Let's be "Reply Guys."

You know what to do.

Attached: replyguy.png (1031x948, 919K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>using twitter or any social media at all
Pathetic, kys


What is this about ???

Jow Forums is a form of social media


You commoner you have no idea what the use of Twitter is


men replying to womens tweets everytime

a superior form that is under attack daily

women think she should be able to regurgitate their horrifically uninformed opinions out into the open without being challenged by those that actually know better than them.

Antisocial media

>be attention seeking social media using slut
>get attention
>freak out by demanding more attention
If it was chad responding every time she posted we wouldn't hear about it she would be too busy sucking his dick

I have a ~40 yo autismo++ cousin who does this with one semi famous woman on twitter, he replies to almost everything she posts, it is pretty creepy

>ugh why is this CREEP responding to my public cries for attention he's not the one I wanted to respond to me

You’re a form of faggot

Not really

Attached: d27.jpg (671x982, 147K)

Oh, I thought it was some AI shit for lonely cat ladies.

Some bitch is annoyed with beta orbiters replying to her tweets. It's not even the content of the replies, just the fact that some fucking pathetic beta male dared to reply to her

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Not in this life or the next. Be gone.

finally calling out that Krassenstein guy who stalks Trump

Ty, how's the weather in Finland?? Here it is 15 degrees Celsius.

You could literally write a bot that just picks some female blue check journos and replies to all of their tweets from a curated list of things like "ok babe, if you say so". It would literally drive them to the edge.

the replies on twatter are the only things worth reading there tbpfh famalam

>reeeeeee they are raping me through the internet, help

Meme gender.

Oh god, will you shut up you 12 year old

Attached: 4chan_kid.webm (640x480, 2.73M)

3 degrees celsius here, sun is shining. Feels good man


>You know what to do.
post the archived version?
here: archive.fo/YeIC3

ok babe, if you say so

If you ignore them they'll die

This was my first thought as well, kek.

>Oh, I thought it was some AI shit for lonely cat ladies.

that would make so much money!

kek that was funny

And you'll be arrested for abuse.

>part of a series exploring what it means to be a woman on the internet
seems that twitter does not know the rules.

yet more proof that wahmins have zero agency of their own.
srsly why did anyone ever think they could handle voting?

this is actually really funny.

weirdos amuse me, I'm going to go find some dumb literally who slut on twatter to cyberstalk and see how creepy I can make it before I get blocked

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Not him, but it was 3 degrees Celsius in midday which is pretty warm around this time of the year. Btw here's a handy site to check global weather =) ventusky.com/

It's more likely just orbiters who have picked a particular thot to follow around. most men on twitter don't act like Jow Forums

Holy shit that webm

By Allah, that's a noice site.

It's two of them, they're brothers, and they both do it.

A woman says something dumb on social media.
A man says her comment was dumb.

If you guys hadn’t noticed, illustrators started using red or blue skin to avoid triggering shitskins when they aren’t inclusive enough

It’s the worst trend ever and I hope society collapses soon

Isn't there a blocking function on Twitter? Why would these women not block these "reply guys" when they clearly would prefer not to see them ever again? What a mystery.

Attached: Thinking.png (480x480, 101K)

They want beta orbiters but also want to have something to complain about.


Attached: keith.jpg (480x360, 25K)

Is it? Can I flood this thread with photos of my holiday in Thailand?

They need orbiters to buy and do shit for them. Free lunch, furniture moved, small repairs.

But also commenting and liking every post a girl makes is pretty obsessive.

How about we just ignore women for the rest of time till the species dies off.
>Twitter, a place where a lot of bad things happen
For some reason I get the feeling she's not talking about child grooming or people trafficking

I honestly cannot grasp the appeal of twitter, even while I was smaller shit confused me. I understood the appeal of myspace, but twitter is still an enigma for me.

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>the curse of the guy who likes me in real life and alwas says hi but I'm too much of a coward to tell him I don't like him

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I lol'd

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>srsly why did anyone ever think they could handle voting?
>I'm not sleeping with you till you agitate to get me the vote
This is why marital rape isn't a real thing, and women should be referred to as property. God save us from their endless faggotry

I love cups of tea sweetheart

Man I was just thinking about that show the other day
It's so fucking kiked.
I mean how bad is it when the Rugrats menorah episode is less kiked that any given episode of that subversion.


Don't fall for the "social" media Jew. It's pure cancer. And yes is correct as well. I just like to think of this as the preferred type of cancer that I wish to die of since "beaten to death by breasts" doesn't seem to be a viable option.

