
How many of you Kike Worship?

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Other urls found in this thread:; Ideology Organization and Policy - Dieter Scwarz.pdf

Gets to the top of the white section, only to find out it's a jewy club

I'm kinda a meme newby

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I'm a 32 Degree KCCH Mason as well as a York Rite Mason and I've met 2 Jewish Brothers in my jurisdiction, so I'll say, next to none


Nope. CO

imagine being this mad that youre not part of a club

imagine being so pathetic you lie about having "status" in the masonic world, to impress people on the internet

Can you please stop harassing my family you already have the fortune why continue?

Nothing to lie about. In fact, /pol is the most anti-masonic place I've ever visited.

I'll tell them to stop

Man on the right was at my initiation. Bought me a pint top lad wooters.

Congrats Brother! When UGLE decided to air that show, there were a lot of US Masons that were upset. Ended up being a great show!

Satan is going to make a bitch out the Jews and their Mason patsies for being evil dicks after they physically die and consciously transfer into Absolute physics. Who said they wouldn't? The Jews? Well why did you believe them, they're in denial here.

youre not 32nd degree
I'd put money on it

Plenty of dudes have been masons for at least two or three days, bro.

Stop being fucking idiots
It's literally Jews who push anti-freemason stuff
>oy vey goys It's not us it's those damn freemasons
Now they push the characterisation of masonry as Jewish to keep the focus on that organisation, and not truly Jewish organisations, and Jews themselves
Come on guys, don't fall for it. These fuckers will make anyone else a target to protect (((themselves)))

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Ok. Let's put money on it. I've been a Mason for 21 years. Do you know how long it takes to become a 32nd Degree?

Insanely true!

The old man in the end confessed he had made huge mistake. Right before he died. Putting the lodge before family.

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Then he did it wrong. Family, work and faith always come before Lodge obligations.

This is literally the lecture given to all EA's after their degree.

show me your grand lodge cert :)

Are you not looking at the flag before making all these stupid posts?

Scotland did their own version which was a bit more in depth. Thing with the home grand lodges is that after ww2 everyone went full on secret squirrel seeing all the shit that happened to continental bretheren and Masons in the grand orients. So for the past few years ugle has been on a pr campaign in order to involve masons more in the community as a positve force rather than a club of reclusive old coppers and servicemen. Which it still is but things at craft and royal arch level are being cleaned up so ugle can state that everything they are officially running goes is clean and honest.

it's the shabbos goy society for circles and it's been like that ever since the Hyksos dynasty

And yet you almost always forget.

We don't receive certificates from the GL. We receive a patent from the House of the Temple

the retards can't meme

Wait, jews are allowed to be freemasons?


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I've never once forgotten. I have never missed a family event to go to a Lodge event.

are you the other guy that LARPs in all the mason threads I take it?

Burden of proof etc.
prove to me youre even a mason

We see what UGLE is doing on the other side of the pond. I think it's good for growing The Craft

How would you like me to do that? You aren't a Mason. The modes of recognition wouldn't mean anything to you.

It's sad that that man was possessed.

The Scottish one was way better. None of the "we're just a chill club, guys!", instead focusing on the real stuff. Surely Ireland should follow suit and do an even better one, then claim they did it first.

Again, do you know how long it takes to become a 32nd Degree Mason? I know you don't, so I will tell you.

Once you are a Master Mason, the 4th-32nd degrees are conferred over a 3 day weekend. That's why Masons laugh when people talk about "high level" Masons.

how do you know I'm not a mason?
Your word is as good as mine, and mine as good as yours

Oh you aren’t what you say. Lies again. We aren’t talking events here.

Do you know what the Scottish show was called? Would love to see it.

do you just make up whatever bullshit you want and hope people will believe you, and not call you out on it or what?

I thought Christians were the bitch of the Jew? I

From whence came you?

Was he? Are all the bitches in here possessed? Or the kikes?
Are they?
You sound like woman pulling that compassion shit out of her fucking murderous cunt.
These people are going to hell. Forever.

Christians do it all the time. Some of them had to step up their game

What are you talking about then? Where our hearts lie?

Secrets of the Masons
It's not on iPlayer, but it was on pirate bay or some streaming site.
We've had a bunch of showings here, because of all the Scottish lodges.

