You Capitalists say "Lift yourselves up by the bootstraps" (which shows the almost religious power of capitalist...

You Capitalists say "Lift yourselves up by the bootstraps" (which shows the almost religious power of capitalist propaganda, that the impossible can become possible), or you state that "Communism doesn't work", when in fact Communism did work extremely well.

Let's look at the USSR

>USSR had more nutritious food than the US (CIA). Calories consumed actually surpassed the US.

>Had the 2nd fastest growing economy of the 20th century after Japan. The USSR started out at the same level of economic development and population as Brazil in 1920, which makes comparisons to the US, an already industrialized country by the 1920s, even more spectacular.

>Free Universal Health care, and most doctors per capita in the world. 42 doctors per 10,000 population, vs 24 in Denmark and Sweden, 19 in US.

>Had zero unemployment, continuous economic growth for 70 straight years,the USSR was a planned, non-market economy, so market crashes á la capitalism were pretty much impossible. Free education for all.

>Saved the world from nazism, killed 7/10 fascist soldier, bearing the brunt of casualties in WW2. Nazis were in retreat after the battle of Stalingrad in 1942, a full 2 years before the US landed troops in normandy.

>Double life expectancy. After the October revolution, the life expectancy for all age groups went up. A newborn child in 1926-27 had a life expectancy of 44.4 years, up from 32.3 years thirty years before. In 1958-59 the life expectancy for newborns went up to 68.6 years. Eliminated poverty.

>Ended sex inequality. Equal wages for men and women were mandated by law, but sex inequality, although not as pronounced as under capitalism, was perpetuated in social roles.............

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Did you accidentally click on the wrong board? Jow Forums is national socialist.

>USSR Had zero homelessness. Houses were often shared by two families throughout the 20s and 30s – so unlike capitalism, there were no empty houses, but the houses were very full. In the 40s there was the war, and in the 50s there were a number of orphans from the war. The mass housing projects began in the 60s, they were completed in the 70s, and by the 70s, there were homeless people, but they often had genuine issues with mental health.

>In 40 years, Communism gave you: First satellite, rocket, space walk, man, woman, animal, space station, moon and mars probes.

After the USSR collapses:

Life expectancy decreases by 10 years. 2. 7.7 million excess deaths in the first year. 2

40% of population drops into poverty.

GDP instantly halves.

One in ten children now live on the streets. Infant mortality increases.Was 29.3 in 2003 which is around (current) Syria and Micronesia, 7.9 in 2013. Infant mortality in USSR was 1.92, literally the lowest in the world.

What the actual fuck.

And you have the audacity to say your Capitalism works and Communism is no good??

Jow Forums has many capitalist pigs who are always shitting on Communism

"You just didn't work hard enough to have a nice house"

"Why should your house be as nice a doctors retard you didn't work as hard as him"

Is that not your rationale?

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>Pushing an ideology invented by a lazy kike bum who was always looking for an excuse to steal from hard working people.
Hmm, I wonder why nobody respected him when he was alive, not even his own family. I wonder why he was always described as smelly and lazy..

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the holocaust is a jewish lie the holodomor is a capitalist lie

Two sides of the same coin eh?

>i's wants dat
Is that not your rationale, nigger?

Yes, working hard (productivity) should get you more stuff. The fact that that offends you shows how fucking entitled you are and tells me that you probably live a sheltered gated community life in your parents house.

Leninists are fascists trying to justify theirnexploitation of the wokring class by appearing as a "Vanguard" when in reality they are simply creating another expropriating class. The only logically consistent and principled Communist/Socialist are Erfurtians/Kautskyists.

>Let's look at the USSR


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impossible? wageslaved to save for tools, now i am the master, answer to no boss.

oh and gommunism has never worked ever not even in your faggot imagination commie shithead

retard pis infected mutant cum bubble garlgling shit eating fagsack

>USSR had more nutritious food than the US (CIA). Calories consumed actually surpassed the US
It was measured on imports plus production minus exports plus stock of previous year production,not on how much was consumed,and you need more than just calories to be healthy.

