It’s not about a cost

>it’s not about a cost

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This is a good sign, it means Psycho-kamala is not supported by the inside media structure like Clinton was.

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>Liberal ideas in a nutshell

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She's a fucking idiot. The US is not so stupid to miss this, She'll be bounced out shortly.

That’s because, to the Democratic machine, all of the current candidates are simply fodder for the one true candidate, Michelle Obama.
She will announce VERY late and avoid any scrutiny. No long drawn out primary race.

Am I banenes

This is why Harris is trash, along with jailing parents who's kids don't attend school, and supporting foreign aid for Israel, and being "tough on crime." She doesn't even understand how universal healthcare could work, yet she espouses it because it's become popular in the past few years.

Yep. Almost worth the L to watch hillary lose her mind on tv

They'll pay for it with all the reparations money from white people.

What doctor wouldn't want to work in a field where they could charge whatever they want? Look what guaranteed fed loans did for education


Plausible, but I can't see her doing a debate with Trump. Plus I am pretty sure she said she has no desire to run.

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don't be so sure. they've already replaced so much of the population and the balance shifts further by the day.

Interdasting. But wouldn't it be better to have a black female to represent the party? It's their turn.

>not about cost
when you're spending other peoples money it never is

But the border wall is too expensive.

You know a democrat is lying when their lips are moving. This cunt needs to go.

At the end of the day the central banks have to be portrayed as saviors or the good guys. They are the ones who have created and enabled Governments to enter debt slavery and transferred wealth to the top.
UBI is an example of a program where the FED can be seen as the good guy, AOC said the FED can just print wealth and give it away.
This is the end goal, central bank dependency on a personal level. Governments are beholden to them, corporations are beholden to them and now they want people. The head of the beast are these usurers who will enslave us all.

This guy gets it.

she should just have said Mexico will pay for it


What I find most surprising is that CNN actually did real journalism, they must not like her.

She's just the mystery meat bait and switch to keep the pet nigs onboard until the real candidate shows up

Verified check.
Like chess check, it's Twitter.



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We've run out of other people's money. It's now all dependent on debt monetization with QE, NIRP/ZIRP, whatever else the un-audited central banks collude upon. Look at Powell capitulating at 2.5% interest. "Normalization" will never happen, central banking debt monetization is all that's left, that's banana republic territory and is in contrast to what Ben Bernanke said to congress at the time.

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Aye, this could be the beast.

>it’s not about a cost
What Will It Take To Make You Understand And Accept That They Hate You?

Murder is, after all, how leftists roll. The USSR, Red China, Cambodia, North Korea, Cuba – that cadaver-strewn litany teaches what’s lurking at the bottom of the slope we’re sliding down. The Dems are spooning with socialism, and the goal of socialism is written in blood on the pages of history. The unapproved must be liquidated, and they are making no secret that you are unapproved.

>it’s not about a cost
Yes. Because white people will be paying for it.

Taxes are being used as a tool for financial repression, if AOC is suggesting UBI for all, you could instead do away with taxes altogether and have the FED pick up the bill. That's the end goal anyways, interest on debt is approaching 1 trillion a year with record low interest rates. What happens when it eclipses all tax receipts? ....bad things.

Schlichter uses the right tone but fucks up his narrative by appealing to the Left's morality with the Dems R the Real Racists

>when it eclipses all tax receipts?
Jews win?

She can't run, she'd be afraid they'd pull her birth certificate that showed she's actually a man.

After thr scam they pulled why would they fuck it up by stepping back in for diminishing cash returns? Theyre already set for life