Women Are More Red-Pilled Than Men Are


Attached: huwhite.jpg (612x408, 34K)

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On race - Maybe, yea
On Dating or their own role in it? oh no

Gen Z girls date black guys because the alternative is dating a spineless gen Z basedboy like those in the video. It's white men that need to step up. There's a lot wrong with black men but they aren't anywhere near as easily emasculated.

are they?

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>Gen Z girls date black guys
Some do, the vast majority do not. Point is moot on this basis alone

>gen Z basedboy like those in the video
They are a very small minority as well and you can obviously tell they have been brainwashed into thinking white = bad
One of em fucking outright says "When i think of white pride, i think of nazis"
The ginger dude is what Jow Forums would describe as the jews finest work, a complete useful idiot who thinks black = good because muh oppression and white = bad

>black men but they aren't anywhere near as easily emasculated.
Ok first off arent black men the most likely to be gay/queer? i read that in a study somewhere that broken homes fucks up the son and black fathers are notoriously absent

See my post above yours.

These people are retarded.

How many straight black men do you think support gay marriage and think flirting with a woman is rape? I would hazard a guess that even per capita it's far far less than straight men who buy into that shit.

Millennials on Jow Forums whinging about "zoomers" when these are the kind of bints and fags their generation is made up of, lmao

than straight white men*

But my jubilance beam is.

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Doesn't matter because every 28 days they bleed from their pussy and do something mentally incompetent

check statistics - white women racemix less thna white men

The entire video:
>muh fees fees
The future is fucked

Those are millennials you memeflag dolt

Does this matter?

The white guy has been brainwashed into thinking being white is a sin, now you...i dunno complain? about him expressing this view?

if you taught young black boys they are evil because they are black and criminal thugs who rape and white guys that they are superior youd have the opposite effect.
People do and act as they are raised, we see this effect here

Also the white men are so fucking effeminate it's fucking hilarious. I can see why white women fuck off to other men.

That wasnt my point

The guys in OP video have been raised with white guilt, they were told from birth that being white was bad and being a white man was bad,¨
Black men arent raised with this and still white women choose their own men

Imagine if we raised little white boys the same way we raise black ones

Lol, niggers have a higher rate of homosexuality, wtf are you talking about?

women are inferior to men and cant into personal agency. Given that they imprint like animals, by design women CANNOT be red pilled. They engage in mimicry if a big strong dude is protecting them. It is all about the man

No one cares about your e-thot.

'it would be glorious. it was glorious

I don't believe women can be red pilled, they can only mimic, same with blacks.

Very incorrect.

>Listening to what a bunch of hipster have to say
lol no

>It's always men who have to do this and that
Nah, women have had it their way for a couple of decades now, maybe more. This is the result. They can't fuck everything up and then say "omg men, fix our mess" every fucking time. Like it has happened before, nature will follow suit. Stronger men will kill weaker men and women will be claimed as bounty/property. Yes, those men might be the muslims this time around. I don't make the rules.

>Imagine if we raised little white boys the same way we raise black ones
with more single mothers and a victim complex?

No but told young white boys to be proud of being white and that being white was a good thing.
And vice versa telling young black boys to feel shame for black crime rates and barbarism in Africa

That’s a nigglito

I don't think I disagree with your general sentiment. I just think that raising white children the way retarded Negress welfare queens raise their children wouldn't help anything. The nigger male's lack of good masculine role models is worse than for men. Which is why they die at 22 over crack or become a flaming faggot. At least the beta whites are functioning members of society and are mostly straight.

*is worse than for white men.

>I just think that raising white children the way retarded Negress welfare queens raise their children wouldn't help anything
Agreed, black people have issues but nobody tells black people to feel ashamed for being black or that its evil to be black because blacks are the majority of criminals.

>At least the beta whites
Yeah and like i said, imagine how few beta whites there would be if we raised white people with a sense of racial pride.

>Imagine if we raised little white boys the same way we raise black ones

My understanding of the emasculation of whites, asians and even jews has a great connection with having a job classified as white-collar in this era of globalization (blue collar workers BTFO).

I have always associated emasculation with the bourgeoisie and its vices.

>My Morning Routine with Jesus

Attached: 1551113559276.jpg (400x400, 25K)

Two indoctrinated SJWs trying to convince the room.

(((staged))), as always
I'm willing to bet you can find linkedIn accounts with those faces for actors.

>I live a privileged life
Found my waifu.

Condolences to whoever marries this thing.

Say aye if you're a male and you are redpilled.
Now to prove you're redpilled drop a redpill.
Here is a couple.
Zionist Jews and Rabbis, are claiming Jared Kushner as their long awaited moshiac, aka the messiah, aka possibly the anti-christ.
There is an extraterrestrial civilization infiltrating the ranks of humanity. I'm not referring to the bullshitter, David Ike. There are reptilians, but they're in the upper hierarchy of the aliens.
The hybrid that have infiltrated us are not shape shifting reptilians, they look just like you and I. Except they have exceptional psy abilities. They are formed by human and extraterrestrial DNA. And they are here. With us. Next to you. In the grocery store. At the post office. They work along next to you. They are here.


>sample size of 6
>youtube video made by established company
Show your nose you filthy kike

women are more racist and ignorant but not redpilled

as expected the muslim girls are the only redpilled amongst them. Fuck wh*te women. Islam is the future

but they smell, have black nipples, pubic hair on their head and chest (if they got any body hair)
A black man could be my best friend but I couldn't touch him naked.

post tits

based hamplanet

They have certainly witnessed more evil from the whores of babylon in cinematic visions for the third eye blind. After all thats where the devil pimps the plot to kill the son of God.

Generally true. Men think, women feel. Not necessarily a bad thing. Manipulating a woman's vindictiveness is a key strat for educating her, especially when it's directed toward other women of similar social standing, i.e. her bitch "friends".