>Had the 2nd fastest growing economy of the 20th century after Japan. The USSR started out at the same level of economic development and population as Brazil in 1920, which makes comparisons to the US, an already industrialized country by the 1920s, even more spectacular.
Brazil had 30 mil population in 1920s,USSR had 130 mil.

>Free Universal Health care, and most doctors per capita in the world. 42 doctors per 10,000 population, vs 24 in Denmark and Sweden, 19 in US.
True,but countries like New Zealand at one point also had free Healthcare before the Soviet Union(or it was so cheap it was basically free)

>>Had zero unemployment, continuous economic growth for 70 straight years,the USSR was a planned, non-market economy, so market crashes á la capitalism were pretty much impossible.
It is difficult to prove whether they truly had 0 unemployement,to my knowledge everything related to the topic was lost.

>Free education for all
Many other countries had or have this.Unless you are talking about college.

>Saved the world from nazism, killed 7/10 fascist soldier, bearing the brunt of casualties in WW2. Nazis were in retreat after the battle of Stalingrad in 1942, a full 2 years before the US landed troops in normandy.
"Saved" Heh

>Double life expectancy. After the October revolution, the life expectancy for all age groups went up. A newborn child in 1926-27 had a life expectancy of 44.4 years, up from 32.3 years thirty years before. In 1958-59 the life expectancy for newborns went up to 68.6 years. Eliminated poverty.
Of course after the October Revlution life expectancy increase Russia was at war,and they had different definitions of poverty so harder to track.

marx wasnt his name
it was moses mordechi levy
he was a kike
the eternal enemy of all that is good

I hate capitalism and communism equally

>>USSR Had zero homelessness. Houses were often shared by two families throughout the 20s and 30s – so unlike capitalism, there were no empty houses, but the houses were very full. In the 40s there was the war, and in the 50s there were a number of orphans from the war. The mass housing projects began in the 60s, they were completed in the 70s, and by the 70s, there were homeless people, but they often had genuine issues with mental health.
Absolute bullshit. I'm from an ex-ussr state. There were plenty homeless in the 70s/80s, they were 99% alcoholics. The militia would just move them, but they would congregate in usual areas.

>>Ended sex inequality. Equal wages for men and women were mandated by law, but sex inequality, although not as pronounced as under capitalism, was perpetuated in social roles
Bad thing,"from each according to his ability"

>>USSR Had zero homelessness. Houses were often shared by two families throughout the 20s and 30s – so unlike capitalism, there were no empty houses, but the houses were very full. In the 40s there was the war, and in the 50s there were a number of orphans from the war. The mass housing projects began in the 60s, they were completed in the 70s, and by the 70s, there were homeless people, but they often had genuine issues with mental health.
It would be better if the building weren't an eyesore and they were built to be safe to live within.

>In 40 years, Communism gave you: First satellite, rocket, space walk, man, woman, animal, space station, moon and mars probes.
All thanks to the contributions of Natsoc scientists and their rocket technology and also thanks to great Russian minds,not necessarly thanks to communism.

No idea where this idea about Marx being lazy comes from. He worked as a journalist in his early life, completed a Phd, was constantly organising workers groups, and worked 16-20 hour days for over a decade writing books. If his politics were not so radical, he could have been a university professor. He got lucky that Engels saw his genius and importance and chose to fund him.

>impossible? wageslaved to save for tools, now i am the master, answer to no boss.
You answer to the master of corporations and customers.

im in fact not answering right now, i'm letting it ring, i choose if i work or not they need me i dont need them
or you.

Make a new political system you stupid commie bastard. this is getting real old.

>No idea where this idea about Marx
It came from most people who knew him. These tales of him being a hard worker were invented by the lazy commies that came after him.