Thats not going to identify me as a mason, you sperg
did you buy a ceremony book and just assume the words mean things without proper context or direction?

Thanks Brother!

During opening of a lodge on the second degree, what does the SW say to describe a square?

What order are the candles lit during opening in a Blue Lodge?

buddy, I'm not as dumb as you
I took an oath, I'm not gonna break it

You know they fuck your family if you fuck up right? Eventually you’ll be asked to fuck somebody too. You have to be okay with it even if it’s your family.

Americans rarely have patents, so they often rely on obtuse code words and sayings which vary greatly from area to area.
Dues cards are the closest they have to identifying documents.

Ya'll have candles? Lucky.

you are a Cowan. Your obilgation is to not reveal any of the secret arts, parts or points. Not the verbage used in opening any just and regularly constituted lodge.

Your picture is literally just some Jew faggot trying to take credit for something unrelated to Jews.
Can't you see that?
They want so badly to be perceived as powerful, influential, good, that they try to insert their slimy Jewry into everything where it doesn't belong.
>omg goys, George Washington and every mason after him followed our teachings!
also that video is just silly
turn your brain on and stop letting yourself get played by (((them)))

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I've always wanted to be part of these secret clubs
Feels like a nice fit
never worked out how to get in
already weird enough that asking randos if they are part of grp x so I can apply would lose me all social ties
always thought it's unrealistic to simply get an invite because they'd notice me considering I try not to shine anyway

accepted a while back it wont happen
recently stopped giving a shit
fuck em and their fancy networks
I'll build a better world myself
with or without the easy doors

If I had to carry my patent around, it would be a little tough.

We do use tapers and our lodge requires the SD to light them with a match. We push them to be able to do it with one match. It's a rite of passage before becoming a principle officer...and it's hilarious.

Just ask your closest lodge

Where’s the America is a golden calf to be butchered and sold to the highest bidder quote by bibi.

It's easy. Send your local lodge an email. Or find out when they have dinner and just show up. Ask tons of questions.

>Was he?
You tell me. It looks like he awoke out of a stupor. But he walked back in to the (((temple))) and was most likely repossessed.
>Are all the bitches in here possessed?
They are more articulate than the lad in the video, that's for sure. Possessed? Not sure, but we'll find out on Judgement Day.
>The kikes?
No shit. Is that even questionable at this point?
>You sound like woman pulling that compassion shit out of her fucking murderous cunt.
Lel ok lass. Nothing wrong with feeling pity for a lost soul. Enjoy your dinner for one tonight.

it's actually so painfully obvious how much of a bullshitter you are
hopefully one day someone will pity you enough to actually invite you to a lodge, so you can stop LARPing all the shit you've learned from reading conspiracy sites, a ritual book and """candid""" videos

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I'm all for levity, but that seems somewhat inappropriate. But hey, at least ya'll have more atmosphere.
And we carry around our patents in the same case as our regalia. The presentation explicitly states not to frame it because it needs to be shown at any new lodge.

They better, my lodge is an athol association lodge so we know where we stand on that argument

yes christians are at the lowest point on the totem pole, freemasons are the elevated bitches of the jew but still considered goyim

I've argued the same in the past until I had to go through it myself. Then I got it. It's great to see the new SD's practicing walking around with lit matches.

We don't wear anything other than our prayer caps at SR here. They have a little slot inside the cap to hold your dues cards. The SR wear aprons, but the sideliners wear caps only.

It's true, they call it fast tracking, they only do it for people worth their while though.

I, too, have heard this.

Here it is. Our greatest ally folks.

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Oh, c'mon; you're from the amerifat brigade. You can buy your master's signet ring after a year of booger flicking and LARPing about the good 'ol days when you get your degree. I think that would be plenty enough of proof for anyone in the know.

>We don't wear anything other than our prayer caps at SR here.
I meant the Master Mason patent. And yea, our 33rds wear the wee caps, but they have sashes too. You're also meant to carry around every single patent you get in your apron briefcase for when you go to a meeting, and that can be tough, since I already have a binder full of the bastards.

It's normal practice in the SJ and NMJ. Reunions at Valleys are where one joins, and you only have to see 3-4 degrees before getting 'capped' and considered a full 32nd member.

