Is Jow Forums for or against universal healthcare?
Is Jow Forums for or against universal healthcare?
>universal healthcare
Communism. Just say communism. It's shorter.
I'll never be able to retire and get medicare so gib it now
It wouldn't be needed if we start telling people over 75 to pay cash or fuck off and die.
like the whole whole universe or just the known universe?
What about people who can't pay taxes, who pays for them?
>is Jow Forums....
Go away shill
Most people here have different opinions
on top of the costs of the eternal wars in the middle east? No thanks.
Not a terrible idea but confusing it for a right is dangerous feminine retardation
I am against all medical care. Doctors should be guillotined
It's worked out great for our Veterans...said no one ever.
>is Jow Forums X
Low effort slide thread. Sage it dumbasses
In small homogenous nations.
The US is the largest debtor nation in the history of the world of course.
Literally dredge the slums of Asia Africa Arabia and Latin America and dump them on US schools hospitals roads environment medicare medicaid.
# mass immigration
americans are so deranged, the idea they are "the best" is so deeply ingrained in their national psyche that they will accept any amount of ill treatment and simply tell themselves everyone else is wrong. richest country in the world but children die every day of treatable diseases? HUGGHH COMMUNISM. packs of niggers are running around with automatic weapons killing children? HUUGGHH NO INFRINGE ME. at this point the world would be better of if the united states was just glassed from orbit. its autism on a national level
eugenics solves both. no gun control or communism required.
without us you're Chinese territory
just say no to red faggots
Against it obviously.
Google wait times for surgeries in Australia. It's fucked. I know a guy who was sent to the UAE as part of a joint training mission and he had same day surgery done on his hand... It's at least 6 months for any surgery in Australia. Heart Valve replacement? You're going to die on a waiting list.
healthcare should not be a privilege, it will just act like modern natural selection.
You have no idea what living in the US is like, you stupid Abo.
and? this is what i mean. you think your brand of tyranny is somehow superior to the chinks? more mundane examples include the us driving in the right hand land and using the imperial system. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU RETARDS?
>universal healthcare
the government promising to take care of everyone is a pipe dream, buddy.
The free market is the only way to provide services like healthcare to people sustainably and efficiently. We need more free market reforms, and less regulations.
yeah mate I'm okay with the imperial system but right hand driving seems really cunty
Why should I pay for your healthcare, you fat fucking pill head?
After finally reading the packet my job sends me every year for our High Deductible Health Insurance and figuring out that it's basically worthless and my wife and I have more or less been priced out of having kids. Sign me up. I'm tired of giving these assholes 100 dollars a paycheck for something that I cant use. Thanks Obama!
Which reminds me, now I have to call them and fight with them because they dont want to cover my wife's yearly woman exam. $160 dollars out of the thousands I've paid in premiums.
I just wish they didn't lump universal healthcare in with something that is actually worthless, like free college all the time.
I hate this country
Says the prison island. They only reason you people survived was that you were the scum of your previous society and even then were totally dependent on them until you turned to us in WWII and continue ducking our cock till today. Keep it up aussie how about you scratch the back of your throat while you're down there.
>You're going to die on a waiting list.
no you wont you fucking idiot liar. if your life is threatened you will be operated on immediately.
"Universal" "health" "care"
In a White Nation, yes.
Doctors could treat children for free if they wanted to or cared enough. They just want shekels.
I’m for it but only because it seems like the perfect way to introduce eugenics
no unless its the genocide of satanists
You are so fucking stupid. Socialism does NOT equal communism. Nothing wrong with socialized healthcare when the population is homogenous. Since you live in muttland you will never know this.