More child sex tapes with R. Kelly have been found

>Prosecutors are about to get another sex tape in the R. Kelly case, and sources tell us it is even more shocking than the most recent one.
>We're told, just like the first video, there are multiple references to the girl being 14 years old. Our sources say R. Kelly is repeatedly "coaching" the girl through various sexual situations.
>At one point, we're told R. Kelly is seen choking the girl while having anal intercourse. Our sources also say there's a part where he takes some sort of lotion and "sprays" it all over her face. We're told he then chokes her, mounts her from behind and turns her face to the camera for a reaction shot.
>We've also learned Avenatti is in the process of procuring a third tape showing R. Kelly with a different girl -- whom, at the time, was somewhere between 13 and 16 years old. Our sources say Avenatti's team has identified the person in possession of the video and is attempting to get it.!article/2019/02/25/r-kelly-new-another-sex-tape-michael-avenatti-chicago-criminal-case/

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Other urls found in this thread:

>this the remix to ignition
>hot and fresh out the kitchen

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> Avenatti

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I just want to know why avenniti has the tapes?

Now he wasnt trying to be rude

Why would he have video? Maybe its because he rubs shoulders with the swamp

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I remember when he was the Andy sixx of pissing

CPL is now CCPL? How the fuck can he get away with this?

Celebrities are superior to us and should not be held to mere mortal standards

>this the piss tapes you were missin
>hot and fresh out muh dick yea

Avenatti is a strange dude, he basically helped confirm kavanaugh with his idiot clients, he sank stormy, and now this

Also this, this was always weird. Tom Fitton?

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R. Kelly confirmed innocent

Sounds hot

Why are nogs like this? Is there a real answer for behavior like this from them?

Yeah, alpha male domination biatch

Doesn't quite look like Fitton but someone that he would hang around with. I wouldn't be shocked in the least if Fitton was behind Q. He goes hard in trying to use the judicial branch to get whatever he can out to the public, wouldn't surprise me if he weaponized the boomers with a larp to feed those breadcrumbs to as an amplifier.

Weird stuff bro really weird stuff
Logging off to take a nap now

So this coon has outlived his use then? Fucking kikes, squeeze em for all they're worth and then dump them like hot garbage.

Makes sense then.

Roger that, sleepy myself

This. He's not putting any new degeneracy out, he's just an old perv pissing his fortune away and banging children. Time to be discarded.

How is it that Avenatti can just sit around with CP tapes? Did he ever make personal copies?

Pffffffffff he already has full scale posters of his favorite scenes on the ceiling above his bed

It's hilarious that the establishment is sacrificing R. Kelly to try to legitimize Avenatti again after he trashed his own rep during the Kavanaugh fiasco.

he's part of the HOLD crew, or someone in the HOLD crew passed them to him

haha, hookers are better than us regular church going folk

suuuuuurrrrreeeee buddy

>So this coon has outlived his use then?
Aaliyah whacked for nothing

How is it ok that he's holding onto & presumably watched child porn?

If Avenatti procures the video wouldn't he be in possession of child pornography?

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§Proof trump is a pedophile and acosta sec of labor and Jeffrey epstein prosecutor covered it up



so you're saying that piss was digital?

>oh no hot 14 years old who are sexually mature are having sex!

Without having seen the videos I cannot make any assessment of R. Kelly's guilt or innocence, so unless somebody has a link...

yeah, (((they))) created a deepfake, it's all mkultra cia shill tactics to neutralize redpilled artists

that not what Aaliyah told me holmes

Meme flag. Obviously (((them)))

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Avenatti is so sexy, I hope he becomes president. We'll have a handsome pres again.

He fucked kids. He's a pedophile. R Kelly is not /ourguy/ were better of with Jessie Smollett.

I wonder if he fucked WHITE girls in those videos


At least Smollet was not only was pro-lynching but he financially supported them.

kill yourself, kike

>Without having seen the videos
piss was not digital


Hes representing r.kelly? Lol r.kelky is fucked

>I wonder if he fucked WHITE girls in those videos

Nope. It seems that he's only into nigs and nig mongrels. Not interested in viewing some old nigger fucking a niglet whore

>piss was not digital
Link please...?

Ofcourse Russia supports raping children

R kelly is not in the right timeline
David Bowie had orgy with girls as young as 12 back in the 70s.

I know you swedes try really hard to be funny but you arent very good at it.

I thought Bowie was a faggot

There's hope for him, yet:
If he makes a song about "da Jewz" now, Jow Forums will hail him as a messiah and forgive him all his sins

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Who gives a fuck about R Kelly

I only know who that is because I'm old as fuck

This isnt the UK, we actually send people to prison for rsping minors.

How the hell is it legal for attorneys to view literal CP. Also I saw CNN bragging they saw the tape. How the hell is this legal?

that will take a second, I will need to dig old drives from 15 years ago and the limewire days


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swedes are the cringiest.

>This isnt the UK, we actually send people to prison for rsping minors.
over there if you do a good job you get knighted

such a typical sweden post.

