see them fail on all fronts.
LOL. So Ghostbusters (2016) all over again.
You would think they would they would learn by now.
what kind of weird central europe retard are you, do you understand that disney is the beating heart of cultural kikery??
This looks like total shit