Millennials are save in the nick of time.
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based time-chan
*inherits mcmansion*
>reverse mortgages the house
nothing personal kiddie
*komm, susser todd*
Im pretty sure that people have been saying this will happen in the "next 5 years" for the past 15
Wow, excited!
it's not like there's a question about if this will happen. people literally don't live forever you fucking retarded leaf.
What happens when all those old people with mortgages and houses die and leave all this shit that no one can afford? Who is going to pay the property taxes on all that?
*pays off reverse mortgage*
Cheaper than my own.
>housing crash helps citizens
nigger no
the banks are going to buy up as much property as they can again and then inflate the prices higher than before
just like last time
not if the population crashes
>What happens when all those old people with mortgages and houses die and leave all this shit that no one can afford? Who is going to pay the property taxes on all that?
They're going to sell off our country to international capital faster than they already are as they realize the bell tolls.
Banks lose money with property.
ill believe it when i see it
they still have enough time, size, control, and momentum to sell out at least 2 more generations to buy themselves an additional 10-15 years
boomers are a meme
there is a slight drop off to the next generation, but nothing really significant
exactly what im thinking.... all the while insisting they bring in thousands of more "workers" to "build a new economy" bla bla bla bla
This is gunna turn into a war.
...they dont pay property taxes though do they?
>fuck the economy
>buy all this shit
>think you're a magnate or something when you start owning properties (ever talked to people like this?)
>tell millennial/zoomers they're entitled, etc
"Oh hey, who the fuck is going to buy my property I value at 1.5 million? Maybe I can find somebody, but problem is my friends are now all doing it too, shit"
>realize the solution
>just sell everything off to foreign governments like our polititians already have
You know in Thailand they have it in the law that foreign people can't own property, their spouse (if Thai) legally owns it. Because they knew shit like this would happen.
Take note, all asian readers, and hope your government has some kind of protections there for you.
(Or just hope USA and China have nuclear war)
You know what else crashes? the white population level.
its an overall difference of several million AND its not like gen Xers ever got a lot of money OR a lot of children to pass all that wealth they don't have onto...
This is going to fracture American Society
So basically save money for a home the next 5-10 years? lmao
>long awaited
Not gonna happen, brainlet.
I would rather have my family around... sheesh
>"j-just a slight drop off"
Good now i can buy dirt cheap property
>sorry, goyim. no houses for you
>*imports billions of poojeets, spics, chinks to reinflate housing*
According to Fannie Mae’s report, as baby boomers exit their owner-occupied homes there could be a glut of new homes and steep decline in price-- returning to historic, pre-globalization levels.
Government Solutions to prevent a return to home affordability includes Mass Immigration, which spurred the dramatic price surge in housing booms 1 and 2.
Adjust immigration policy to create more potential homeowners, to keep hyperinflated prices afloat.
Advocates for this tactic suggest that creating more legal households would increase the number of potential owner-occupants in the market.
Half of the younger generations are poor as fuck shitskins whose families have only lived in the US since the sixties or later. They aren’t going to be buying houses for 800k
>They're going to sell off our country to international capital faster than they already are as they realize the bell tolls.
I got a aunt that contracts for one of those alphabet agency's. Not in like a spooky way but shes a little in the know.
She's always talking about this, raving like a lunatic about how China owns everything and don't even know how bad it actually is.
>the over complex roof built with garbage tier shingles already needs replacement
lol good luck
we can only hope it will fracture american society. i'm tired of this meme that says 'liberals and immigrants are just like you and me, they just have different values'
For every one boomer that dies 3000 immigrants enter the housing market, with half the Mexican, Poojeet, Chink, Yiddish ones already popping out kids.
The boomers are dying, housing costs should be plumetting but its not. You know why?
You have no birthright, you are a slave to the landlords who flood you with competition to fight.
Its about keeping the mouse on the wheel.
It's one of the reasons they have been so keen on importing Nu-Americans.
They don't want another era of cheap housing and workers being able to support families on a single income.
I think the bigger issue is that people treat houses like a long term investment when they have to to gutted and rebuilt after 30 years if not sooner.
