ive NEVER seen anyone shop there.
What is mattressfirms deal?
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Kid shop
its a front. jk they probably do online sales and like to have small brick and mortar stores in neighborhoods that hardly break even, but with the benefit of dvertising their brand
maybe cocaine idk
I bought my mattress there.
Matresses have become controversial, facilitating rape and all...
>Let’s put a store on every block for a product people buy once a decade!
Only boomers ever shop there and buy an overpriced atrophy inducing McMatress. Real men sleep on hard surfaces.
I love seeing these threads. Because it is really fucking weird. The best logical conclusion I can come up with is you have to store them somewhere, and this way, people see them. Sort of. But even that doesn't make sense because a warehouse has to be cheaper than a billion storefronts with rent, electric, employees, upkeep, etc.
Suspicious as fuck
Money laundering.
Good post. Lmao
I got a mattress there. It’s shit.
i think mattresses are like televisions, there are a bunch out there but only a few actually manufacture them
in my town there are several locations that have stores literally right next to or directly across the street from each other & the parking lot(s) are always empty
it would be like seeing 2 mcdonald's right next to each other - legit franchises dont really do this
>captcha: pick all the store fronts
No it isn’t. The executives are just going to eventually file for bankruptcy and get their eight figure golden parachutes. Private equity will sell all the assets and America’s capital class will all be richer. Lern 2 vampire capitalism.
I wish she did some normal stuff. She's cute, but the degeneracy level is pretty high.
Same with dollar general. Why the fuck are there so many of them? With their logistics setup, it's perfect for trafficking people or drugs.
Mattresses are pretty expensive so they don't need to sell many to break even.
Plus most will go for cheaper lot rent locations.
profit margins on mattresses are insane. a mattress that sells for $1000 might cost the company $100 all costs included. such margins allow them to operate in this way.
>Dollar General on every block
That is because most Americans can only afford goods from there, conspiriatard
>ive NEVER seen anyone shop there.
Oh don't be silly... look, I found a shopper
they used to be called sleepys
Bullshit. Their prices aren't even good.
Whoops.. I meant to stop being a flaggot
It's some kind of front. You pay in one and pick up in the one across the street.
I'd believe that if they didn't always build 2 or 3 at the same intersections.
I've always been really curious how these places stay open. Let alone how many mattress stores you see.
I mean people buy a mattress like once every 10 years. Is there really that much of a market? Are the mattress stores waxing people really hard on the price so they are making insane profit?
Is something more nefarious going on?
They used to run ads that told you to replace them every 1-2 years. There might be a secret population of old fuckers who do just that and nobody ever sees them because they call in for delivery or just wake up really early to go mattress shopping.
why does this exist and why is the word ADULT plastered behind her so many times?
I don't know if they are a front, but I do know that their company is headed by people who hate all forms of competition
Everyone I know buys mattresses at warehouse clubs.
Nobody goes to these scam stores. There is something fucky going on.
>I... It's a perfectly legitimate b...business model I swear!
t. Mattress Firm Child Rapist
Wow i never thought I'd see the day where we have mattress shills on Jow Forums.
They only need to sell like 1 matress a day to break even. It's basically a permanent billboard with someone working there in case someone makes a wrong turn and accidentally enters the shop.
Who is this cunt