So.. uhm.. will Colombians be allowed in the ethnostate or naw?
So.. uhm.. will Colombians be allowed in the ethnostate or naw?
God yes, their women are gorgeous.
just your wimen
Colombian girls are uggo
el goblino...
Of course
Colombian is no more a single ethnicity than American or Mexican. White Colombians should be welcome.
If they descend from Europeans, then yes. Otherwise, no. I suppose the ethnostate will have a treshold or standard of how much nonwhite blood is acceptable.
Sure thing dummy.
White ones with Sofia Vegara tiddies will be
Looks white enough to me.
Those are some dick sucking lips HNGGGGG
Coloumbia is an enthostate they are all coloumbian. Stay with your shitskin tribe you're not needed.
What's the threshold? Btw, if I stood in line with 19 Europeans and someone had to identify which of us is Colombian, they wouldn't even be able to guess.
I'm pretty sure, at some point in the next 100 years, there's going to be an ethnic cleaning in South America. I've never been to my mother's country, but my understanding is that there is a very clear class divide based on race.
That's what you think.
I used to tell people that I'm Colombian and they wouldn't believe me. I have absolutely zero nonwhite traits. Someone actually accused me of lying for attention once.
This looks fascinating. Is there more in this rabbit hole?
Here's the thing shitskin. We're having an ethnic cleansing based on race here too. And you're it.
Sure thing faceless anonymous internet poster. I believe you.
You wouldn't be able to point me out in a crowd unless you DNA tested everyone, so good luck.
So you keep trying to telling me.
OP's pic is prolly a trap
Latin America has this weird tendency of producing traps. I have no clue why.
Columbia is for the Colombians. Why don't foreigners fucking understand this shit. Fix your own shitholes and stop trying to make our country shittier.
The cuba one is fucking retarded, have you ever been to cuba? Everyone is fucking black or mutt.
Kek you actually went there? How shitty was it?
lots of glyphosate and atrazine sprayed in those countries and cohencidentally in California as well, the capital of traps in the U.S.
La goblina
Spic can't have an ethno state as they lack a race
They are more open about the idea of degenerary.
And don't deny it: there is a big market for trap prostitutes out there; so it brings a lot of money.
Guys gladly pay their money for "a girl with a dick" these days, because they feel they will not get rejected by a "bro" i.e. a boy dressed as a hooker.
Low protein diet
Lots of quinoa(SA soi)
Mutts can't cut degerates family members from their life.
If there were actually a castizo ethnostate, I would go there and brush up on my Spanish. But no such thing will ever exist and people think I'm white, so I'm going to ride that as far as it'll take me.
I used to co-run a discord for Jow Forums anons in my city and when I met with some of the anons IRL, one of them was affiliated with a local branch of Identity Evropa and he asked me to join. I declined because I didn't want to get beaten up if someone found out I'm part Colombian.
There's a big market for prostitutes in general down there. It's only logical that all the different niches are covered. It's like a shitty, dirty brown Weimar.
So soft and rapable.
That person very likely has a penis.
>Goblinos that can't even keep their country safe from drug cartels
Miami here. If only you knew how bad Colombians really are..
The country IS a drug cartel.
Why the fuck would you live there? Even my mom thought Miami was too trashy and settled in the midwest.
Its not shit. Just fucking weird and kind of unpleasant because everything seems like its decaying and people look like theyve given up on life a lot. But la habana has some beautiful stuff and great architecture.