Do you think he faps while watching the tapes

>over there if you do a good job you get knighted

You spelled "knifed" wrong.

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Are you implying these kikes haven't been spanking it to these ebony CP videos for years before deciding to lynch the nigger?

>Do you think he faps while watching the tapes
I can't think of any other reason that he would make them? Can you?

It's not exactly like he is selling them over the internet alongside copies of his albums...

R.Kelly is literally the biggest threat to ZOG right now. He's using CIA binaural beats technology to reverse-program the youth against their Jewish oligarchs. He might look like another urban rapper pedophile degenerate, but he's basically just a trojan horse who's trying to blow up the NWO from the inside. In order to gain traction within the jewish democrat child trafficking circles he needs to pose as a deviant so they throw money at him. Jewish youtube algorithms only promote the most degenerate music so he's playing 4-D chess. All the "REMIX 2 IGNITION" and "NIGGA" talk is just a machiavellian smokescreen he ingeniously created to fly under the radar. It's in our best interest to promote R.Kelly and unveil the truth behind his lyrics Protip: that money he's making is being funneled into dissident groups across North America

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I meant the investigator

mossad did 9/11 Michael Moore kike propaganda was thoroughly laughed at he lied and claimed UAE reps were Saudis...oh and btw Avenatti is jewish...its a crypto name big club you aren't in it

No he is trying to bring R Kelly down

came here to post this
CPL is yet another pro wrestler in the farce that is burger politics

Sometime they even make you a mayor

Whooo else but Sweden?!

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Oh damn, Michael is on the right side for once.

Simpler possibility...he's a nigger pedo kiddy fucker that was so dumb he filmed himself raping niglet girls.

Fucking throw him in jail forever and lets quit fucking about with all this nigger "He did nothing wrong" bullshit.

OJ should have gotten the chair as well, while we're at it.

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yeah good ole american justice...

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The question is how does he have connections to get all these tapes

>I meant the investigator
Oh. Dunno. In the UK they have women police officers doing that sort of thing. Not sure how it works in clog land.

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The girl he pissed on years ago was black, so I'd say it's about 50/50

I think we're gonna need a Virgin R. Kelly vs. the Chad Epstein meme

Is that frank giustra?

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Epstein was prosecuted and throw in prison lol, if he were British you faggots would offer your children to him.

Aaliyah killed herself. Sheboon demanded plane to takeoff while it was overweight. Idiot pilot took the risk after nigress offered more money. Plane stalled shortly after takeoff

I was wondering that too, where is he getting them from? Some pedophile?

The pilot had very little experience too, that who crash could have been avoided but they wanted to rush to Miami to party.


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Based and muh dik pilled


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>After Hankerson signed a distribution deal with Jive Records, he signed Aaliyah to his Blackground Records label at the age of 12. Hankerson later introduced her to recording artist and producer R. Kelly, who became Aaliyah's mentor, as well as lead songwriter and producer of her first album, which was recorded when she was 14. Aaliyah's debut album, Age Ain't Nothing but a Number, was released under her mononym "Aaliyah", by Jive and Blackground Records on May 24, 1994

"Mentor" is a funny way of saying pedo kiddy fucker.

And then he killed her, sad

>Aaliyah's debut album, Age Ain't Nothing but a Number


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>At one point, we're told R. Kelly is seen choking the girl while having anal intercourse. Our sources also say there's a part where he takes some sort of lotion and "sprays" it all over her face. We're told he then chokes her, mounts her from behind and turns her face to the camera for a reaction shot.

Lmao this nigger is going to prison for life. Chappelle's "Piss on You" skit was only the tip of the iceberg.

>And then he killed her, sad

Nah. She was killed by the (((record producers))) since R. Kelly was still making good Shekels for them at the time.

Now that he's effectively retired they have no qualms throwing him to the dogs.

Cruel really for (((them))) to treat their pets that way...

>>Aaliyah's debut album, Age Ain't Nothing but a Number
Not exactly hiding it are they?

if you don't care that David Bowie, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, Elvis, Aerosmith and nearly all the 80 hair faggot metal rockers fucked underage minors your opinion of R. Kelly is shit.

he was sentenced to 18 months in prison. Instead of being sent to state prison like the majority of sex offenders convicted in Florida, Epstein was housed in a private wing of the Palm Beach County stockade. He was able to hire his own security detail and was allowed "work release" to his downtown office for up to 12 hours a day six days a week.

never did a day in jail, never even saw the inside of a courtroom, whatever deal he worked out with Acosta.

Avenatti in possession of CP... why am I not surprised

Sippin' on coke and rum
Man, this song's fuckin' dumb
It's the freakin' weekend and you know I'm 'bout to fuck something young.

How is this not possession and distribution of CP?

I believe I can jizz,
I believe I can blow my fizz,
I think about it every night and day,
Spread their cheeks and run away


Kek, niggers will nig, we have a new Michael Jackson...

I believe I like guys,
I believe I like hairy thighs,
I think about it every night and day,
tell the whole wide world I'm gay,
I believe I can score,
I see me sucking off a Tranny whore