Imagine somebody that’s 4 feet tall talking like this about you to everyone he know. Now imagine you know about it and give him your lunch money to leave you alone. But he just takes it and spits in your face. Imagine being The president of the United States of America.

At Blue Lodge, we don't have patents for the MM. Just a dues card and if you have a ball buster of a Tyler (which we do), they will ask for the Tyler's oath.

Our SR exemplifies about half of the degrees and then the others are taught in a classroom setting. Our reunions are in the Fall and Spring. They switch which degrees are exemplified. So if you go to both reunions, you get to see all of them.

Of course, the 4, 13, 14, 30, 31, 32 are exemplified at all reunions.

you believe that a ring is a mode of recognition?

All Protestants are Freemasons.

Is it more preferable to doxx yourself on Jow Forums? Naturally, you have no obligation either way, but:

A) Never known anyone to cheap out on an etsy novelty ring
B) Nonmembers are just like those hobos pretending to be vets

not all. Freemasonry has strong Germanic backbone that has been largely diluted by the introduction of more heavily semitic elements by virtue of many, many members being christians

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All Catholics are pimps who wear crimson and gold. See how stupid that sounds? We all know it’s just the clergy don’t we?

New Testament says jews killed Christ. That’s about as anti-Semitic as it gets.

You should brush up on your Masonic vernacular

>also that video is just silly
Well i have another one, sillier than this. And another one after that.
You cowardly lying pieces of shit think you can hide and murmur. You think and act exactly like the fucking satanic kikes.
Everything you and others do will come to the light and will be exposed.
Dumb faggots keep licking kike ass.

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"Freemasonry is an ideological form of hostility to National
Socialism, the significance of which, in the historical develop-
ment of the past two centuries, must be deemed comparable to
the effects of other supranational organizations, the political
churches, world Jewry, and Marxism. In its present form, it
must be viewed as the bourgeois-liberal advance troops of World

It corrupts the principles of all forms of government based
on racial and folkish considerations, enables the Jews to achieve
social and political equality, and paves the way for Jewish
radicalism through its support for the principles of freedom,
equality, and brotherhood, the solidarity of peoples, the League
of Nations and pacifism, and the rejection of all racial differ-

With the help of its international connections and entangle-
ments, Freemasonry interferes in the foreign policy relation-
ships of all peoples, and pursues, through governmental leaders,
secret foreign and world policies which escape the control of
those in government."

Organization and Policy; Ideology Organization and Policy - Dieter Scwarz.pdf

Through its personal influences and economic favoritism,
Freemasonry ensures that all dominant positions of the public,
economic, and cultural life of a people are filled with lodge
brethren, who in fact translate the concepts of Freemasonry
into action.

The notion of tolerance, which is anchored in the “Ancient
Duties” and was further developed together with the Masonic
ideal of humanity in the France of the Enlightenment, enabled
the Jews, with the help of Freemasonry, to penetrate bourgeois
society at an early date in England and France, and then to
achieve emancipation. In 1723 and 1725, Jewish names already
appear in the membership lists of English Masonic lodges. In
1 732, one lodge changed the meeting from Saturday evening to
Sunday simply to permit Jewish members to take part in the
work of the lodge.

I'm just some associate, don't mind my lack of liturgy

Why the fuck does anyone want to join the Satan boyscouts club? Bullied in highschool? Daddy left you?

uh, ok

They think Washington’s masons still exist. 90% of mason lodges are bars with a pool table but when shit comes down the pike they act. Without question.

>He doesn't know Jesus is a metaphor for the Sun.

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Sunday being the day of rest for Christians. Ever since there’s been an internal power struggle because jews again.


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>He doesn't know that sun worship was a subversion of Christianity introduced many years after Jesus died.

>1 732, one lodge changed the meeting from Saturday evening to
>Sunday simply to permit Jewish members to take part in the
>work of the lodge.
Unlikely. Lodges aren't allowed to meet on a Sunday.

Not in the US either. Lodges that meet on Saturdays have some of the lowest membership numbers.

I’ve had an attempt on my life by a friend of the family. I don’t care do you?

The 32d degree is open to any master mason who wants too pay Scottish rite dues where I'm from, he might actually be