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*cricket noises*


How realistic do you think universal basic Is? Like how realistic of actually implementing it and I it succeeding do you think it Wil be? Generally curious cause Yang seems like the only sane Democrat and with all the other candidates it looks like an easy win for Trump at this point


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>How realistic do you think universal basic Is?



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Universal basic income is the communist welfare system with better marketing. From each according to his ability to each according to their need.

So you don't know how it works, it's just gibmedats, you're no better than a nigger or spic.

The jew fears the samurai.



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Gook gun grabbers go home.

>Gook gun grabbers go home.

[Citation needed]

t.I need muh high powered bazooka

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>[Citation needed]

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Jew gook wants to take my weapons, use failed terrorized king dollah to fund the no work puny can't purchase anything shekels game, will not abolish kike Fed...

idiots on Jow Forums will sell their soul for a food stamp for not working....muh "automation" lie

>muh "automation" lie
Automation is already here and there's even more coming dude. I don't know why you'd think it's a lie.

Fuck this chink faggot. I'm voting for Patrick Little.

Patrick Little 2020
>vid related

It's opt-in, so if you want to be on your high horse and feel like you're too good for $1000 extra a month, then you can choose not to take it.

Because retards think it's bad and think it creates unemployment

None of that says he's taking away muh guns.

Patrick little 1488

Patrick Little is literally a CIA operative.
Stop falling for this retarded shit, man.

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memes aside, if you're over 18 you probably realize that if Yang gets elected, that doesn't mean you'll start getting Neetbux by 2021. See Trump's wall. Every nog and kike will screech how racist it is to cancel exclusive gibsmedat for nogs and kikes and every neocon will screech about avocado toast. It will be an uphill battle but it'd be good to popularize these ideas nonetheless.

Little is a Republican you mong. There won't be a R primary

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Even communists don't support UBI as they acknowledge that it doesn't solve the fundamental drawbacks of private capital.
It is literally a college dropout meme tier policy

It doesn't replace welfare (maybe some programs), however you can either get welfare/disability/social security or NEETbux, but not both. No doubt it'll be a tough sell though.

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if only Bannon was around, he also supported basic income

This chink may be popular in theory, but when it comes to brass tax, no one realised the implications of "free" money. Is there other price controls that will be put into place alongside this "free" money idea? Shlomo will just increase my rent $1,000 on what I pay now.

This is what the fight for $15/hr crowd fails to realize. Do they not know the implications of market forces and inflation?

I can't even imagine what the niggers will do with this. Better invest in Nike because of Dem Jordan's, KFC, and Beats Headphones. Do you know how many rap record labels will be made one the hood niggers get there gubmint munny?

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>even communists don't support UBI
I don't think I'm going to take economic advice from a commie.

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>when it comes to brass tax
jesus christ user

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>"But what about inflation? Won't prices automatically adapt to the new basic? (in other words, you won't be poor with 0 but with 1000 dollars, because prices go up and you cant afford anything again)"


UBI is an absolute brainlet ideology.

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Yes I'm sure it will never ever expand so you can claim both because the Dems would never want that to happen

I keep seeing this talking point shilled, what a load of garbage. So you're saying that salaries should never go up because all the prices wil go up with them?
And yet salaries have been rising dramatically in the US until the 1970s.
What you're saying is that a nation can never become prosperous and first world and that's a blatant lie.

If they did that, then I'd just quit my job and live off of welfare. That'd never happen though.

Yes goyim, your purchasing power shall never go up again, only down. That's why I don't raise your salaries anymore, t. Mr Shekelstein.

those salaries went up with the economic growth of decades though

Price adaptions are a matter of months.


You'd have about a year of collecting welfare before there was no food on shelves, the money became Zimbabwe tier worthless, and the power grid had constant rolling blackouts.

If you're an accelerationist though good news, you'll get that within 2 years if Yang is president whether you get UBI + welfare or not. His 10% VAT will literally destroy the US.

Using text-to-speech. Stop busting muh balls.

Bull fucking shit. The economy has tripled over the last 4 decades yet the purchasing power has stagnated and is in now collapsing as formerly first world nations become de facto 2nd world.


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You gotta problem with brass?

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$3 trillion a year for UBI. Where is that coming from?

Anyone have Yang oc?

Why the fuck would anyone unironically support this fucktard?

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only citizens of working age nigger

Is this reverse psychology or normal psychology

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no it hasn't thats not and economy GDP jew cuck purchasing power kids to adult ratio is...killing off all the unemployed and still having legit 90% unemployment rates, massive homelessness where there was non and faked BLS bullshit "stats" are not reality son....hence the NEET explosion the incel explosion...and of course all these homeless mfers I see in the tent cities...walk outside jeez

Nothing wrong with that plan. Sure it would be annoying, but it's hardly him physically taking your guns.

Yang is the last candidate to support for accelerationist purposes. UBI would be a net positive on the American middle class. It's also a necessity as automation continues to displace more and more workers, even Elon Musk agrees with this.

He fears the power of the chinaman

Salaries go up because employers and employees produce more value in the same amount of time. The fact that they produce more value is what makes them relatively more wealthy.
Universal brainlet income

Yes I'm sure a 10% tax on every step of the supply chain for all physical commodities is going to be great for the middle class.