So many abandoned, deteriorating homes across the nation
>"The selfishness that has been a hallmark of the Boomers will continue right up to the very end, as they force millions of younger Americans to devote an inordinate amount of time and resources to their care, bankrupting the Social Security system in the process," Clausewitz said.
>"In their old age, the Boomers will actually manage to take as much from the next generation as they did the previous one, which fought WWII so that their Boomer children could have Philco TVs and Davy Crockett air rifles."
WTF I thought that The Onion was supposed to be satire?
Local governments are milking the fuck out of boomers in property taxes... it’ll be a nightmare when and if the is a high die off. If I was a kid, I’d wait until the market and local government come to their senses.
If true thank God. I can finally afford a home when these assholes 3 houses jack up availability...assuming Trump doesnt give them all to the hordes he's claiming to bring in.
This is the “redistribution of wealth” from the poor and middle class to the moneyed set which gets no air time from politicians. Everyday people have no chance at buying a decent house at a decent price after a foreclosure. Those are, instead, bundled for wealthy hedge funds, Wall St. insiders and the like.
they can have this shit I don't want it.
The worst part about all of this is that those shitskins aren’t going to pay for those houses, they’re going to get section 8 gibs paid for by whitey to live in those houses. The kikes are going to get whitey’s money still, but worthless shitskin free-loaders get all of the reward. Middle-age white millennial workers will be living in closets, alone, while paying for spics and niggers to live a suburban lifestyle
from January 2000 to July 2006, starting with Bush NWO leader's Housing Bubble, home prices surged 900%
Avg price of house around 1998 before globalisation and free-trade went full swing
>$180k in NYC (boros)
>$150k in Bay Area
>$150k in LA
>$120k in DC
>$140k in Sydney
>$120k in Melbourne
>$140k in Toronto
>$190k in Vancouver
>£70k in London
Avg price of house after 2004 massive free-trade/open-borders
>$800k in NYC (boros)
>$1m in Bay Area
>$600k in LA
>$500k in DC
>$900k in Sydney
>$700k in Melbourne
>$600k in Toronto
>$1m in Vancouver
>£400k in London
before free trade:
>domestic production of goods
>goods were affordable and of high quality
>lowest cost of living
>affordable housing (house costs only 2 times the annual salary)
>90% white
after free trade:
>homeless/opiod/suicide epidemic/white genocide
>highest cost of living
>unaffordable housing (10-20 times the annual salary)
>plummeting life expectance
>shit quality products that kill you
>millions of illegal shitskin locusts invading and killing whites
the next generation doesn't have nearly as much disposable income
entire industries are dying off because millenials can't afford boomer standards of living
>bankrupting the Social Security system in the process
Too late
Every term since Regan has made sure to spend the surplus in Social Security to the point of having an IOU tucked away in the treasury file cabinet.
The only reason prices aren’t dropping is because the government is spending more on housing benefits. The REAL, AVERAGE rent paid for by a typical shitskin is insanely low, they get all the fucking money for free from whitey
Just hope for war between China and.......and fucking anybody at this rate.
Are you suggesting that the state doesn't demand payment from banks?
Remember George Bush opening borders to spics/poojeets and calling for every foreigner to own an American home (regardless of the ability to pay or price and paid for by the tax payer= bailouts)?
bush allowed millions of Mexicant/poo/chink invaders to the US and helped them get home loans and bailed them out with tax payer money
NYC/LA is 95% foreigner (invaders) and they buy all the houses. avg house costs $1mill now, same house was $100k in 1999. fuck globalism
it wouldn't surprise me if the writer of that blog buys "modern" art
>inherent house
>have to sell it to pay off student loans that have been following me for 10 years
What the fuck are the Jews going to do with all these vacant houses anyway?
