Venezuelan NAVY is about to ATTACK again!
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Not my problem or concern
Will laugh if they nuke California
Attack who? Their own people?
Venezuelan Navy? Never heard of that color
People who actually give a shit for a thousand Alex
You're about to embark on yet another journey into a foreign nation.
You don't care that you will die for Israel?
I guess that’s a way to put all that oil to use.
>you fools! You can’t steal our oil if we use all of it!
Shitposting aside I wonder if Maduro will do something stupid before he loses control over his own men that keep deserting to Colombia and Brazil.
I'm not embarking on anything. I don't even pay taxes. My government can fuck off and die for all I care.
>I don't even pay taxes
What? You don't pay for child sacrifice?
...they have a navy? Because their Air Force is like 16 planes and helicopters.
All those men defecting were paid by the CIA prior to all of them defecting. They are all collaborators and have specific times they will defect. Other time these soldiers are actually Colombians that have dressed up in GNB clothing.
they are going to sink a ship. its in their plan to take the place. I've seen it in dreams
Nice denial burger, but (((someone else))) is about to make it your concern.
I've opted out
they have 3 old italian frigates.
Not likely.
Vuvuzuela BTFO
Imagine we get drafter over this bullshit war
I kinda hope they really do try it, because the footage of the Pacific fleet finding a new excuse to use up hundreds of old expiring tomahawks sounds absolutely amazing.
what a fucking perverse narrative, framing the venezuelan as the aggressor for defending their country from cianiggers, absolutely disgusting
fuckin carlos lives are at stake here!
They are filming Top Gun 2 right now. Time for Maverick to ride again!
imagine being such a cuck that you'd comply instead of sitting in a prison eating free food all day
Shit up nigger I’m sure your shit tier cartel country had something to do with the collapse of that country as well
Imagine being this stupid that you believe you’ll enjoy prison
>shit tier cartel country
>implying Trumpf is not a criminal thug
Black people are about 1,5% in Mexico and about 100% in USA, so that`s nice statement, but pretty wrong
No one is going to get drafted over Venezeula, get that idiotic thought out of your pea brain.
Imagine thinking we'd have to get drafted to fight fucking venezuela
Imagine those sweet ''thank you for your service'' tho
i dont get it
This man is a true patriot
based and true
Yes sure Igor
>FSB in da house muh niggaz
SHIEEET, come and fight with the CIA Niggers in the comments again.
It's entertaining when 2 Jew puppets fight each other! ^-^
>Rubio is horny for war
Is he /our/spic?
>2 Jew puppets fight each other
will you be a referee?
It would be hilarious if burgers got rekt like they did in vietnam.
Based Rubio. We need to help Venezuela be free and democratic like USA! This is what MAGA is all about.
Yes, my Jude (((Kurz))) is the best bitch for Israel.
Come FSB show those CIA Niggers who is boss, and after both of your countries are dead my fellow Austrians will take over.
Can't wait to see America and Russia/China dead, so greater Austria can be built.
Get ready to learn shitty Austrian German bitches!
>Venezuelan "Navy"
>three old and busted cold-war era frigates
>two old and busted cold-war era submarines
>NO aircraft carriers
>NO helicopter carriers
I really do hope they try something against our powerful navy.
just hurry up and send us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses and AIDS already
You can tune in here
attack who? they finally going to stick it to those damn hatians?
patriotism and nationalism is for retards
I wish that was the case user, but the kikes are going to make it our concern
Sure, FSB
I guess the hundreds of malnourished, sick and hurt Venezuelans crossing the border to Roraima must be paid actors or something...
we need to get out of the sandbox death trap that is the middle east and return to manifest destiny. we have yet to finish taking all the america.
all american soil belong to USA
>party officials and foreign Fellow Travellers can get stuff
>that means everyone can get stuff
The hilarious thing is that Jow Forums is doing more for the Venezuelans than their own government.
do you have a link to show me?
cool man let's get it, oh boy just try to knock us to our fucking knees
None that you'd accept. You'd simply attack the source and go back to fantasising about the wonders of communism.
the starving and sick are burning the food and medicine
Navy's a colour.
Never heard of Venezuelan Navy colour because Venezuela has a pathetic navy if any.
the starving and sick
>the entire independent media of the planet says that Venezuela has massive chronic shortages of food and medicine and growing unrest, including footage shot inside Venezuela showing the police and army killing protestors and people trying to escape the country
>but this one dude called WOKEmedia on twitter says it's BS so he must be right
>>the entire independent media of the planet says that Venezuela has massive chronic shortages of food and medicine and growing unrest, including footage shot inside Venezuela showing the police and army killing protestors and people trying to escape the country
the idea that there is such a thing as independent media is dumb
This, they can walk out any time they want, hue hue hue let's do it when there are lots of camaras
>send $30 in btc to venezuelan user
>get 2 week ban
thanks jannies
Never Trust anything that has "woke" on it. It's Leftist slag for muh socialism
guiado is cute as fuck
t. femanon
Ooo stop it didn't work whit horse face AOC it won't work whit Zionist puppet
lol is this denial or cope or what?
>the idea that there is such a thing as independent media is dumb
>that's why I trust any random twitter poster whose opinions match mine
yea nuke with their bananas
sit the fuck down fucking Dingo Fucker
Damn it Carlos!
who said anything about trusting anybody?
According to reports on twitter there was almost a clash on Saturday between a Venezuelan warship and a U.S. aid ship. We were literally minutes away from a Gulf of Tonkin incident which would have certainly triggered a war. The aid ship backed off and returned to port in Puerto Rico though.
Just goes to show you how serious this crisis has become.
What is Venezuelan AA defence like?
implying this all isn't scripted
they havs s300s
>over 15% eat garbage
As opposed to 90% in the US, lel.
Wtf guys
you told me US was going to invade.
Good stuff, CIA niggers op it is then kek
Maybe it is scripted. Still more entertaining than any show you'll see on TV though. War is the greatest show on Earth.
We're not
it is. what do you think the billionaires do at Davos?
Hey USA, I need you to defeat the villains.
Think you can handle that?