Yang would literally destroy the US economy entirely within 2 years if he actually got what he wanted done.

>freedom bucks
one of the most orwellian terms for socialism i've ever heard

Only people who graduated high school would get it until they hit 20.

that = conservative estimate 10k per year

LMAO...considering that pure inflation....inflation already 20% a year high value goods aka HOUSING where its all at despite massive drops in demand...that would mean 40% least a doubling considering its raw injected not as easy to export to Venezuela, China etc.

So....guess what....15 dollar Big Macs....8 dollar gas and 10 dollar loaf of bread if IF we murder and rape at least 3 more countries to maintain king dollar for the exempted protected jew system..

Not including the incentive for people to do jack shit....rents prices wow....why work more people drop out....only thing that will it boost is live at home NEETS parents secured the home surroundings and online gambing/investment...

Lets demand from the government free pussy.

wow so 98% of neets are fucked way to go kill of the unemployed choke em "degressive"

Based kike :)

>ching chang comes in from nowhere
>shilled by MSM
>shilled on the chans
fuck off already

lmao....way to bribe the smallest voting block for a limited time with massive inflation retard

>Voting for a gook
What have you amerimutts become?

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UBI is the jew tactic to divert and lie to bribe us back into the jew dialectic and not overthrow and massacre their power grid...fuck them

>I can't even imagine what the niggers will do with this.

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That is an outrageous claim.

>10% tax on every step of the supply chain
Where did you get that from?


His website. That's what a VAT is.

>I'll take hyperbole for 10, Alex

It's also the truth

And before you post that bullmarket investment return graph consider that not every earning is the same.

Trump supports UBI for Israel only.


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UBI seems good however how do you prevent hoarders from getting the money?

No I'm literally stating what a VAT is. It's not an opinion or an exaggeration it's just a fact.

Well his stipulations are that you have to graduate high school to get full benefits

It actually wouldn't cause inflation as you aren't forcing companies to pay more to their workers, therefore driving up costs.
The money will maybe come in taxes but it might end up coming back as more money to spend means more money going back to these companies. I can see maybe the price of housing going up - to keep blacks out of nice area cuz that extra 1000 a month could go to rent or a place they would otherwise not afford

>be greatest white nation on earth
>let yourself ruled by a chang

it would work great to cut the throat of SS obligations

nigger yang needs to hang

Salvini is browner than most Mexicans you dumb Dago

sucking cocks in hell

lets fuck the yang shills together

they will think it's pelican bay

chinks are subhumans
I thought jews have already made enough suffering, so what is the reason to post chinks

>shilled by MSM
He cant even afford to go to the debates you utter nigger
Anyone who thinks this is an op are actually braindead

I fail to see how this is an issue. The profit gains from replacing humans with robots/AI can easily cover the costs of the VATs.

hasbara detected

Give tax money to the joos and bankers? Or give money to the average joe?

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All he can see is a minor tax raise and then exaggerate the impact that would have despite the fact that a UBI would salve the sting

Fuck off ching

Do you prefer Schlomo's dick up your butt?

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He came just in time for when Trump went back on every single one of his election promises. A God send really.

There are lonbysists on K-street who's sole purpose is to not have the latter happen.

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How about the trillions in 2008/09 that were printed and given to the Jews in banking?

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>China influencing the 2020 election

It just doesn’t get better than this kek

ching chong
ching chong
chinese spy

ching chong
ching chong
chinese spy

ching chong
ching chong
chinese spy

>the absolute state of america

Shlomo VS Lu

I know. My job literally deals with automating manufacturing processes. When companies invest hundreds of thousands of dollars replacing dozens of employees with automated machines, they know they are A) making more money, and B) saving a lot of money.
Automation is pure profit at the expense of workers. Which that's not necessarily bad, it's just reality.

>"the economy" is equivalent to purchasing power

Spotted the brainlet.

The core reason why monetary values have gone up drastically is the digitalization of the stock market. If you can trade a lot and you can trade that shit fast it's gonna have a very positive effect.

But that is completely irrelevant to the purchasing power of the individual (unless you are invested in a company - which you should be if you aren't an idiot, but that's another story) The job-related markets and thus purchasing power don't grow at the same rates. But they still grow.

The comparison to the stock market growth or bundling those two and using it as a comparative value for anything is retarded though and normally done by economically impaired commies.

Who are also retarded.

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Wow that'll certainly be helpful in 20 years, too bad it will completely destroy the country in the meantime. Thanks Yang Gang!

>he thinks the USA can't find 3 trillion dollars by cutting programs in other places

i will half to donate to tulsi mommy so she can debate

>The core reason why monetary values have gone up drastically is the digitalization of the stock market. If you can trade a lot and you can trade that shit fast it's gonna have a very positive effect.
This is simply not the case. Yes, digital stock markets have helped trading, but they also make crashes easier. All that money moving so quickly means it can drop into a whole way quicker as well. People can bail on stocks faster than ever before and facilitate a crash in lightspeed.
>it is wrong to compare job markets and purchasing power
This is absolute nonsense. They are not equal, certainly, but a good market will always have a benefit on purchasing power.