Anyone else happy that Jow Forums is waking up about Trump?
Anyone else happy that Jow Forums is waking up about Trump?
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Not really, it's mostly just the skitzo's who are scared of jews, disappointed that he's not gassing all the kikes and executing all niggers and deporting all Mexicans.
I still think he's doing good for the country.
What exactly is he doing good
Trump is good for America, literally the best president in U.S. history.
What is he doing good
He’s flooding the chans with discord trannies like you
the wall: done.
Just preventing the ascension of two kikes to the Supreme Court is enough to make him a top 3 President.
>a leaf
go back to discord, tranny. You haven't changed anyone's minds yet
The economy: great
Job outlook: incredible
Illegal immigration: being stopped
Military: funded well
Supreme Court: conservative leaning
Despite all the negative coverage and a bullshit investigation that’s gone on too long, he’s managed to be pretty good.
What does Q say about Jared Kushner?
OK user, back to your room.
>The economy: great
if you’re a billionaire
>Job outlook: incredible
if you’re an h1b parasitic shitskin
>Illegal immigration: being stopped
legal immigration of h1b shitskins unbounded
It's being built right now shill
No, because nobody's waking up to Trump.
Shills are on the downlow right now.
That always precedes a big Jewish scheme that makes the board uninhabitable for a month.
Also Jow Forums doesn't seem even remotely as Stormfront as it used to be back when it was more entertaining.
Not enough redpill generals I presume.
What discord server is that
Pretty much this
>shill declaring shills are achieving literally anything
What a day. See you in hell faggot.
it seems this thread has struck a nerve with the israeli botnet
shut up shill. fence is a code word for wall!
MIGA, fellow goy
Stop shilling faggot
But they can't dig under that fence or just cut the metal sheets. Btfo.
He's turned out to be just like all the rest and MAGA was a meme. The Nationalist talk was all BS. If anything we are more Jew controlled than ever. Just more proof that our election process will never bring about real change.
£Proof trump is a pedophile and acosta sec of labor and Jeffrey epstein prosecutor covered it up
>Just preventing the ascension of two kikes to the Supreme Court
Any Republican would have done that.
>throw rope over
>grab rope through gap
>tie to base
its neither a wall or a fence
He is
"the country"
Based & redpilled
a bit too late , dont you think ??
they played you like a FIDDLE ...
can't believe his family didn't run a background check on those people before swearing in
this. the stormtards left Jow Forums long ago. the solid maga people here are logical civic nationalists that support legal immigration and understand how important ally is Israel in the greater scheme
Still a barrier kike
>Trump literally said at every rally during the election
"I will be Israel's greatest friend" Using this tired shill tactic shows how lost (you) guys are.
all those things BENEFITS one foreign country and you know it too
Everyone forgets that
lol non of these have been done or its the same that it has been
nice effort tho
Shill harder.
Kek what are you on about? Same number of pro trump posts here this week as last. The recent shill raids accomplished nothing just like the last hundred raids. Jow Forums is still the same ocean of piss, even worse it is spreading throughout the internet and increasingly real life inspite of censorship. Tell me the alternative to trump if not shill?
please tell me ur not fat
and if you're not can u honestly not climb that?
fat women arent the ones crossing the border its beaner men that look for work outside lowes
what does the book say about him being married to the daughter of a prostitute?
The only reason unemployment is down is because everyone's working part time with these rediculous new wages. Small businesses aren't willing to hire full time employees for the costs so they hire 2 or 3 part timers to cover the same shifts, that way they don't have to give benefits
Lol I like how Migapedes hold onto that verbal claim as sacrosanct but things like "build the wall" and "drain the swamp" and "lock her up" were never meant to be taken seriously.
these honorary subhumans watch every one of trumps rallies and have these lies drilling into their puny brains so often that they believe him even though he is a proven liar for votes. he promised an EO to end birthright citizenship for votes during the midterm only to never mention it again after the election. they’re pathetic and will defend anything trump does or doesn’t do.
T: never used discord
Kavanaugh is a fucking turn coat faggot.