Bush conspired with Greenspan to import millions of illegals and poos to prop up a housing bubble, after the collapse of Greenspan's tech ponzi bubble.
the Bush administration’s trafficked millions of Hispanics and told the goyim that beaners were “natural Republicans” and that the best way to get them into the fold was to give them a stake in the “ownership society” through various housing subsidies. Hispanics’ increasing numbers in the so-called “sand states” had a lot to do with the bubble’s disproportionate influence in those regions, and these subprime borrowers’ low levels of human capital and earnings eventually led to the music stopping as payments were unmade and new borrowers could not materialize to prop up the inflated housing prices. I mean, throughout the boom, no one said, “Does it make sense a sheetrocker from Chiapas making $11/hour can afford a $400K McMansion in Anaheim?”
This is what may be called an “overdetermined” event. In other words, without large levels of Hispanic immigration and Bush’s obsession with cultivating beaner political support, the bubble would not have happened.
The relationship of the demented immigration policy of the post-1986 amnesty years must not be allowed to disappear into the memory hole — as, of course, both parties would like it to. They will try to twirl the “bubble” into a case of bad economics, if not an act of God like an earthquake.
About fucking time. Fuck boomers. Plus with them gone millennials will actually have to take responsibility for once now that the scape goat is gone
What kind of psychopathic headline is this? Wow, people get old. Thanks Expert. I never knew this.
Better hope things go well for us otherwise there's going to be more people dying than just boomers.
Lets be honest and call it for what it is.
It's literally one of the few bi-partisan agreements of both mainstream parties for the last 30 years.
Whether up front or under the table is irrelevant.
Both have been flooding our economy and housing markets with refugees.
During 2008 crash... the houses just sat there and rotted. After a few years of sitting there stale and unused they had all sorts of weird expensive problems.
>What the fuck are the Jews going to do with all these vacant houses anyway?
have the fed pay to store somalians in them
This. Government/Fed will never allow housing to return to historic levels of 2X median income.
They will use tax payer money to bailout the shitskins they traffick to hyperinflate housing
Since 2009, the Fed’s intervention has restored prices to mania levels.
the massive intervention in 2009, had largely reinflated housing bubble . Housing continues to be the way that the PTB get people to go massively in debt to fuel the World wide globalist ponzi economy.
Housing prices in the US must not be permitted to continue falling, says the chief investment officer, Bill Gross
this finance asset-based economy is totally dependent on rising asset prices and the resulting bailouts from tax payers
the Federal Reserve through fiscal policy measures must halt the decline and put a floor under housing prices in order to stop the deterioration in this asset-based economy
This is something that truly cannot be permitted to continue
The Federal Reserve responded to the bubble collapse with unprecedented intervention to prop up housing values: the Fed dropped short-term interest rates to near-zero (i.e. ZIRP, zero-interest rate policy) and bought roughly $2 trillion of mortgage-backed securities in two waves. (That's about 20% of the entire U.S. mortgage market.)
If you're renting when the Boomers really start dying off you're fucked. The Chinese are buying up shit left and right and gaming the system. All while the Boomers eviscerated any sense of preservation of the generational family unit.
I'm looking to buy property now because I see the writing on the wall. The slumlords are all Chinese, same with a lot of High Value rentals where I live. My building recently sold and 2/4 people looking to buy we're fresh off the boat Chinese.
I got lucky because my family still gives a shit, but I feel bad for people with stereotypical boomerparents who would rather go broke reliving the 60's than think about what the future looks like for their great great grandchildren.
>TFW as a born and naturalizied white American we are walking into being second class citizens with no way to stop it.
>The relationship of the demented immigration policy of the post-1986 amnesty years must not be allowed to disappear into the memory hole — as, of course, both parties would like it to. They will try to twirl the “bubble” into a case of bad economics, if not an act of God like an earthquake.
>checked and this
Reminder all Boomer threads are shill threads sponsored by Israel.
Banks rarely make money on houses. They usually recoup only part of the loan. This news is really good for millennial home buyers. I'm a 36yo ancient millennial elder so it's come a bit too late for me. My age group experienced.
>Graduate in 2005
>Layed off in 2009
>Gig economy until 2014 low wages
>Boomers buy all the homes and "flip" them so none of us can afford them or we are up to our eyeballs in debt with little equity to be seen in the future.
Since graduation we are lucky to have even 10 earning years at the lowest wages since 1970.
