Notice anything?

>Map of Mosques in Germany
>99% is on the West side of the country aka near France

Mudslims feel more safe near the France Caliphate lol.Imagine my shock
You can have that shithole frogfags.
Bavaria,Saxony,Brandenburg and Mecklenburg the only real white Germany

Attached: mosques.jpg (730x430, 83K)

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Why doesn't Germany have a foreigner tax?

Attached: Screenshot from 2019-02-22 16-30-56.png (434x337, 173K)

This map has to be fake on some level, No mosque in Berlin ???????

Sorry, didn't realize Berlin is that far south. Always thought it was closer to the Baltic Sea.

It's very simple, Muslim immigrants go to the richer areas of the country, eastern Germany is still the poorest part so muslims don't move there, no muslims means no mosques.

1. Communism was a “deep freezer” that conserved antediluvian (“based” in our lingvo) social attitudes in Eastern Europe, at least relative to countries under the American sphere of influence.
2. These attitudes express themselves particularly strongly on LGBT, immigration, and nationalism.
3. Russia is an organic part of this East European space (so a corollary is that any long-term democratic successor to Putin will be a right-wing populist in the mold of Orban or Netanyahu).
4. The deep freezer broke down with the fall of Communism, with the subsequent thaw bringing “conserved” nationalist sentiments (or Islamist ones) to the surface.
5. Consequent integration into the Euro-Atlantic information space – if to variable degrees – has promoted progressive views (“GloboHomo” in our lingvo) in Eastern Europe.
6. There is now a race between new conversions to GloboHomo and the rate at which it is vindicated or discredited in its American and West European “early adopters.

Remember the atheistic socialists that you so terribly despised as anti-free and tyrannical?

You've made your choice, "inshallah".

Attached: Тихий Иван Антонович (Украина, 1927-1982) «Приём в пионеры» (912x683, 131K)

East Germany was officially atheist country.
And they obviously not imported thousands of "guest workers" from Turkey.

It's what the USA wants

Attached: Useless fucks.png (748x424, 161K)

are you fucking dumb HAHAHAHA
the british and american colonies did
the president even suggested it, originally they wanted other Euros from poorer regions

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While this map is skewed, there are certainly less mosques in the east. It has nothing to do with France though. We had a thing here you might remember. I'll give you a hint: it was a wall.

Dumb fuck

The same reason why the USA don't have a wall.

Reagan Turned West Germany's taxation system from socialist to capitalist so USA investors could profit more . The rest of the free world so followed.

Germany needs a good cleaning

Attached: f64.png (2000x1233, 571K)

Yeah and the richer you are the less you care about immigration because of the decadency wealth brings along.

Attached: 1550550729560.png (378x435, 388K)

Wow never thought will be that much, nice to know, guess i'm gonna vacation to Germany.

But why on google maps showing very little?

this map directly corresponds with slav DNA in eastern parts of germany.
if we raped the entire german population in 1945 the germans would finally stop having a nigger fetish.

Attached: 50236775_1984858021631665_2950766236000059392_n.jpg (423x725, 28K)

You will have blasphemy laws soon. Get ready. Eurabia caliphate incoming

Attached: PF_11.29.17_muslims-update-23.png (415x914, 201K)

Why isnt Dresden marked? We saw three when we were there two weeks ago

Shit take. The real deal is that Communism inculates against globohomo

God bless USSR and Stalin. For the the people and their (not globohomo) future.

Attached: aryans unknowingly staring at their own doom.jpg (960x660, 89K)

Germany must rise. You survived the humiliation of WWII and built the strongest economy in Europe, take pride in your nation and never let anyone make you guilty of anything. Vote AfD, convince people to vote AfD, join the AfD, run for the AfD. It's the struggle of your lifetime.

Poland needs to annex east Germany quick. It’s quite literally polish clay by blood.

Rebuild the wall

its the future you choose

Attached: soitbegin.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

Attached: 694.png (420x413, 37K)

It's ok. I feel bad for what we took from you and the debauchery we have put you through following 1991 collapse.

Du kannst nicht ehrlich so zurückgeblieben sein.