>MIGApedes from R*ddit are STILL shitting up my board
I wouldn't mind these people if they weren't so dishonest. Press any one of them hard enough and you're a "discord tranny." Not even JIDF-Stormfag posting was as obnoxious.
he allowed the ascension of one kike to the white house, far worse; meet your rogue president.
Yes and no. It's a barometer of the right generally waking up, and the right needs to wake up to Trump's failures. That said, the effect of an increasingly radicalized right waking up to those failures will be an increase in violence. This is necessary, but tragic, so I feel conflicted.
The lest thing you want to do when your running a global conspiracy is to make it illegal to question such a secret organization, for that merely validates the theories of conspiracy theorists, such as are prevalent on Jow Forums
no, to get that award he has to start a war with England and win
thats the only path for him, otherwise he is total shit
Tell us your alternative and there will be an end to the horror. Hard mode no bullshit that amounts to not voting.
you realize this was the lefts tactics to bernie voters for clinton, right? protip: shitting on your base and claiming it’s fine because the alternative is shit too only demoralizes your base and will cost trump the election just like it cost hillary the election.
Fatalist & looser
poignant post
You mean that he, along with EVERYONE ELSE in American politics is bought and paid for by evil Jewish motherfuckers who serve Israel and Israelis over their own citizens?
oh really? than how come the german government can put 90 year old grandmas in jail for wrong think whitout the public even noticing?
it’s too late to do anything. the jews simply aren’t hiding it anymore because they do not have to. they are 100% in control already.
Just like everybody in our government strange that huh. If he was a threat to the establishment he would've been Ron Paul'd not promoted. Face it we've been had. Trump is mega kiked from the heart of new york.
This. I also think ShariaBlue is back at it with another demoralization campaign.
There is no alternative we have nobody real in the movement. Ron Paul was real and he got censored off the Television not promoted. Trump is a kike shill and we are not tranny discord time to accept real pol knows what it's talking about and you summer kid redditeers should start listening.
>demoralization campaign.
trump did that himself, you can’t blame anyone pointing it out by calling them shills.
He's keeping the Dems from completely taking over. He is resisting their open borders, unlimited welfare, and unlimited taxation platform. Good enough for you? That is WHY the leftists scream and cry about him so much. He is thwarting their evil plans.
Yes and worse because the paid shills have become so noticeable. Cmon they didn't off you usa proxies when you answered the craigslist add?
Trump is over. This is coming from boomer fucks who don't even know what pol is and actually make up most of his voter base.
This a new shill meme?
Yeah ok tranny
It primarily benefits the US. If someone else benefits from it, that is OK. Our policy should be to improve our country, not harm our country to harm others. You sound like you have an extremely low IQ, get over to the HuffPo or Vox, they like retards like you.
Fuck off shill
Building a wall
fuck off tranny nigger
No he's not. His popularity is rising and he's getting shit done
I don't know if you're a mohammad or a tranny.
So i'm just going to assume your one of those faggots that got a mandatory sex change in iran just to keep from getting your faggot head chopped off.
the first half of this post makes no sense
>if i keep saying things that will make them true
The alternative is so much shittier though. Tbh between the media and every random fag shitting on him even when innocent, it has made the things he is guilty of seem like so much bullshit because of how dishonestly liberals went about it. They just trained his base in a palovian fashion to not give a damn, plus the alternative hates his base anyways so why not shit on those assholes. I dont think trump has anything to fear as hes clearly not bernie and his support is growing.
Only dickheads thinking Trump was going to start the 4th Reich are deeply disappointed. And those people aren’t old enough to vote anyway.
>I still think he's doing good for the country*
not an argument. honestly if hillary won would Jow Forums be so complacent right now? no. we would have our own yellow vest movement in the USA right now. trump is a safety valve on white anger about our genocide from our own nation. wake the fuck up faggot.
If only they were a challenge to break. Its a shame intelligent shills can't be provided for our amusement. But I guess you get what you pay for.
So give up and do nothing? In that case im going to vote trump for lulz since it doesnt matter anyway right?
cancelling H-1B Visas and building the wall for start
>Hey fellow teens! Aren’t you glad that we no longer like President Drumpf! He’s a puppet of Israel or something. We should all vote for Bernie Sanders!
Because Germany has been irreversibly cucked by 60 years of effectively foreign rule.