Speak for yourself, i own my home and i have enough guns and ammunition for a small army
This. Rent/housing will be 10,000/mo, completely subsidized if your skin color matches that of shit
Whites will have to commute 3 - 5 hours a day to the city for work, every square inch of every American city will be covered in feces, drug needles and homeless niggers that don't speak English. The cities will be filled completely with brown people - if you eat there or go to the pharmacy or hell, just go to a movie - every single "person" you encounter throughout your work day will say "fuck you looking at white boy? Say somethin' bitch I dare you" - especially bank tellers and cops.
Libtards will absolutely love it, praise it and refuse to work for their entire lives (while screaming for shit like UBI)
But can our Mother Earth continue to hold on long enough for the cancer to go into full remission?
It will go from the silent generation to the boomers then the millennials.i just watched a talk about market wealth transitory boomers as the biggest in history. The only boomers dying are the ones who are sick.
“all cash buyers” from China, a country that is blowing the biggest debt bubble of them all? It comes as “all cash” to Oz/Canada/USA, but must have debt payments tied to it from China, no?
This seems to imply that the Chinese can take out huge loans in China, buy overseas with “all cash”, default in China and remain the owner overseas real estate? Obviously this practice wouldn’t necessarily be limited to the Chinese, but they seem to be the largest practioners, no?
And if the Chinese buyer later sells the property his money is successfully laundered? If this what is going on at huge scale and helping to blow out these real estate bubbles? That is, print money for nothing in one country and use the cash to buy real assets in another country?
How can a society like this sustain it's self if no one is buying shit? Detroit still functions because of white people tax dollars what happens when that stops? Like I don't buy the Jews have a plan and are destroying us talking point I think it's just a lot of greedy politicians and CEOs with no regard to the future.
A lot of companies biugh up the land, tore down the houses on them, and build houses 4 times the size on the lot and sold for half a mill or more once the economy went back on the up swing. It was incredibly profitable
Every time you see a milennial or zoomer complain about their low salary or high price of housing, ask them if the situation would be better without 60 million immigrants and their descendants.
This is a good argument because the law of supply and demand has been drilled into them their entire lives (since neoliberal economics is a national religion).
Whenever I see the kids complain about this shit it’s always in the context of demanding the government do more, and when they virtue signal about immigrants it’s always in terms of some vague globohomo shit about “who we are”, they never connected the two and never thought that this shit has real impacts in their lives. It’s time to start making that connection for them.
are you complaining to ants?
Many milleniels may have a rude awakening. The school loans they have amassed are debt tied directly forever. To inherit anything the debtor must be paid in full first. ie the will sell the house and steal your families legacy.
Dear god come soon. I need to move out of mom's basement
Are you fucking dense? Of course they don't.
I don't have any debt because I never went to college. Feels good having a high IQ.
>That is, print money for nothing in one country and use the cash to buy real assets in another country?
Pretty much.
>Buy property here. Bilk much value you can out of it/our government and send money out of the country. Default on the house and leave laughing as China protects it's citizens.
The youngest boomers are only in their late 50s. They're not that old, dude.
ahhh made with agile development
In my area... that only happened on beach or waterfront property. The less desirable property just rotted
we can meme this into reality by killing meme boomer sip man
tho I enjoy me a good sip
sometimes I think lawnman is an antimeme, like MLP. meant to turn the alt right into boomers, a joke to zoomers
the goyim always bailout the globalists and their shitskin locusts
The (((Fed))) gives shitskins in foreign countries billions in free money so they buy up our houses all in cash they received from the Fed
The end of the Fed's monetary easing/money-printing devastated the periphery emerging-market economies, forcing capital to flee to safe havens such as US real estate. As China and the emerging economies that had boomed as Fed money poured into their economies rolled over, those who had accumulated the Fed's free money fortunes rushed to transfer their ill-gotten wealth into safe havens such as the US
This dynamic has fueled a vast all-cash housing trade in areas favored by foreign capital: NY, Miami, California, Seattle, Australia, Vancouver, etc.
globalization of regional housing markets is pricing out the middle class
a nation of homeowners is being transformed into a nation of homeless and renter serfs, as housing is snapped up by hedge funds, immigrants and corrupt elites laundering money from China and the emerging markets
Chinese mafia buy homes for cash in the US, Australia, UK, Europe and Canada. There is a flood of money laundered by Chinese mafia
This flood tide can be seen in real estate transactions, not just in the U.S. but in Australia, Canada and the U.K.:
These cash purchases by wealthy foreign nationals are creating a bifurcated housing market. In areas deemed desirable, Chinese and other foreign nationals are dominating the market (see: 80% Of All New Home Buyers in Irvine, CA Are Chinese).
