#metoo is going after God Emperor

Attached: Screenshot_20190225-103913_Twitter.jpg (719x870, 306K)

It's over.
It's over.

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I have a theory that ugly girls do this as a self-esteem boost.

Pic related is the victim, KeK

Attached: Alva-Johnson.jpg (1200x800, 112K)

>trump kissed her
>grabbed her hand and attempted to kiss her
Already doubting this.

Attached: 21FDB874-E24F-45DF-A375-6D8AF4C75730.jpg (811x621, 515K)

They already tried this in 2016.

Sheboon is taking him down, user

Attached: Screenshot_20190225-104213_Chrome.jpg (719x1028, 390K)

we already know
Q leaked the script you idiot

just relax and watch

Fake it until you make it

>super model wife
>would ever want to touch that sheboon without washing his hands after
Yeah, right

Top zozzle
Campaign staffer my fucking ass

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The ZOGnald confirmed for nigger loving race traitor.


Trump went after pic related, KEK

Attached: ct-trump-lawsuit-campaign-worker-consent-20190-001.jpg (2048x1365, 413K)

Please Ask a hacker called Jow Forums, user



even if this were true, which it's not, a fucking kiss is not sexual assault

Drumpft wanted to try something new, user

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Nope. Proof required or fuck off.

Attached: t3Cf7sg.jpg (1440x2063, 209K)

Wow you literally nazi