It is now fairly clear that at some point in the future, the United States of America will cease to exist as a viable political, economic, and social entity. It is a historical truth that nothing lasts forever, and the USA will not last forever either. When that collapse occurs, the many races and vested interest groups that inhabit the North American continent will begin to rip and tear at whatever’s left of the United States, like vultures on a carcass. Bluntly put, we need to make sure that Whites get their piece of the carcass.
We need to create a country for White people alone. Considerations of history, economics, and logistics dictate that the best place for such a country is here in the Pacific Northwest. With your help we can achieve a Northwest American Republic. The core territories of our Republic are Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and Montana west of I-15. The surrounding areas of Northern California, Wyoming, Eastern Montana, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Alaskan Panhandle, have also been suggested as potential territory. Primary settlement should focus on the 4 core territories of Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and Western Montana.
I'd leave, but wouldn't it be smarter to collaborate with us to at least remain close enough to border and aid against Zionist maurauders?
Someone's bound to make a move to destroy a white establishment. It would be smart to collaborate with at least one different race, and what better race than us spics? The Aryan Brotherhood and Mexican Mafia already collaborate throughout the prison systems, they've been doing so for years..
Doing this in a country with some of the strictest immigration laws in the world (basically making it outright impossible for people to just decide to come there) in a country with a very limited pool of whites to begin with is absolutely retarded.
Gavin Roberts
Stop LARPing
Landon Wright
Elijah Brooks
So what do you suggest? Just "oh well fuck it we're too dwindling so let's just fuck off and die"?
Something has to be done and fast. Millions of immigrants have flooded your cities. You're running out of time whitey, crucial valuable time..
(On a positive note, Orania in South Africa is a prime example of such establishment, and there's a small reclusive Swedish camp called Sturmvogel that's very much like a Hitler youth. Small baby steps, but better than nothing I guess)
So, any suggestions? I always pictured a nuclear submarine big enough to house a good number of pure ethnic Germans (which are at risk due to mass immigration thanks to that birch merkel) to preserve the Aryan race in case of an actual extinction on land.