So Jow Forums, since the US is currently beating the war drum again, i wanted to know your stance at the matter of Venezuela.
Do you believe the >Official narrative: Maduro is a socialist dictator that kills people of the opposition and we need to intervene and help the venezuelan people, because socialism doesn't work and they are starving over there so the US have to assure that they get a competent leader
>Alternative narrative: Maduro isn't to blame for the atrocious living conditions, because of the sanctions the US put on Venezuela and the frozen bank accounts of the state owned oil company. The convoy of aid (buying medicine was previously blocked because of the sanctions) will just be used for a coup or a military intervention. The opposition leader Juan Guaido is just another puppet of the West to privatise the oil and destabilize the region.
Please participate in this poll even if you have no real knowledge of the current situation, i don't want to change your mind i just want to know what you think
The real problem is socialism is raising its political head in America and the establishment wants to cut it off. Stealing oil fields in the process is gravy.
Brody Carter
But seriously, don't you think all this Hezbolla shit is made up to justify a military intervention
Asher Rivera
Look at Bolivia though. They are socialist as well and doing pretty fine but nobody gives a shit about them. Venezuela is only interesting because of the oil and not the political situation
William Rivera
I dont even know at this point, i just know israel is going to benifit somehow by being sneaky snake.
Ethan Cox
Yeah, Bolivia is too small to matter and can easily be played off as the crazy little primitives who can't handle too much freedom. The Hezbollah shit is completely fabricated. It's Iraqis raping babies all over again. Same tired script, same long term outcome. Abby Martin started a asking for Rubio to be removed from office for inciting violence against a lawfully elected foreign head of state. She's right.
Isaiah Morales
Lul. Ever lived in Bolivia? Its not doing fine. Its president is a an actual retard and the urban vs rural tension is about to boil over.
Nicholas Adams
Trump good. Maduro bad. Whats to discuss? MAGA
Jonathan Peterson
Imagine blaming all your problems on the US. Surely it’s the US that funds the black market surrounding the cheap as fuck oil. The US funds and gives weapons to gangs called collectivos to terrorize the public. The US hyperinflates the currency by ridiculous amounts. The Venezuelan people are actually extremely happy with Maduro, and everything we’ve been seeing with the opposition is fabricated. Amazing. Socialism can do no wrong, but remember Venezuela isn’t real socialism.
Isaiah Reed
It's doing relatively fine for south american standards.
Jack Perry
I mean yeah the US did do all those things. I'm not saying the people are happy with Maduro, but he got elected like every normal president (election was closely watched by the UN and others). Socialism is completely retarded but that doesn't mean that the US should be acting the way it does. You won't make any friends pulling shit like this
Everything went to shit after Chavez started expropiating private factories, land and all other assets.
The govenrment was extremely incompetent and basically killed all the big private companies owned by Venezueleans. The only industry that actually worked there was the petroleum one since the govenremnt essentially killed everything else. Shit started hitting the fan, inflation ocurred, Oil alone cant save you and once the oil prices went down everything went along with it.
Venezuealean immigrants have told me how you couldnt get a job if you were not part of Maduros' Political party, and how high ranking government officials started appointing their friends and family in important positions of the newly expropiated factories. No wonder everything went to shit.
Colombia, Brazil, Panama, Chile, Argentina, etc. every single country that is not as shitty as Venezuela has suffered from mass immigration of Venezueleans and everybody has had enough of this bunch of dick heads praising their shithole and saying how "Venezuela is better" and treating nationals as garbage. FUCK MADURO, because of him there are a bunch of immigrants in my country acting like they own the country becuase they sell arepas in the street.
Jeremiah Hall
i believe both desu
Lucas Taylor
Imagine blaming all your problems on Russia. Surely it’s Russia that funds the black market surrounding the cheap as fuck oil. Russia funds and gives weapons to gangs called cartels to terrorize the public. Russia deficit spends its way to hyperinflation, running the currency by ridiculous amounts. The American people are actually extremely happy with fraud, and everything we’ve been seeing with the turth is fabricated. Amazing. Capitalism can do no wrong, but remember Amerca isn’t real capitalism.
Easton Brooks
Another tourist thinking he knows the real situation just beacuse he spent a week there.
Same thing when people go to Cuba >Cuba is a paradise, wish my country was like it >Dont understand why people live Cba, is so beautifull >Castro was the best, wish the US didnt get involved, Cuba would be even better
Tourists only get to see the best side of everything, living in those shitholes is not easy, and jsut because you saw the best doesnt mean everything is like that.
Jaxon Long
Michael Walker
Usa, always stealing whats not theirs.
Samuel Campbell
Fuck off to Canada
Christopher Williams
Michael Gomez
I mean they got waaay less drug problems than a lot of neighboring countries
- There is NO general shortage of food in Venezuela but there is a shortage of certain staples such as butter, cooking oil, flour, rice and sugar and what these all have in common is that a corporation called Empresas Polar had a virtual monopoly on them (the CLAP programme is trying to change that). These items are being deliberately hoarded in hidden warehouses to ramp up the price and scarcity. - The USA has long been waging economic war on Venezuela - both overt (sanctions) and covert with the US govt/CIA colluding with the big capitalists and opposition parties in Venezuela to undermine the economy - These same capitalists are also fuelling inflation by smuggling currency and gasoline out of the country into Colombia and elsewhere.
>Ron Paul - Trump's Venezuela Fiasco "convicted criminal Elliott Abrams should be disqualified from holding public office"
>Ron Paul - Bolton: "We're Taking Venezuela's Oil"..."Pompeo, Bolton and Abrams are the Pirates of the Caribbean"