If the mortgagee dies or moves out the bank takes the house and sells it. There is no paying off a reverse mortgage, it is a commitment to sell.
We gentrified the absolute fuck out of my city. You cant buy a house made in the last decade for less than 400k right now and yiu would br lucky to find it that low
Yep, but goyim are being forece-fed globalist lies that:
deflation of wages is good
hyperinflation of cost of housing, products, food, services is good.
high unemployment destroys wage inflation
high unemployment is good
immigration destroys wages.
immigration increases cost of living, shelter, food, services.
immigration is good.
wage inflation is bad. above replacement domestic reproduction rates is bad. low cost of living is bad.
5 - 10 years
>weird expensive problems
some of the weirder problems were that some foreclosed houses were cursed by tenants, there's like a whole sub-genre of house hauntings caused by people cursing the property just before eviction.
Boomer here (58). We as a group are 54-74 years old, and thanks to modern medicine, will live well into out 100's.
We are not dying off, but our parents are, leaving us a fortune. This will be the greatest wealth transfer in history. Let me make this clear, the BOOMERS are the recipients of this wealth.
We are happy, and doing just fine, thank you!
If you don't mind though, would you please move out of my.basement? I wanted to set up a lathe and woodworking shop down there.
who would buy a flaming house though?
>depress wages through outsourcing, immigration and H1B visas
Another example of how lowering social standards by importing millions of poos, beaners, and chinks, have led to problems in the economy. Grade inflation is just an analogy, but in real economics, we have low real wages, low minimum wage, low interest rates, low effective tax rates on corporations and now we add to the list, low lending standards… What else can we add to the list?
Funny how all these lower standards led to more wealth for the richest, which is simply not socially efficient.
globalist macro-economic tricks of an economy now boil down to just one thing:
send White industries and wealth to apes in Asia
low interest rates to prevent economy from collapsing the housing bubble bursting;
fiscal repair to prevent the bubble bursting, and
mass immigration to prop up the bubble even though it is crushing living standards and gutting wages.
Eery fucking time the neoliberal goyim moans about housing shortage they always fail to mention that we are inviting about 30 million people per decade to come and live here - of course there's a fucking housing shortage.
the left continues to complain about falling wages but demands the importation of unregulated masses of illegal unskilled workers whose only economic effect is to depress wages.
Open borders or affordable housing - your choice
my moms a boomer all her brothers and sisters are dropping like flies a few months apart, no one is inheriting shit because nobody really had anything but debt.
>The (((Fed))) gives shitskins in foreign countries billions in free money so they buy up our houses all in cash they received from the Fed
also, foreign central banks officially print trillions US dollars that the Fed does not account for
FOREIGN banks create off-shore dollars. These are the "dollars" and dollar-denominated debt that have been flooding the world, creating asset bubbles and enabling countries to maintain trade surpluses with the US But they are not dollars backed up by any "real" dollars.
The Fed doesn't even measure off-shore dollars, despite the fact that trillions and trillions have been created over the last decade.
its literally FAKE MONEY given to shitskins to buy us out and replace White people
well said user. we need to educate the masses
You think they give a shit if society collapses? They live in nice gated communities and send their kids to private schools with other Jews. They’ll be fine. They’re used to living in and amongst their own and helping each other out. A collapsed society is just a way to get valuable assets at a discount. It’s what happened when NYC collapsed in the 1970s and 1980s.
I’m not sure you really understand how little the elites care about you and the society you live in. Worst case scenario they jet off to Israel or whatever. You’re the sucker who is stuck here not them.