The MEDITERRANEAN man is the peak of male aesthetics...

The MEDITERRANEAN man is the peak of male aesthetics. I do not understand why anyone would want to be a Nordoid as a male. Nordoids have feminine features.

Attached: Marco-Bocci-ghj.jpg (1148x762, 417K)

Other urls found in this thread:

That guy looks very feminine, almost Asian-like

He has a wider jaw than any horse faced Nerdic.

Attached: nerdic.jpg (960x960, 161K)

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Sw*Doid athletes

Attached: 1491496996981.jpg (1224x3444, 560K)

Italian athletes.

Tell me with a straight face that the Sw*Doids look better.

Attached: Italian_athletes_Rio_2016_1.jpg (1280x2890, 1.6M)

0% of the self-proclaimed mediterraneans in this board look like this. The mediterranean shilling is widely used by literal shitskins who try to chip into the European spectrum while disgracing the actual mediterraneans.

A real man gives a shit about "aesthetics". He would own - now matter how you look or he looks, sweetheart.

Looks like a tranny Maisie Williams. Find a better Greektalian to post

Attached: B679173A-B383-4936-90C3-BAFAC4D53955.jpg (1120x630, 102K)

Lol what the fuck is that hideous manlet mutt looking thing

It's Maisie Monday

Attached: Game of Bums.jpg (623x752, 66K)

You aren't a true Med Chad anyway. You're closer to Nerdics with your dolicho incel skull.

Attached: psm_v50_d611_europe_cephalic_index_map_18710.jpg (2099x2702, 763K)

The redpill on dolicho Nerdics:

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

we can see this because the last thing that these subjects use to still be considered "white", even by American standards, is the fact of their geografical flag when posting. Many shitskins from the americas try to chip in as mediterranean when in fact they are passable castizos or mestizos who still dream of being considered european when they clearly arent.
So, they effortfully shill everyday these pseudocombats "nordics vs Mediterraneans" because they deep down know they aren't mediterranean - they just want to move the goalpost a little enough to make the definition suitable for jewish/magrehbine mongrels like them to enter the European spectrum.
This is very dangerous. normalizing genetic brown skin and non-european traits into be considered european under the "Atlanto Med" cover up will be catastrofic. It is expected that the jews will engage in this behaviourm like they already do now. They already put Sephardic Jewish and Askenazin Jewish under the european section on their faulty and non-reliable "genetic test facilities" products. This will dup the general population into thinking that there are "european jews" when they clearly aren't.

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Based Greece and Italy meso-brachy Chad brothers

Attached: ci greece.jpg (572x712, 53K)

Attached: PSM_V51_D742_Cephalic_index_of_italy.png (2227x2589, 489K)

Thank god for finn-mongol genes, the best ones in the whole world.

Attached: Vauramo_web4.jpg (525x727, 172K)

Does this mean the Swiss aren't white?

Be thankful you aren't a dolicho Nerdic indeed. I think the avg CI in Finland is 80, so meso.

Meant to quote:

at least you didn't use gandy again

Crab people crab people

Southern europeans and northern europeans just aren't the same race. The mountains in central europe like the alps have acted as a divide to seperate the two populations. There's nothing wrong or controversial about this, it's just a fact. Just take pride in your people and their accomplishments instead of larping as someone else. Nothing in this board irritates me more than self loathing southern europeans.

Ayyy! Boopity boppity
Wops. Not even once

Just because "they aren't the same race" it doesn't mean that shitskins and literal brown mongrels are mediterranean, and thus european.

this is true.

Only when they aren't filled with nigger blood.


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They aren't. That's not what I was going with. Niggers are seperated by the sahara. Arabs are seperated by the med sea. Mongols are seperated by the steppe. Nords and meds are seperated by the alps. Those are all distinct populations.


Attached: helper headphones tears.png (354x286, 29K)

North Africans also aren't arabs, although, most of them suffered severe mixing with them and some bedouin ones from the arabian peninsula.

Maybe. They are seperated by the suez canal and historically the levant and north africa were distinct populations. Anglos also are a race of their own.

none of you are actually athletically Jow Forums

Of course. I didn't imply that anywhere. Sandniggers are inbred dolicho incels just like Nerdics. Unfortunately, that goes for Spain and Moortugal too, you're closer to them in appearance with your extreme dolichocephaly and long horse face.

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>Sandniggers are inbred dolicho incels
You can find ancient mediterranean phenotypes in modern population of north Africa and Middle East.

Michelangelo(closer to meso) and Bernini, for example, are mediterraneans dolichocephalic.

Attached: Michelangelo.png (539x354, 273K)

They're all dolich*iDs with horse faces and weak gracile features. They only look alike Spanish and Portuguese. Italy and Greece are meso-brachy and more Chad looking.

Attached: Cephalic-index-world-wide.jpg (716x416, 67K)

is that one of those gender neutral things?

Yes, king Tut is of mediterranean dolichocephalic, same goes with some other's skulls of Egypt, i could agree that.

Attached: tut.jpg (450x550, 22K)

Look at hitler and Einstein they have heads like that but are Brachy. Same with dinarics who have long faces but flat heads. Facial index/=/Cephalic Index

Einstein is clearly brachy, could not agree with Hitler(closer to meso?)

Attached: hitler2.png (564x486, 442K)

Usually, it's correlated though. Pic related, Italians and Greeks have shorter faces and more Chad features compared to Spanish and Portuguese.

Attached: avgSE.jpg (750x500, 51K)

The portugueses have short face too.

Not sure. I definitely see a lot of horse faced Spaniards though, so the composite is accurate for them in my opinion at least.

lol you wish, Achmed.

More redpills. Where does the meme that Germanic men have square jaws come from? They're all long faced cucks with weak jaws.

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You see. Faelid race is germanic, too. Not only nordid.

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for some reason my ww2 folder is mostly BDM

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