Hnnnnnnnngh mid twenties

hnnnnnnnngh mid twenties

>have boatloads of monies from being a good Jew and saving since I was little.

I now wander around the world travelling, left my last partner when they wouldnt come travel the world with me. What do I do now, I made a gold tinder but thats not gonna get me a partner(travel companion)

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With a close friend ?

Why do you want a travel companion?
The best holidays I've ever had were when I was alone. Can get up when you want, go where you want when you want, eat whatever you feel like and hop on a train to god knows where on a whim if you feel like it.

Traveling alone is magnificent.

I have a network of friends who I loosely travel with but I want a female partner who can match my speed, binge on the drugs I like, can hold her own, and someone i can confide it and trust they have my back

And obv have my way with, is this too much to be asking of lief

The silence and solitude is soul crushing at times. I wanna talk and be silly and share, everyone tells me im too nice but thats how I even got to where I am today, putting others first

You Jews are all the same. Just disgusting rats.

Disgusting rats with all the money, buddy.

>Want to talk and be silly
>Too nice to others

You're not fooling anyone Mr. Shekelstein. You can't buy a gf but you can buy prostitutes and escorts. Back to the furnace with you.

I don't want escort or prosssssss though.

If I spend any longer in the oven ill be another ethnicity soon

Sounds more like you need a man

if you give me part of the money I'll come with you

thanks for your contribution user, it will be dismissed immediately

no money is simply handed over, I'll buy whatever for ya tho, drugs food, birth control, etc etc etc

you want company, you can pay for it, no one's gonna say no
you want an escort, you can pay for it
you want a friend, stop being shitty

I have lots of friends.

Perhaps it's too much to be asking of one person. Personally I've found it pretty easy to get laid while traveling solo, just stay in a hostel a couple of nights and have some drinks with the other travelers. Has worked on more than a few occasions for me.

Now you can answer a question for me. How did you make all your money? How can I make some good money like you?

To elaborate, you're thinking about an ideal situation which probably doesn't exist in reality. Maybe I am pessimistic but there will always be sacrifices and compromise involved with allowing another person into your life. Be careful what you wish for. If a travel companion is what your heart truly desires it would probably benefit you greatly to have selected one from as large a group of potential candidates as possible. No easy task, I'd imagine.

I appreciate your insight, and will answer your question.

Working since 13yo, saved it all, put most of it into bonds until I was older, bought into btc, parked money in real estate, now I do remote contracting as I travel.

Damn that makes me regret not preparing for my future in advance. I have missed the btc rush. How do you think I could use 10k to start moving towards a position like yours?

I can't stress enough for you to stay in hostels, and make friendly with other travelers. I got my dick sucked on my first night in Japan in a hostel by a british chick and found a cool swiss dude who bet me all my money to race him to the top of mount Fuji. Do you think if you met the right girl you would pay her expenses to travel with you? Or you are looking for one who can provide for themselves and who's itinerary is the same as yours?

my original plan was to have an equal who can while we date cover her own, I with my last partner helped figure out a few ways they could use social media to make money with like 2 hours of work a day. but even then Id almost always cover food and drink and small stuff. even tickets if it were for something sudden or super pricey

that sounds really cool man I really appreciate your stories and optimism.

as for investing the 10k I would be diverse and go half into bitcoin and half into a platform like ethereum or similar real world use construct. really cannot go wrong playing long..

You think Bitcoin would continue to appreciate? It seems to just be on permanent downwards spiral. I thought the crypto game was all over?

You would need a pretty phenomenal lady to fit this bill. You would need to be really good at dating and social interaction and also I wouldn't know where you'd find such a woman. You should check out RSD - Real Social Dynamics on YouTube. Max might have some insight into the sort of thing you are talking about

I do think it will go up again yes, if you don't wanna play that game, make a stock brokerage account, watch markets, wait for correction, buy Inverse Bear ETF/ETN, profit.

Sorry to keep taking your time but why so? Has it not been surpassed by ETH? How do I know when it will be at its absolute bottom to buy in? Where should I start reading to learn about this stuff

except crypto is dead mate

dating wise I have always had a girlfriend, many long term ones really, so I know how to treat a lady Id like to think but I guess I can be wrong too. socially im fairly fluent but I could also be wrong. hit me with a link so I can see what you are talking about if you would kindly

average your way into all plays, whether its crypto or stocks, never just go balls in and don't apologize I came for advice

Sorry I'm on my phone. RSDmax is the YouTube channel name but it sounds like you won't really need it. I was just thinking about one video in which he was talking about choosing a partner from a group of several women who are viable candidates. In your situation and what you're looking for however I think they would be few and far between.

its only dead to idiots who bought in higher then where it is, learn to acquire assets bro

I mean thats relevant information, I could maybe go to east asias where girl to guy ratio is weighted more in my favor, just date as many as I can, choose from the bunch, or something along those lines I guess.

If you like asians I guess lol. Personally I view that as taking the easy option but yeah. Sounds like you have time and money on your side so just find somewhere and start looking

>confide in and trust they have my back
>a woman

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Take me, I'm cute and curious and will bake all the things for the trip.

Never understood the draw of world traveling. I make a lot of money at my job and I could easily drop it all for an extended period to travel, but I don't understand what for. I'm shy and awkward and that won't change if I go to Thailand or Italy. Last time I went traveling to Mexico I stayed in my hotel almost the entire time.

but my remote contracting doesnt require me to consistently be anywhere and I do like to go on foot and see stuff and take photos, I have a nice laptop so I can play games when I get bored but I spend alot of time walking since I dont lift weiiits

since I am such a good chef as it stands, you need to bump up that application youre trying to file there dear

I can suck a watermelon through a straw.

oooof bb das compellin

Sorry, they don't exist. If you give a woman a great lifestyle at the start she will abuse you. You do want a man for this.