Communism as defined my Marx himself was the communal ownership of the mans of production, with the key word being "communal".

You own some of it, I own some of it, the other retards in this thread own some of it too.

When was the last time you paid yourself to wear you own underwear? You won't, because its yours.

Communism as a system is a system without money due to the communal ownership of the means of production (including your own labor mind you).

The USSR had money, thus it was per se, according to Marx not a Communist system, but a derivative of involuntary collectivism being socialism.

You people don't even understand your own ideology. Sad.

You don't choose if you work, you must work or you will lose everything. The market will move and you will be left in the dust. Effectively, there is an invisible gun held to your head everyday.

Have you seen his work output? The 3 volumes of capital that exist took decades for people to study. Retard. That's not even mentioning his other output.

Yes, you're both batshit insane

read marx you fucking illiterate piece of moronic shit

what faggot world you live in queer? i can never work again right now and won't lose a damn thing. the market can't move so long as people have a need for my skills. there is no invisible gun you are just a faggot pussy shithead commie faggot nigger jew loving kike whore who NEEEEEEEDSSSS communism to make your tranny hole less uzi

fuck you to death you sad wrong ass fucking nigger

apparently you have missed a few books. also nazism was a political response to communism.

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The market will move on because someone else with your skills will come and take your place, or your skills be rendered irrelevant by new technology or some other exigencies. You write like a mentally ill retard, I'm doubting that you even have a job at this point. I'd wager you're mentally ill.

>A kike wrote a book explaining to future generations that its okay to be lazy, being envious is a virtue, and stealing from your neighbor is okay if they have more stuff than you
Wow, what an accomplishment

>the smartest people to exist in the last 150 years have debated Marx and his ideas, from every political spectrum and philosophical position. Entire destinies were shaped by these debates
>Some mouth breathing American retard that hasn't even read one book from cover to cover thinks his opinion has value

Marx wrote a book on the jewish question as well, so he isn't a kike, but he was ethnically jewish. And he had a very good critique of capitalism. However his ideas were still shit and the people who implemented them were full on kikes

Being backed by the Rothschilds certainly helped.

>he isn't a kike, but he was ethnically jewish

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>complains about propaganda
>espousing procommunism

The irony is so thick right now

de·lu·sion·alDictionary result for delusional



characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.

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Very Based, Marx was /ourguy/
It's a sin to make profit from selling food, it is the right of all.

fuck off flaggot

You are a dumbass. USSR was pure dogshit, i was a young kid when it collapsed. You don't have the slightest clue what you are talking about.

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I'm going to go exercise just going to post this before I go

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Dipshit, in the Soviet Union, if you didn't work (at whatever job you were given) for more than 90 days, you were looking at spending 15 days in jail. You don't know the fucking meaning of the word choose.

>"Lift yourselves up by the bootstraps"
No one says this, this is an army motto meaning that sometimes you have to summon the impossible strength to lift yourself out of any situation. You sound like a faggot who has never faced a hard day and like to play arm chair politician.

Double life expectancy. After the October revolution, the life expectancy for all age groups went up. A newborn child in 1926-27 had a life expectancy of 44.4 years, up from 32.3 years thirty years before. In 1958-59 the life expectancy for newborns went up to 68.6 years.
Penicillin was discovered in 1928

Was Bobby Fischer a kike?

Based Evola. check'd

Bro its not impossible to make something of yourself. I’m borderline retarded and I make pretty decent money.

you got a gambling permit faggot?
if there are people nearby at all my skills are needed until im too old that is a fact period.

you cant replace me if i dont teach you my trade. eat a whole bag of cocks and call someone else i dont serve commie faggots.

You literally always say it in particular in any argument against single mothers or welfare of any kind

"pick yourself up by your bootstraps work hard you fucking parasite why should my taxes pay for you"

"Cut all welfare now why should i pay for a niggers new Jordans and his coalburners son if you want money work fucking hard for it"

That's literally what you hard right and conservative types preach everyday

“Bread lines are proof the gummint cares about the people.” That is some world class retardation, right there.