It's like a zoo where you can throw shit at eachother.

white female explaining and slavery equivalence is the greatest form of POC oppression. she should be re educated

>be vapid, egotistical modern woman on social media
>sole purpose for existence is to seek attention from others by posting hot takes or thotposts
>become angry when beta males do exactly what you are seeking online
>”I wanted CHAD to reply, not you!”

I wondered that too, fortunately our intrepid reporter answers that
>Eventually, Radulovic muted him. Notably, though, she never blocked him.
>"I have that internalized female niceness where I can't make anyone mad," she said. "I [also] fear men's retaliation and muting will keep 'em quiet, but they'll never know."
Truly a brave, stronk, independent woman

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Sure. Fuck any good prostitutes?

>hi chad do you like my new outfit?
>OMG LOSER PERV stop raping me with your eyes CHAD kick his ass

gonna need the fuckin mystery machine for this one lads

The funny thing is that people get VERY upset when 4 Chan leaves 4 Chan.

Never seen many naturally blonde niggers user

You're not wrong.

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Just some dudes one called himself Oi!

you seem to have some animosity for this hypothetical chad.

Sounds gross, but I'll take your word for it, lol.

these poor women on the internet, they're just so harassed!

>internalized female niceness

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I use Twitter for news. I don't follow any E-Celebs. I just follow the police departments and news in major cities, my own city and some foreign countries. I also follow government agencies like FBI, CIA, NSA, DARPA and military organizations. I follow some weather watchers and "happening" watchers. It's good for quick updates and such. No drama or dumb shit.

Here's a picture of generally what I see.

Attached: twi.jpg (594x6308, 662K)

What is that? I don't use twatter

URGENT!!! RUSSIA is showing their citizens on all nightly news USA missile targets for their new hypersonic nukes
>camp david?
>camp richy?
>San fran?

while America is having a soft civil war, other countries like China and Russia are gearing up for major war..

SPREAD THIS INFO! our media and government have failed us.

17 degrees and sunny here Jerry, we summer nao

nah just pointing out chad is the vaginal jew's golem

It's for women and gays.

God smiles upon you.

Niggers can’t wear wigs or dye their hair? The hair colour is usually anything from actual hair colours to neon blues and greens. The whole idea is to prevent accidentally not including one race or another

It would be the other way around by definition. a chad wouldn't bend the knee for a woman, only a beta would do that. you sound like a MRA

Shit, this one got me

>The site that's been accused of raiding several hundred of other sites into uselessness
>The site that had introduced anti-raid and anti-dox rules because it was becoming a problem
>The site that is chuck full of niggers from all around the fucking world talking about shit that barely qualifies as on-topic for any given board
>"Afraid to leave Jow Forums"
___'_ ______ ___ ___ ____ _______

Exactly. It's also a hit piece against informed men on the whole. Can't have your irrational propaganda work if people have rational arguments to counter them. The post about about using social media at all is also shilling against social media towards the same ends as the article. People need to be informed so use their weapons against them.

>be twitter thot
>spout off all your opinions in a public forum
>happily watch 'likes', 'retweets' etc from fellow hens and beta orbiters that agree with everything you say and oh by the way did i tell you you're beautiful today?
>toxic male chimes in
As someone whos worked in this field for 25 years i respectfully disagree, heres why....
>OMG i can't go one day without some guy trying to mansplain something to me! #listentowomen #metoo #twitterrape
No, i just thought with your apparent passion about the issue you might like to talk to an expert in the field.
>LOL XD sure thing incel, maybe if you weren't so toxic to women you'd get laid, LOL!!! BTW i can see from your profile pic you're a short ugly loser and probably have a small penis! LMAO! #toxicmasculinity #incel #mansplaining #Imdeadinsideandonlyfeelgoodaboutmyselfwhenchadis8inchesdeepinsidemeprobablybecauseiwasabusedbymyfather

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Great argument, great points.

Sums it up. Maybe if women spent more time applying their minds than their make up...

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Do it faggot


Do this. Post results.

Not in any conventional sense image boards predate many common forms and the anonymous nature of this site is in direct opposition to the end game of Facebook which is reacts or upvotes or what ever they go for the closet thing to be found here is probably the tripfags

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As if a reply isn't what you attention whores desire.

Stop tweeting and the problem evaporates.

its probably better for their mental health that they continue thinking Jow Forums user never leaves Jow Forums instead of being every user they interact with day in and day out.

>using twitter or any social media at all
Everyone should delete social media. It opens you up to social blackmail and domination.

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holy shit, i had those shoes when i was like 12 kek

kmao someone do it

Rollin for San fran