What’s it like dating a Latina Jow Forums?

So I’ve swallowed the Castizo futurism pill and I want my kids to both look white and benefit from affirmative action. How difficult is it to get a qt Latina gf and what’s it like?

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They are very whorish, vain, and loud.

Kinda difficult depending on the area. Most mexicans that come to USA are pure indios, and the ones that are somewhat spanish looking know they hit the genetic jackpot and really want $$$

it is said they age like milk, but I have no personal experience.

just because the loud latina is a stereotype it's not true to everybody.

Imagine if a bratty teenager never grew up but also looks 5 years older than she is.
That's a pretty good baseline.

Wew, did you even read the op

this, it’s definitely just a stereotype

In Miami, I'm surrounded by them. Pretty much this. They're pretentious cunts.

So just like all women

Based as fuck.

Only "downside" (if you want to call it that) is that they always want you to knock them up and get married. They're obsessed with starting families.

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Can I get away with calling myself Hispanic if I have brown hair, brown eyes, and white skin?

British isles mutt btw

It's easy and it's great.

You can treat them like whore's beat them like a dog, and fuck their little sisters and they won't do shit because they are scared to be deported.

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Yeah, there are white, black, indio, japanese, etc hispanics. you could say you were an argie and no one would bat an eye

they do have tempers tho

Attached: latinas man.webm (478x560, 2.47M)

Based. God damn I love being white

Don't stick your dick in crazy. They may be hot, but I hear they'll chase you with a fucking bat at the drop of a hat.

>a stereotype: it's not true to everybody.
Holy shit what a basedboy faggot
A stereotype exists for a reason, unlike your fucking flag

looks like the make up sex would be amazing

>putting up with that shit
I'm really glad I never got a girl when I was younger.

First, you're gonna have to put on a pair of pants.


Constant fits of drama. Hypogamy to the max. Constant misery. Will throw fits to get her way constantly because she “feels strongly” about it. TLDR your life is hell.

That's the best part of it though m8.

Sex is great, but she will cheat and treat you like absolute shit. Do not get her pregnant and do not let her imasuclate you and you should be fine

Whorish diva's imo

>Putting up with that
The only way to react is to just leave

Imasculated. Whata faggot.


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This, don’t date a spic. You have been warned.

once you bed them, you are screwed.
they will make sure your seed goes inside her pussy.. even if you nut on her body she will rob it on her pussy.. happened to a friend he just laid with a latina for one night and she got pregnant, she even said she took the pill. poor guy must pay child support and this girl has 3 kids from different dad lol


It's over? That's casual fridays for a latina.

All the mexican girls I've fucked let me bust a nut in them. They're short and thick and my dick is addicted to mexican pussy. They're bitchy and moody as fuck though. They like getting slapped around and choked though.

You have to treat them like shit. Be bipolar with them. Constantly being unpredictable. Don't let them even for a second think that they can pull a fast one on you. Assert dominance constantly. Normally this is a recipe for disaster; a white woman would just leave or call the police, a negress would try and match you and fight back, but a Latina? This shit gets them turned the fuck on. Go into any relationship with a Latina with the expectation that they are inherent sadomasochists, and you will be fine and have the best sex of your fucking life.
.t south Florida born and raised

If you think white women are uppity, wait until you date a latina. My first gf was a latina and I've decided to stay away from them ever since.


Negligent to children and abusive to husbands. Just get a rotweiler with rabies instead. Look at a mall and see that the hot ones just barely turned 18 before swelling into fat complaint tyrants clogging up each store. NOT ALL NOT ALL NOT ALL....but most

It depends.
I dated a Castizo Columbian and she was quiet, polite, family oriented, gorgeous, and amazing in the sack. I fucked it up by dropping her for another Italian girl I was dating.
I dated a girl from Argentina but she was too career oriented for my taste but again fantastic in the sack.
Also dated a Mexican Castizo who was hot but a lying whore.
I like Latinas, they like me too, but this was 20 years ago.

I now married a Latvian, I was degenerate in my 20s but returned to my faith. Im Orthodox and so is she.

My experience with latinas was mostly positive. Fantastic women but high tempered. Avoid all urban women, no matter the race.
Career women are not to be trusted.

That has to be staged.

> I want my kids to both look white and benefit from affirmative action.

By the time you think your mutt children will be receiving "affirmative action" they will actually in fact be getting genocided by my children. Look toward the year 2040 not toward the year 2019, unwise fool.

Yeah this is for the most part accurate. Of course there are exceptions.
Latinas are very possessive too.

I forgot to add, they like anal as well. Mind you my dick is pretty big and they cry about it hurting, made one of em bleed cause she kept telling me to pound her pussy harder. I nutted in her 5 fucking times that day. Felt like a king filling that little golden brown goddess.

My wife is a light skinned Mexican woman from a small town in the north of Mexico. For the most part I'd recommend it. She's a great mother and a good cook. Sometimes she can be childish and bitchy, but that's pretty much true of all women. Catholic country girls like her are far from feminist and she's happy being a stay at home mom. Sex used to be great but dropped off some since we have two young kids.


URGENT!!! RUSSIA is showing their citizens on all nightly news USA missile targets for their new hypersonic nukes
>camp david?
>camp richy?
>San fran?

while America is having a soft civil war, other countries like China and Russia are gearing up for major war..

SPREAD THIS INFO! our media and government have failed us

Mexican women and men cheat on eachother like crazy.
I too had a Latina fetish but I personally felt my least enjoyable experience was my ex from there.
Just too shady for my taste

fish a turd out the toilet. shape it into bipedal humanoid shape. now fuck it. notice the smell? get used to that.