>>Had the 2nd fastest growing economy of the 20th century after Japan. The USSR started out at the same level of economic development and population as Brazil in 1920, which makes comparisons to the US, an already industrialized country by the 1920s, even more spectacular.
>>Free Universal Health care, and most doctors per capita in the world. 42 doctors per 10,000 population, vs 24 in Denmark and Sweden, 19 in US.
>>Had zero unemployment, continuous economic growth for 70 straight years,the USSR was a planned, non-market economy, so market crashes á la capitalism were pretty much impossible. Free education for all.
How did it collapse, if things were going so well?

>A soviet officer and American officer are bragging about their soldiers.
>The Soviet Officer says that his soldiers thrive on 3600 calories a day.
> The American officer in turn says his soldiers consume 4200 calories a day.
>The Soviet Officer turns to his comrade and whispers:
>"Impossible. Nobody can eat that many potatoes"

Just work hard, accept your place in the hierarchy, and save enough to secure a better future for your children. If decent people need help that’s one thing, but your ideology only consolidates absolute power into the hands of elites, in stark contrast to what we have now.

A way to at least have a slight opportunity for success, considering we’re intelligent and hard working enough.

A guy with nothing will always be happy to share it. A guy that doesn’t have nothing just won’t share.

The truth is ideology is a tempest in a teapot. Geography is always the reason. Ideology is always the excuse. Our Civil War is a great example. “It was about slavery!” Not one of those abolitionists ever realized that what they were preaching meant they would have to share a country with blacks. Something NONE of them wanted to do.

Boshevism and capitalism are two sides of the same jewish coin. Soviets made the holocaust up and capitalists may have very well done tbe same with the Holodomor.

Seriously. The farts of the Russian Army must have been horrendous.

>Mass graves in Vinnytsia were discovered during the German occupation of Ukraine in 1943


tbqh food consumption in USSR was higher, than in 90`s

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>being on an ample surplus of welfare and being told to work is considered picking yourself up by your boot straps

>not keeping your legs closed
>my problem

Shit, you've gone full retard.

Now use his reaction pic on yourself

>after a literal starting point of fuck all after a huge war and a civil war, life expectancy rose and things generally got better

Would have been more impressive if they got worse desu

>tbqh food consumption in USSR was higher, than in 90`s
The 90s were a trasition period makes sense that food consumption was low.
What is that image btw?

I think the biggest question about Holodomor is if it happened on purpose or just happened because of mismanagement.

trump is more of a marxist than you'll ever be

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>were a trasition period

it longed for 20 years, in other words, we`ve lost 20 years of development

This is why you never debate flat earthers, creationists, or communists.

What is wrong with communists, seriously? I don't understand how one can be so ignorant of the historical facts of communism's direct consequences like massive, horrific famines and tens of millions of deaths. Can someone please explain this to me? I honestly do not get it. Not "hating on" communists, either.

>Pushing an ideology invented by a lazy kike bum who was always looking for an excuse to steal from hard working people.
You're describing capitalism. the only people stealing from hard working people are Rich people

Yep,the same happened to Portugal after the collapse of the Estado Novo,but we weren't plundered as hard as Russia.

Spoked as a real slave.

>You're describing capitalism. the only people stealing from hard working people are Rich people
Both communism and capitalism are jewish.

>Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
>not communist
wow are you some kind of genius ?

War and terrible social policies by the corrupt bourgeois class who used communism to justify their own exploitation of the system, to much bureaucracy making it stagnant and causing internal conflict lead to people keeping information to themselves, not cooperating with any one else, every one tried cutting corners and bribery and secrecy became common. communism was not the reason for the USSR to collapse since they didn't have real communism.

He is right under Marx's definition they wouldn't be considered socialist.
